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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
There is a second theory stating that this has already happened.
I'm with whoever stated that theory. u_u
Upon entering's backroom this afternoon, I cried out the words, "IT'S IN GREY-SCALE!!!!!" Finally, the sickeningly baby-ish blue is gone.^^
Sammie-chan is very, very cool.
Even though I really don't have much to say right now (aside from that I really should be working on that three-week-old essay I haven't started yet, as it is due tomorrow), I will NOT be answering random questions!!! >:^O
And, no, I never said I wasn't going to get a button. NEVER!!! (Speaking of buttons, I'm a-thinking that I'll have to make one for Mr. Gar and a few other people until they get one for themselves...>_>)
*thinks really hard for a minute or two*
Ooo...I know! I will make this post a "looking back on banners" post. Bellow, are all of my Tsunade-themed banners:
Because I'm not. XP The story behind this banner is sort of...well, to be perfectly honest with you guys, I have no idea. I guess I'm just tired of seeing perfectly capable young women (or women in general, for that matter) devote their entire lives to some guy. Same goes for guys who revert to "slave" mode over a chick. : / Couldn't they be out finding a cure for cancer or something?
I. Love. The. Above. Quote.
I cannot stand it when people break into their sucky-tastic story of how "religion saved their life" and how they know that "God is inside of them and everything." When people ask me what religion I follow and act all huffy and shocked when I tell them "I never really bought into that entire bit," they don't seem to realize that they're kind of being rude...just kind of. :)
I figure that if I'm not happy right now, no ficticious figure is gonna "save me" or any bloody thing like that.
As you may or may not be able to tell, I prefer to center my banners around their messages. That is: the text.
I spent a while trying to figure out how to portray these words in a visually appealing and effective way, while making my name look like it belongs there. I think I did okay--the picture somehow fits, too, methinks...^_^
Because you do. XP
Sometimes, there's nothing else to say to people.
I was new to Photoshop at the time. Go easy on me.
Actually, the story behind this one will forever remain close to my heart in memories of childhood and friends, as geeky and stupid as the story may seem to those who weren't there.
After a few weeks of careful consideration, I finally allowed my friend, Yin, to play as a Yuan-ti in our DnD game.
Of course, being a snake, he faces alot of mean words (mostly from his fellow campaigners--but that is beside the point). I mean, what is a Yuan-ti of all things doing trooping around with a bunch of Elves and sub-categories of said species? Why isn't he in a Yuan-ti colony?
Well, the truth is Whimsical Wymmy is the bastard son of a snake that was raped by Orochimaru. O_o I don't even remember where this came from.
We like to make fun of Orochimaru--it's hard not to. Ask Sammie-chan, if you'd like to know more. *chuckle*
Hmmm...nothing to say about this banner, aside from the fact that I quite like the quote and that the colours look sort of weird, IMO. : /
Not my best stuff. Definately, not my best stuff.
And, as a new edition to the collection...
Because Tsunade's finger is a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Just ask Mr. Preston, seeing as he's such a big fan of Tsunade.
I think that's all of 'em.
Anyhoo, which one do you like best?^_^
I'm still partial to the "Go Rape a Snake." one, but I love them all, as self-absorbed as it sounds. :/
Why do people choose to bong each other in the bushes between a middle school (during lunch hour) and a major road? Oh, and there was a little-kids'playground right nearby, too.
And, no, I was not watching this--a bunch of my classmates were._ _U (I just heard about it later.) |
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
How (insert name here) Succeeded In Not Becoming the Leader, But Rather, Became a Tortured Artist, and Lived Happily Ever After For It
There will be a time and place for that one. It is the best story idea I have ever come up with, but, for now, I'm gonna focus on Izumi.
Possible titles:
-"The Grey Place"
-"The Life and Times of Izumi Yakemotto or The Inarguable Benefites of Knowing Victor"
I like the last one.
stupid (sTU-pid")see:Godel
56% on a theory test in music. I have been playing the piano for seven years, and the violin for two.
"Our Lady Peace" has got to be one of my favourite bands. I love their lead singer's voice (I don't know the names of famous people: I'm uninformed that way :( ). Maychance, I'll purchase one of their CDs. Perhaps. Maybe. Some day...
