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Saturday, April 10, 2004
Tuna Sandwiches own you. Really.
I love tuna sandwiches. By this I mean I love it when you have an ample amount of tuna with more-than-enough mayonaise falling out of any kind of good bread, accompanied by a myriad of green onions, tomatoes, pickles, apple, cheese cubes and letus. With a couple 250ml boxes of Deli-cinq. Yum. :D
I finally--finally!!--had a Creme Egg. The first Creme Egg of the season, and it's almost too late to buy them. :(
Ahh... One truly cannot beat the wonderful overdose of sugar and preservatives that go into all these timeless Easter snacks.
Which brings us to something that pisses me off...
Now, my former best friend, who I was on very bad terms with for a while, until we finally became sort-of friends has an annoying habit of coming up with disorders and ailments/allergies for herself.
The one that pisses me off the most?
"Sugar makes me throw up."
I mean what the fuck is this?! Could you at least be creative?! >:^O
The story is coming along nicely, though I haven't the faintest idea as to what it will eventually be called. The document is saved as "AlarmClock.doc", but that has absolutely nothing to do with it. At all. : /
I need some good flashback music to listen to while I'm writing--does any one know any songs that could qualify as "flashback music"? Please?
Xiao Qui is the coolest name ever. Really. I have no idea what it means, but I love it. LOVE IT, I SAY. (That's "Chow Chee" for you phoenetic people. : / ) I love the way it's spelled, too.
And so, I sit here, wondering when episode 78 will be released by ANBU and why the hell SPOILER every one's favourite Sand Ninjas have come to save Leaf's ass.
And know what the funniest part is? Sammiechan and I just knew this was gonna happen.^_~
EDIT: Fighting Dreamers and the fifth ED OWN YOUR ASS, BIATCH!!! >:^O It's like the Japanese equivalent of Blink 182!! I cannot stop listening to them!! :O |
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Friday, April 9, 2004
Of goats, horses, and favourite pigs.
No, I'm not talking 'Animal Farm' here.
The reason I wasn't online, bugging every one, today was that my family and I went up to visit my grandmother at the hospital. We then stopped to have dinner at my aunt and uncle's.
Until a couple of years ago, they lived on a farm, where they always kept (along with alot of used cars, that they sometimes even managed to sell) three dogs.
However, I learned today that until maybe ten years ago, my uncle kept donkeys, horses, goats chickens, pigs etc... The horse, Darke, was this large work-horse, with a very broad back. The goats were relatively small and light, in the same way that elephants and blue whales are not.
According to my aunt, they would sometimes stand on the horse's back as she trotted about the fields. o.O (One at a time, that is. : / )
I also learned that 1) my cousin, who I have exchanged maybe 500 words with at most, in twelve years, is a cynical, sarcastic, very funny man who is forever bitter for being named after his father 2) he was once attacked by chickens.
"Um. George. Is that Pierre Trudeau sitting there? Rosting a hotdog...?"
Don't. Even. Ask.
Another few things I've learned:
-my uncle is liable to lose his children (i.e. my two younger cousins)
-he has done so on several occasions
-said uncle once stuck a giant suction-cup attached to a toy steering wheel to his head (which is perfectly bald)
-I knew that already
-one of my cousins is a teacher
-one of my uncles has a large collection of singing, dancing, stuffed toys--I kid you not
-the man is in his late 50s
-one of my aunts once shot her ex-fiance in the leg
-my uncle once brought home a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig, sending my aunt into spasms of rage
-my cousins once kept their dead guinnea pig, Piggly Wiggly, in the freezer, in a plastic bag, for three months
-some one, somewhere, there is a man named Tony Ma (ouch)
Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. o_o
I am listening to a song from Dead or Alive 2. Shoot me now.
For her birthday, my friend got
-leg warmers
Her mom told her it was obviously a sign that her lower extremities were lacking in asthetic appeal. She also got a skateboard, six Naruto DVDs, lots of gift cards, and a book or two. Oh, and a cake.
Twister is an evil, evil game.
Some thing I found amusing: my friend just got a shirt that says "Azure" all over it. I find this funny mostly because he hasn't gotten a new t-shirt since grade five, as far as I am aware. Until now, that is...
He also wore shiny pants. SHINY. What the hell? Only girl's pajamas are supposed to be shiny. O.o
Staying away from the computer for more than 24 hours is horrible. HORRIBLE, I SAY.
At least I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow--finally! And stay up late!
I think I'll go join my father in watching The Matrix, Reloaded now.
So, if you'll excuse me...*ambles off* |
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Thursday, April 8, 2004
Hello Kitty, lasaugna and Dungeons and Dragons. A combination straight from Shangri-la.
 You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
How grammatically sound are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I saw this test on Shin's little puddle in cyberspace, and just had to take it.