"But, Mom, geeks don't do drugs!"
EDIT: Sammie-chan, j'etais fabriquer un buton pour tu, parce que...PARCE QUE. >:^O
Tu peux veux-t-il "up there". *points* |
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Monday, April 26, 2004
If I could beat up any animal, I would beat up a sloth. >:^O
I do believe the latest thread on OB is something along the lines of "WHAT 2 ANIMALS WULD U WAN 2 SEE DUKE IT OUTT!?!??!!!!!111111" How inhumane can one get? : O It reminds me of that question that Sammie-chan thought I asked her once...
If you could beat up any animal, which one would you beat up?
So, to those sorry SOB's reading this, what animal would YOU beat the shit out of if you were forced to choose?
"If I could beat up any animal, I would beat up a sloth!" God damn, that was funny.
It has now been officially forbidden to draw on the desks during French class. :( What am I going to do in said class now?? LEARN?!_ _ *sigh*
I did not get to sleep in a minute last weekend. >: (
On Saturday, of course, I had my art class (which is actually rather enjoyable--and I got Gravitation, since I was in Cabbage Town, not too far from !ndigo...^_^), which means I have to wake up at seven, in order to take the subway downtown. Ugh.
On Sunday...don't talk to me about Sunday. Try leaving at 9:30am to get in the van, with seven other people (incidentally, they were all relatives, and my dad was the only dude among us--heh) to sit in a car for three hours, to go visit your grandmother at the hospital. Now, if we'd left a little later, it would have been fine. Hell, if we'd had a chance to consume anything after eight o'clock in the morning, it would have been "dandy."
But, as it was, the only one of us there who had eaten anything was my one aunt who met us there. She had a tuna sandwich and a Pepsi. It was 2:30pm, my grandmother is on an IV and the rest of us hadn't eaten since 7:30am. We spent fifteen minutes watching her eat.
We finally ran into a Subway on the way home, and bought, well, ALOT OF FOOD.
I had a tuna sandwich. W00t.
Now, for the question of the day:
The name "Alarm Clock" has nothing to do with it. Sammie-chan, Patringer--any suggestions? : / My brain is dead. X__X |
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Saturday, April 24, 2004
Riding the subway home from a day downtown today, I learned how angry one can sound through a speakerphone. The subway driver was bitching at the passengers for the entire hour-long ride. o.o"
I got volume 2 of Gravitation. Happy happy. (Haha, Sammie-chan!!)
Might do volunteer work for some orphan-in-developing-country-sponsoring program. That is: they want me to design their website. o.o" I haven't even gone to the current one yet.
Guess I'll go do that now... |
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Friday, April 23, 2004
...So says a friend of mine who is, as you must have guessed, is an adolescent male.
"However, people such as Gerald are an exception--his mind is about 76% porno. As for Earnest--my God, don't even go there." (The last person mentioned once made a snow-sculpture in order to pretend to have oral sex with it. O_o)
On a completely different note, I went out for dinner with my family yesterday. (Every so often, my mother becomes obsessed with a certain restaraunt, and will not leave us in peace until we eat a meal there..._ _U) Anyway, I had the strangest, yet most brilliant, foodstuff ever conceived by humanity.
I'll give you a moment to guess...
Okay! That ought to have been long enough.
-think spicey stir-fry
-really, really spicey
-deepfried chicken
-in a fajita
Me: Wtf?
Simon and Garfunkle pwn royally. Really really. : D (We had to disect and ruthlessly pick apart some of their lyrics during MATH CLASS!!! EEEE!! That, alone, made my day.^_^)
There is nothing as wonderful as missing math class for English poetry analysis. NOTHING. (Except maybe volume two of Gravitation, which I am getting tomorrow!!!)
Sammie-chan, I cannot believe you missed DnD!! You're so lucky! >:^O
(I never want to end up watching TLC--Trading Spaces--when I could be RPing EVER again. >:^O)
Seeing as today is Earth Day (or something like that), the entire city was required to stop and pick up litter for half an hour. O_o I wonder how much economic activity that...destroyed.
Anyway, my class got to frolic in the fields picking up trash. (Jimmy tried to pick up bird shit because he thought it was paper..._ _U)
Mer found a used condom lying in the soccer field. Laura found a thong in the same vacinity.
I don't want to know. O_o
"Come on, bitch, I'm gonna whup your ass!"
"Oh yeah?!"
The above conversation is the one Billy and "Gerald" had before having a "see-saw battle". : / I don't know how this works (as far as winning and losing goes), but I think the main idea is to squat on the seat (we have kiddy playground right near the school, for some reason, so they don't go up very high), and the first one to fall off loses.
I owned A.Y. at it last year, incidentally.
"Love, Actually" <--- the movie that should have had my English teacher for the voice over in the commercial (*laughs ass off*) |
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Thursday, April 22, 2004
How math class continues to ruin my life. (It's kind of scary...)
Okay, seeing as I promised [shameless plug]Gamma that I would direct the poor S.O.B.'s who actually bother to read this on-going dictation of crap to his pitiful little puddle in cyberspace, I did. Just up there. It's the one myOtaku account (except for maybe Sara-chan's [I don't plug because every one goes there, anyway o.-]) where you will never, ever, in a bajillion willion years, find a curse word.
Gamma: (In reference to the guestbook entry...) YES. & NEJI COULD!!! By all means, he most certainly could transform into a small, blue rodent and bash into people at 750m/h. You know it's true!! (If you don't, consult The Smma.)
This week, several of my oldest friends and I have been jogging our memories.
Ah, grade four. Things were so simple back then. There were only three things we, as a class, had to remember:
1. The other class is a mish-mash of dipwads who are not to be spoken to.
2. Nobody knows how Yin's running shoes keep ending up in the girls' washroom. NOBODY.
3. The following people "have cooties": *names ommitted*
I think Yin is still in denial about all the horrible things that were done to him/names he was called, as he refuses to "remember" any of them.
Incidentally, Naruto Unleashed is looking very uber and streamline. At least the layout is.^_^
*an award for Preston, Dan and Val*
The first five months of the year are so crammed with birthdays. And August, too. : / (At least when it comes to people I know...)
Four in January, two in February, maybe four or five in March, six in April, and six in May. (And six in August, I do believe. : / )
The first half of the year is a very popular time of the year for birthdays, it would seem. (And I've probably forgotten at least ten, overall._ _U)
If you would be so kind as to wait a moment while I fetch an ice-cream bar...
*insert calming strings music here*
"Spirit Week" is creeping up on us faster than Rock Lee can move, and I, for one, am growing more and more afraid.o_o And not just because of the thought of half the school showing up in their pajamas.
This week is Test Week, at my school, and I don't think I've passed a single one of the three I've taken. (I know that some people have these ginourmous exams and whatnot, but still.)
The worst part is that I knew everything the night before. :( (I've been taking piano for seven years, and couldn't figure out half of this easy-ass theory test in strings...><")
About the subject: I know it sounds immature and bitchy but it has somehow managed to become true. O_o
Because of math class:
-my mother is convinced I am failing the grade (which I, somehow, am far from doing)
-I cannot talk to either of my parents without them spouting some nonsense about fractions and how I "can't do them" (even though I can)
-I cannot mention anything I enjoy doing without being "grilled" for doing anything other than extra math homework
-I get a minimum-half-hour lecture every time I do anything the slightest bit wrong because "you need to stop being so negative, you're going to fail highschool (I'm not in high-school, btw O_o), I'm so dissapointed in you, this enfuriates me, you're going to end up flipping hamburgers (actually, they didn't say this to me, I heard my dad say something along the lines of it, which is rather worse), at least Julia does her homework, knowing how to use the computer is never going to get you a job (what the fuck?), stop writing and drawing when you're failing math (I'm not) etc..."
So it's because they love me, but hearing almost nothing, aside from the above, all day really gets to you after a while.
I'm tired of being criticized for my cynical, sarcastic nature (IRL, more-so than online) by people who don't realize how stupid optimism makes you look.
To all optimists: YOU SUCK.