Speaking of puddles, there is a place named Shangri-la somewhere within this country. It's on a rainy, grey lake, that is full of weeds and dead fish. Luckily, it is connected to some "nicer" lakes. : /
About the subject (that is not an emoticon or a non-math-related equal-sign! : D):
-friend's birthday
-I'm giving her Hello Kitty slippers
-we are having lasaugna for dinner
I think I failed another French test today, which wouldn't be too bad, seeing as I just failed a geography quiz.
How reviewing it went:
Teacher: Alot of people said that Mt. Royal was one of the major factors involving the shape of Montreal. This is wrong.
Sammiechan: was a volcano! It made the land!
Teacher: We are not talking about geography here!
Class: =_=
lolz ur a faggort
People who type like the above really ought to

Only two people are online, AIM and MSN combined. Dude. That's, like...woah... pwns your ass, biatch. Really. |
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, April 7, 2004
: /
Few things are as detestable as when your father and one of your best friends go and decide, without warning or reason, to have their birthdays on the same day. Due to this, I get guilt-tripped by my mother every time I mention my friend and the fact that I don't want to "flake out" on her at her little birthday celebration tomorrow.
Nor do I want to 1) make my dad feel bad for my missing it (because I know he would if I did : / ) 2) act as though his birthday is less important.
Not a very big dillema, but still rather stressful. Especially since my grandmother's cancer has just been diagnosed terminal.
On a completely different note, it has come to my attention that a few individuals who will go unnamed (*cough*Mew*cough*Paisley*cough*) are having "trouble with grammar." I'm here for you guys, if you ever need me. Remember that.
And, no, Sasuke-kun, I am NOT planning on spoiling Ranma 1/2 for you. Why? Because 1) I haven't finished it myself yet 2) That would be sooo bitchy of me.u_u
I have found out that Betty, a school-chum of mine, speaks Japanese fluently. I must make her teach me something, in exchange for (you guessed it) grammar and spelling tips in English. XD
Spent three classes playing chess today...ahh. Good times, although I lost to Catherine-chan and tied with Moni-chan. I need to hone my chess-playing skills so I can once again pwn at it. All those years of chess lessons seem somehow wasted now...
However, stalemating against a rook, five pawns, a queen and a bishop is pretty impressive, as I only had my king (duh) and one pawn left.^_~
Sara-chan: Thanks for your enthusiasm towards that book of short-stories--Christie-chan is getting a copy for her birthday now. : P Wait. That was you with the short stories, no?_ _U Sorry. My brain is dead for all recreational purposes today.
Sammie-chan: Win that game tomorrow or we'll all be very dissapointed in you.u_u [/plugs]
I got a bag of candied popcorn today. How cool is that?! : D
PS: Comments on the new avatar, any one? How about the button? |
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Monday, April 5, 2004
Pong = economic activity
According to my geography textbook, the above statement is entirely true. Those books define "economic activity" as taking a course of action that improves your life. Therefore, playing Pong, in order to wear away the boredom, is economic activity. Now, ain't that just special?
As a side note, did you know that "ain't" used to be a word reserved for the classy and high-ranking? It got degraded and abused over the years, and is now assosciated with a lack of proper education. Crazy, huh?
It's funny: AAR just played the Narutaru ending, the fourth Naruto opening and the Record of Lodoss War opening within fifteen minutes.
I never liked Lodoss very much, actually. o.o (Even though Patringer11 tells me off for said opinion at odd intervals. : /
"Every one is getting so into this button business--maybe I should to." How many times have I read that sentence (or something immensely akin to it) within the past three or four days?? I wont uttertype it myself, out of quotes, though. After all, that would be soooo conformist of me, no?_ _U
Well, Easter is creeping up, which marks the begining of the end of the school year. This (school) year was incredibly "Eh." Last year was even quicker, duller and overall...obsolete. I swear, I didn't learn anything that I haven't forgotten. : /
I rolled a 30 on Sammie-chan's d-30 today, in geography class. Pwnage, that is.u_u
For any one who watches PA: Episode five is so...great. Plain and simple. It OWNS YOU ALL.^_~
"Are you, by any chance, having fun?" That, truly, was great.
Some grammar hints:
-put one space after a comma
-put two spaces after a period
-it's the way punctuation works
Yesterday, I was looking through some early Naruto manga. As with most series, the mangaka leave a little note to the readers at the begining or end of the book. Masashi Kishimotto made one of these that really had an impact, as trivial as it may seem.
"Since the series started, I have never been back to my small-town home. However, during a recent phonecall, it was revealed to me that the house has been renovated, and that there is no trace left of my once-messy room. It saddens me to think how fast the years fly by..." |
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
Grammar = ^_^
Well, it does.