Watched Master and Commander yesterday. All-in-all, a pretty good movie (the doctor and Mr. Hollum were the best characters, by far), though there was not a single speaking female character in the entire movie. o.o"
It must be the PMS talking, because what I thought was going to be a short, meaningless post has become a long, meaningless post. Go figure. |
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
All I have heard for the past week is "Hockey, hockey, hockey." Dear Powers That Are Not, even on NarutoFan! : O Is there something horribly wrong with me, causing me to have no interest, whatsoever, in what isn't actually our national sport? (It's lacross, for some fucked-up reason. o_O)
Okay, so I watched for two minutes, but it was only to get out of practicing piano, and because my dad told me to "Come watch the game for a while!" The Leafs did pwn the Sens in the end, right? Or is the game not over?
Anyway, judging from the screaming from the next couple of rooms over, the former is winning. 3:1 last time I checked...
(Actually, seeing "Azzedry's" reaction to being informed that there was a team named "The Sens" the other day was really, really funny. "The SENS?" It's short for The Senitors, btw. o.o")
Did the Bluejays get renamed or something? Honestly, who actually gives a shit about baseball? No wonder the Sky Dome's always empty, except during the Aboriginal Festival--baseball blows. Really.
Holy shit, am I actually making a post about sports?!
EDIT: The Sens just got their asses pwned by the Leafs for the fourth year in a row. It must suck to be from Ottawa right now. : /
Reading various reviews of scenes from the Matrix just make me laugh and laugh and laugh. "The Zion rave scene makes me want to scream 'I'm Drowning!'"-Shin
Sammie-chan, tell me you laughed as hard as I did when you read that. I know you laughed as hard as I did.
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Do you expect me to bother adding my background to this?_ _U
** basics ** | Name:: | Katherine Louise | Nickname:: | Kit, Katie, Kate, Karthagerine, Godel, Xanaphia, The Allmighty Sauron | Location:: | The Big City | Gender:: | Female | Birthplace:: | Hogtown | Birthstone:: | Emerald | Birthday:: | May 14th | Sign:: | Taurus | Righty or Lefty:: | Righty, unless I'm making handsignals on my bike or, for some reason, writing in chalk. o_O | Screenname:: | Any variation of Godel. : ) | ** your looks ** | Height:: | 5'6" | Weight:: | _ _U I am *so* not telling you that. | Shoe size:: | 11.5 | Hair Color:: | Brown | Hair Length:: | Short at the back, long at the front. : / | Eye Color:: | Brown | Size:: | Size? Size of what? O_o Be specific, damn you! | Glasses:: | I somehow have retained 20/20 vision, and am living proof that the computer is FINE for your eyes, seven hours or more a day. | Braces:: | They came off last week--now I have the fucking retainer. >:^O | Piercings:: | NO. They're nasty, they are. | Tattoos:: | They're even nastier. O_o | ** fashion ** | Where do you shop:: | This great little store that sells, almost exclusively, black t-shirts. : D | What do you usually wear:: | Black t-shirt with a cynical/artistic/old-school-video-game message and grey-green pants. Mismatched socks. | What kind of shoes do you wear:: | Semi-hiking-boots. They hurt because of my stupid flat feet. >: ( | Do you wear a watch:: | AHA. No... | Color you never wear:: | I only wear black, brown, grey and green. I was faster to list those. | Color you wear at least once a week:: | Black, grey, green, brown. | Something you wear everyday:: | Black t-shirt and grey-green pants. Mismatched socks and my shoes... | Do you wear make up everyday:: | Makeup is for losers. | Make up essential:: | If it ever is, I leave it to one of you good people to kill me. | Most cherished piece of clothing:: | nowhere/boredom shirt. Sammie-chan, you rock. : D | You wouldn't be caught dead wearing:: | Anything tight-fitting, pink or overly frivolous. | Do you wear belts:: | But, of course. | Do you wear hats:: | Toques, yes. | How many pairs of shoes do you have:: | One pair of shoes, one pair of sandals. | ** music ** | Favorite kind of music:: | Uhh...I don't exactly have one. : / | Least Favorite:: | Anything racist, sexist etc... | How many CD's do you have:: | Oh expect me to count them?! What kind of sick person are you?! >:^O (I buy 'em in bulk, FYO.) | Last CD you bought:: | It was blank and came in a pack of 80. | Whats in your CD player right now:: | A mix of anime track. : ) | Do you download music:: | Do you NOT download music? | ** Favorites ** | Color:: | Green, brown. | Number:: | 1535 | Season:: | Fall | Ice cream:: | Mint | Website:: | I don't know. I just don't know!! T_T | Quote:: | "It is a mistake to think that you can solve any major problems just with potatoes." -D. Adams. | Store:: | That one that I got Porco Rosso at. It pwns your ass, biatch. | Band:: | The Pillows | Singer:: | Hmmm... | Rapper:: | o_O | Group:: | The Pillows! Didn't I just say that?!?! | Song:: | Haruka Kanata or Funny Bunny.^^ | Movie:: | The Two Towers? Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? | Actor:: | Morikubo-san!^^ | Actress:: | : / | Kind of movies:: | Kung-fu, Japan-sprung and animated... | Place to be:: | With my computer. | Time of day:: | 2:00am | Clothing Brand:: | Er. If you saw my clothes, you would understand my reaction. | Animal:: | Tiger | Food:: | Poutine!!!!!!!! | Holiday:: | Christmas, and my birthday. MY BIRTHDAY COUNTS AS A HOLIDAY, DAMMIT!! >:^O | Shape:: | Triangle | Restaraunt:: | Stoney's all the way. (And, no, it has nothing to do with drugs.) | Fast food place:: | That Thai place downtown that actually gives you a huge portion of freshly-prepared, yummy, Thai food. : D | Boy's name:: | Toru | Girl's name:: | Drusilla | Word:: | Spontaneous | Month:: | December | Candy:: | Crunchy bars | ** love and relationships ** | Sexual Preference:: | I'm a straight female. You figure it out. | Boyfriend or Girlfriend:: | I don't have either. | Crush:: | ... | Do you believe in love at first sight:: | If I ever begin to, I request that one of you fine people shoot me. Okay? | What do you look for in a guy/girl:: | Hypothetically (meaning this really isn't that applicable as of yet), intelligence, geekiness and computer-literacy. | Best physical feature:: | Feet | Best hair color:: | Bright purple!!! (Really!) | Best eye color:: | Grey | ** randoms ** | Do you paint your nails:: | Black, sometimes. | What color is your tooth brush:: | Purple and white, I think... | What's on your desktop:: | My computer desktop? Alot of files that I haven't used or looked at in months. : / My desk desktop? Dictionaries and burned CDs. And candy wrappers. | Do you like roller coasters:: | YES. | Do you do drugs:: | No | Are you a virgin:: | Yes | Do you have any pets:: | My wonderful cat named Zacke-chan!^^ | What time do you go to sleep:: | 2:00--insomnia sucks ass. |
Basic Survey [ 87 questions] brought to you by BZOINK!
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
As some of you may or may not have noticed, I came online for the first time in nearly a week yesterday.
Now, I was going to make an amazing, enthralling post about why I have been unable to come online (at all!T_T), but I ended up in a five-or-six-hour-long-chat with varying people. : /
But Sara and I discussed phoenetics (to an extent), so it's all good. : )
Coming home from art class today, I noticed the ubelievable number of Trailer Park Boys adds, both inside the trains themselves, and on the walls of the station(s).
Every stop had at least six of them. Six! There are a total of fifteen poster-adds at every station (well, around fifteen...)!!
The rest were mostly adds for toothpaste and...LavaLife.
Am I the only one who finds it kind of humerous that American TV does not allow the word "fuck" to go un-bleepified? : /
Anyway, as some of you may be wondering why I have not been online for such a long period of time, I will answer your question with the following little tale...
As I was returning from the movies on Monday (walking all alone >_>), the scenery appeared entirely normal. I strolled past the gas-station, with its fickle price/leter meter, that was in the middle of shifting substantially; I hummed a quiet tune of forgotten origin and title as I passed the townhouses where one of my friends lives, contemplating whether or not I should have stopped by; I said 'Hello' to the little kids at the playground, as I cut through the church parking lot. Yes, it was going normally, almost merrily. The sun was shining, and the grass was just begining to green--I could hear a robin churping now and then. It was finally above zero, at a healthy plus three degrees--a good day, weather-wise, if I tad windy. Yes, all was well...