I have been shown something truly amazing. Anime Academy Radio. I love it.
As a contrast with a recent post, I will now make a list of things that, in a phrase, make me happy:
-The Pillows
-lemon marangue pie
-my Neji keychain
-my Sakura keychain
-for all its faults, my computer^^
-being home alone on stormy nights
-sleeping on the boat, during stormy nights in summer (yes, it is safe, if you're in a boathouse)
-Anime Academy Radio^^
-daydreaming during math class
-English class
-thinking of ways for Tsunade to finally whup Orochimaru's candy ass : D (I'll list them some time--they're rather creative)
-sleepovers with the friends I can actually have fun with of late
I made another Tsunade-themed banner. I like this one.^_^

Well? Comments, please. |
Comments (3) |
Friday, April 2, 2004
Know what sucks? Being sick enough to feel like shit 24/7, but not sick enough to stay home.
I have been coughing and sneezing, blowing my nose, and sounding like a frog for the past five days. I don't know where I got this ailment, but I think it may have been from getting soaked while snowboarding, then sitting in the slush, wishing I had the stregnth to stand up after falling on my ass.:(
Now don't get me wrong: snowboarding is great fun. However, getting soaked and ending up sick because of it is not.
And to make matters worse, my cat chewed through the cable attached to my good moniter. ("good"...okay, that one sucks, too, but still) So, I get to have the great fun of peering at a tiny, crappy monitor that was considered shity five years ago.
And I have a headache. What fun.
However, I fully intend to stay up until two or three in the morning today, as it is my first oppertunity in a few weeks to--oh FUCK!!!
Why the hell did I sign up for art classes on Saturdays?! ARGH. That's it! NEVER again! I am never taking part in anything extra-curicular every again! School is enough for me, thank you.
*sits in a corner and cries*
My head still hurts. And I'm coughing incessantly. I really ought to go have a cough candy or some medicine, but, quite frankly, they both taste like shit, and I'd rather cough until my throat starts bleeding. Really. : /
On a positive note, I finally completed the designs for my character. It has taken me two and a half years. Yay me.
I'd post a picture but, you know, my scanner is sort of evil, and I forgot to give the picture to my friend today, so she could scan it for me. (T_T)
Being sick sucks ass. |
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Thursday, April 1, 2004
Little pieces of tart...
Every one, at some point, is required to have a lits of the things they hate, when it comes to "Blogging."
So, I thought I would compile a short list of the things that really piss me off...(mostly because I am bored :/ )
-salmon, and almost all other pink things
-people who tell you they're not coming to DnD, then get angry when you act all surprised when they show up at your doorstep >:^O
-people who tell me to draw hentai
-people who think it makes them individuals if they confabulate rediculous, baseless opinions on things they know nothing about, especially when you know what influenced them to do so
-bitchy people
-people who can't just sit down and do nothing but talk about obscure things without getting bored and complaining
-"Chicken Soup" (Why the fuck do people keep giving me volumes of this crap?! I ought to unload some of it on my friends. *maniacal laughter*)
-all the colouring we have to do in French class
-having to define every other word I say when talking to people who have spoken English and English alone for the past thirteen+ years
-Brownies, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides or any such load of shit (yes, I have taken part, and I loathed itT_T)
-t-shirts that aren't black
-people who think I can't hear them when they talk about me, or that I don't notice when they ignore me
-book reports about Star Wars mini-novels
-getting a nosebleed during the last note of bar 35 of Music of the Night
-our health and family studies textbooks, because they just suck
Some things just obviously suck. There's nothing we can do about them.
In reference to the subject of this post (words!!!^^)... Remember the thing about people saying they aren't coming to DnD? Well, I said, to Sammie-chan and Monika, "Why the hell do people tell me they're not coming, then come?!" Sammie-chan says, wrestling her bag out of her locker, "Because they're little pieces of...tart...!!!"
I think I have made a new self-record for flipping people the bird during gym class. *counts* I think it was seven or eight times today, all but one towards the same individual.
We can thank the "leader" of our group for coming up with the shittiest ideas in existance, and throwing a bitch fit when the rest of us hate them.
Gym class sucks ass. I made a ryghm.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have some editing to do...*mble grmble*
(Today kind of sucked, as a general thing...)
EDIT: Why my friend is stupid...
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
katie o.o''
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
i have something to admit
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
i love you
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
You did that last year
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
what i did?
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
You said that same thing last year.
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
since when!?
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Last April!
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
oh o.o
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
im gonna become christian tommorow
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
In what way?
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
I thought you were an atheist. o.o
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
I was hoping you'd say that.
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Are you coming tomorrow?
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
i think i got eunice
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
With what?
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
the thing i did with you..