But then, all of a sudden, a horde of dirty cannibals popped out of a sewer grate! They just pushed the manhole cover up and filled the street. No one else (aside from myself and the cannibals) was around.
So, not entirely understanding more than the bluntly obvious of the situation, I drew my trusty Neji keychain and pressed the "Turbo Inverter Defrost" button! : O
I'd never used this feature before, but was anxious to find out its secrets. So, I pointed my housekey at the first cannibal, the one who appeared to be their leader.
A ray of white light shot out of the end of my key, a-splodifying the man as soon as it came in contact with him. The other cannibals cowered in fear, and I told them to either run and never return or face the same horrendous fate as their leader.
They ran away. (Don't ask me how I knew they were cannibals: sometimes you just know. u_u)
I thought that the action was over and I could go home and make some posts on OB, set Shin on fire, the usual. But no! An alien space-cruiser chose that moment to land in the middle of the street.
A little green man came out, wearing funny, but extravagant, clothing and beconed towards the ship.
Now, before we go any further, let me tell you something about myself. I am a rational individual who knows when to break into maniacal laughter/step into an alien space-cruiser and when not to.
Of course, I was dubious. But, they were all short, cute little people (more had come out by this time), and I had my Neji Keychain of Death, Doom, Destruction and Many Other Ominous/Violent Nouns.
So, I stepped aboard...
And, now, I am going to pull an Azu--AZZEDRY (Hah!! XP) and pretend I am going to, someday, make a Part Two. : )
But all that really happened*, I swear it.**
Had a tuna sandwich on croissant for lunch today. It came from the Art Gallery. Talk about cool...
Speaking of the Art Gallery:
They have so many of Edward Gorey's books there!!! Eeeee!!!
I know what I want for my next birthday.^__^
Excel Saga is truly an amazingly funny series, of which I must download the last six or seven episodes. You may wonder how I had time to watch it while fighting cannibals and cruising the stars, but I will get to that someday. Someday...
I have had an idea for a very cool painting I would like to do in acrylic--because acrylic is just so cool. Maybe I'll make an outline sketch and scan it.
But this thing would be rather large... Does any one know where to buy a six by four foot canvas for under $200?_ _U (The final painting, that is...if it were ever made.)
A week offline has caused The Story to double in length. Something has actually happened! *shocked silence*
I'm two hundred words or so away from the 40-page mark. Hu-zah.
**You guys all ought to know how much my word's worth. Ahaha...! |
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
Godel on The Matrix Revolution(s?)--spoilers...
Now, by all accounts, this is a great movie, part of a great trilogy. However, having eaten a large portion of coffee cake and having just listened to Ima Made Nande Mo about fifty times in a row, I began to "draw inferences."
_ _U
So, up to a point, I do not remember a thing that went on in that movie except for how undeniably cool Serrif is. (Pardon my spelling names incorectly if I do.^^"") Setha was pretty cool, too, though the actress was a tad wooden.
However, no one is as wooden as Keanu Reaves. : /
During the "OMFG BANE=SMITH!!" scene, my immediate thoughts were the following...
Because he did. >:^O
So, after Trinity, who I have never really liked all that much, finally bit it (after about half an hour x_x), Neo goes out and uses his Sharingan Powers to make his way around the machine city, even though he's blind for all other purposes.
He then talks to a giant face made of Sentinals (damn, I have to watch Reloaded before I try to understand this one... : / ) and travels back to the Matrix, so he can fight Smith.
And, my, is this a fight of DBZ proportions or what?
My assesment:
Brilliant, except for one tiny thing...
"The Matrix would have been an entirely more powerful series if Keanu Reaves had been replaced by a plank of wood with a mean face on it."
You know it's true. u_u
I have twenty minutes left before I can read the Cardcaptor Sakura manga, which I think I'll do before watching the show. After all, the manga, like the book, is almost always better. :)
My mother and sister woke me up at 8:00 this morning demanding I get up and run about the house, looking for eggs.
Me: x_x
Me: Wtf?
Stupid ****ing Easter-Egg-Hunting. >:^O I'll just have the candy without the running around at beastly hours of the morning, thankyou very much. (Any time before 10:00 is beastly, IMO. u_u) |
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