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
the loving april fools thing
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
What'd she say?
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
so i think..
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
but it was an eerie silence
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
as if she was in shock..
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
i blocked her so i could find out tommorow..
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Akhatariini -- Lee-kun wa sugei desu, ne?! says:
Kikkod00d - Respect doesn't count when used on the Internet. says:
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Our new microwave has a button on it that says, "Inverter Turbo Defrost." I kid you not.
Needless to say, that machine scares the shit out of me. Why?, you may ask. Why would a maniacal she-tyrant like Godel coil in terror at the very mention of a kitchen appliance? Well, I'll tell you why!
The thing is HUGE. It is one and a half times the size of our old one, and metallic. Now, I'm not talking friendly, trendy metallic, I'm talking take over your kitchen and your family's minds, robot-freak-from-space metallic. This thing scrolls text messages across its timing screen. "ENJOY YOUR MEAL!!!" "YUM-YUM-YUM!!!" "YOU BOW DOWN TO ME, AND ME ALONE!!!"
Why do I think it is taking over the minds of my family? Because if any one does anything to harm the microwave IN ANY WAY (this includes touching it with greasy fingers), they go balistic. O_O
Did I mention this thing defies the laws of physics? While still being rediculously HUGE on the outside, it manages to be rediculously HUGER on the inside. My bowl of fries from last night were dwarfed when I placed them inside. They made a hollow chink noise as I set the plastic, Peter Rabbit and Friends-themed, bowl down on the glass turntable.
When I pressed the (perfectly flat!) timer buttons, I accedentally entered too many numbers. The slightest amount of pressure activates these buttons (unlike with our old, clunky, microwave, where you practically had to go at the thing with a sledgehammer). The thing is from Hell, I say! From HELL.@_@
I am hoping that my sister will remember to set this one on fire, too.u_u
Our regular art teacher is back, finally, after I succeeded in spilling hot coffee all over the substitute. Well, it was her fault, really, for walking into me, waving a mug of hot, cafinated liquid around. *mutter*
Nevertheless, Yin and Christie have been praising me for it since the other day. I feel special.^^
The NarutoUnleashed forums are looking particularly spiffy, although some rather neglegent friends of mine have broken their respective promises to join. *shakes fist*
I am currently pwning every one with my post count of (I believe) 18. Hah. And, yet, I am still a newbie.u_u Well, we'll just have to...fix...that. Wont we? *maniacal laughter*
During math class today, my friend (who, incidentally, just won two full scolarships) and I were playing with our Naruto keychains. Neji was kicking Gaara's ass when the teacher neglected to notice that we were not paying attention.^_^ Neji pwns. Really.
I have handed my sketchbook in to the art teacher (the real one!!). It is a sad, sad day, because I will no longer be able to whip it out and draw whenever I get an urge to do so during math/science class. Or any other class, for that matter.T_T
I wonder if I'll get bonus marks for all the drawings in there, or if she'll just send me to Guidance, as a result of all the drawings of people with weapons. Stabbing things. >_>
Did I ever mention how much I hate gymnastics? Especially when my friend, who is in my group, insists on being a complete bitch? Actually, she's been acting very bitchy towards me lately, anyway.
It seems the only things some people I used to get along with care about are home-renovating shows and Bryan Warren. Both of which, incidentally, suck. *ahem*
Paranoia Agent, however, doesn't suck. Which is why I am going to download episode five, which has FINALLY been released by Anime-Kraze.
*does as much* |
Comments (4) |
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
*raises eyebrow*
Opening credits: | Funny Bunny - The Pillows | Waking up: | Jurassic Park Theme | Average day: | Moon Is Mine - The Pillows | First date: | Instant Music - The Pillows | Falling in love: | The Entertainer - Chopin | Love scene: | Happy Bivouac - The Pillows | Fight scene: | Ready Stead Go! - L'arc en Ciel | Breaking up: | Tears I Cried - Siam Shade | Getting back together: | Zelda Theme Song (because, pft) | Secret love: | 99 Luft Balloons - Nena | Life's okay: | Pachelbel Cannon - Pachelbel | Mental breakdown: | Winter - Vivaldi | Driving: | Bottousai's Return^_~ | Learning a lesson: | Frou Frou - Only Got One | Deep thought: | Frou Frou - Old Piano | Flashback: | Blur - Woohoo | Partying: | Zelda Theme (again--cos, you know, my idea of a party is sitting around the Game Cube) | Happy dance: | I Am - Hitomi | Regreting: | Wind - Akeboshi | Long night alone: | Alive - Raiko | Death scene: | Haruka Kanata - Asian Kung Fu Generation | Closing credits: | Skywalker Symphony (because, you know) |
Your Life: The Soundtrack brought to you by BZOINK!
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