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Friday, March 19, 2004
Some people. Do they not realize that, through their own words, they are dictating the major faults in their beliefs, without even knowing it??
I stick by one principle in life, if no other: I am willing to believe anything you can convince me of. And I've never seen myself as some one who buys, very easily, into bullcrap.
Now, on to better, more important things! *dramatic pose*
Ahh...Amped. What a great game. It has inspired what will, one day, be THE MOST POPULAR VIDEO GAME EVER. You hear me?! *maniacal laughter* I know I brushed upon it a while back, but it is begining to take form... It is:
Uber-Ninja Killer Snowboarding of DOOM!!!
Now, let me explain the details, to an extent... You, of course, are a snowboarder, on one of a select number of board designs. So far, we have decided that one of the player options is Inner-city Japanese School-girl. Book-bag and everything. You go down the hill, collect points by succeeding in tricks, and by finding secrets. Simple. Standard. Boring.
So, there is a twist. Scattered about the crash course that is the hill are "camera men", "sponsers", and "bystanders". There are also fellow boarders, for that matter. Normal ones.
If you screw up on a trick, where one can see you, they will spout some nonsense, such as: "Dude, try and land that one next time!", "Dude, go back to the bunny hill!" etc... Here's the fun part: remember how I said Uber-Ninja? Of Doom?
Your goal after shaming yourself by failing to complete a halfpipe is now to hunt down the offending bystander, and use your shuriken (or other various weapons) accordingly. However, if you go uphill, a pair of giant ogres/zombies/something come and push you over, and down the hill again. Twice? Three come. Thrice? They take your board. Then, you basically run around collecting stuff (weapons, weapons, get the idea).
I don't know how it sounds to some one who hasn't been thinking on and off about the idea out of boredom for a few months, but you really can't help dreaming about it while playing virtual boarding games and isn't this the worst run-on sentence you've ever seen?
I am sad to see how my favourite manga is being milked by its animators. *cries*
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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Old pictures...
Not photos. Pictures. This morning, my mom came across a drawing that some one (*laugh*) gave me ten years ago. It's of Mickey Mouse, in crayon, and across the bottom, in a rectangle that was free of background colour, is written, To Kaddy, Love Chris 1993. I haven't thought of where to put it yet.
On a completely different note, I made a banner:

Any opinions would be welcome.
Today, I purchased a book entitled 'The Interpreter'. It's about a Korean immagrant living in New York, working as a--you guessed it--interpreter for the court system.
I love the way it's written, which is probably why I bought it.
However, it made me think: in the book, Asian origin is emphasized as being something rare, that segragates people. It displays those of Asian origin as being within their own little society, alone in North America. This is a recent book.
I just found it odd reading something with this mentality so reinforced, after spending my entire life in a city that is about 40% Asian, where racism & racial stereotypes are utterly tabboo. For the past six years, I, as a Caucasian, have been part of a visible minority.
Due to this, I feel like I've come to disregard race on a casual level.
Though I've always been familiar with the fact that the rest of the world isn't as diverse as where I live, reading this book still feels weird in a way.
Something that pisses me off: organising books based on the ethnicity of the author. I mean, what the fuck is up with that? Sorry for being vulgar, but this just makes me wonder what kind of shit is going through the minds of people who are taking over the book market.
Not only have Chapters and !ndigo sold out to yoga mats and candles, but now they're deviding books based on something as irrelevant as the author's skin colour or eye-shape? Some things are just stupid in this world. The thing is: they shouldn't be.
On a side note, does any one know of a place where I can download early Chrno Crusade? I think my friend has most of it on CD, but I wont be seeing him for a while, as I'm still on break...
On another, even more lateral, note: Haze, I still don't believe you when you say that Sakura ever comes online. Ever.
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Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Some inaccurately brilliant poetry by Teh Gar.
By Gar:
There had been a skirmish at the D&D that day;
and now there were few HitPoints with an hour left to play.
And then when Ivy died at first, and Xanaphia did the same,
an angry silence fell upon the players of the game.
A vengeful few got up to go in frustration while the rest;
clung to the hope which filled them with a weary kind of zest.
They thought if only Darkmoon could get a whack at that-
She’d avenge the death of Gonerall, her bucket, and the bat.
But CrowCall preceded Darkmoon, and Seraphina too,
and Khadgar’s wake had left the others reeling, black and blue!
So there were few remaining who weren’t in pieces, slashed, or gored.
And all their hope had rested in the blade of Darkmoon’s sword.
Then Seraphina had her head chopped off, without doing much harm,
and a lucky 20 Cleaved apart the sleazy CrowCalls’ arm.
And when the dust had lifted, they saw what had occured;
Daniel the Broad-Ranged sprung the trap in which they had been lured.
And from the one remaining, there rose a tortured yell;
It rumbled in the valley, it thundered in the dell;
An Intimidation roll the player Christie scored;
Daniel the Broad-Ranged shuddered as Darkmoon hefted her sword.
There was rage in the Dragoness’s stance as she took her comrade’s place,
but then the DragonFear had long since left the Broad-Ranged’s face.
And Daniel’s eyes were on her as she rubbed her hands with blood,
as she wiped it on her arms, Daniel then thought, “Oh crud”
Then while Daniel placed his sword in its scabbard near his hip,
Fury gleamed in Darkmoons’ eye, a sneer curled Darkmoons’ lip.
And Daniel threw a Fireball, it hurtled through the air,
The Dragoness just watched it with a haughty grandeur there.
Christie rolled a 1d20, which came up a seventeen;
Darkmoon took a little damage, but her scales still had their sheen.
From her opponent, Gartner *******, there came an annoyed grunt,
Said Darkmmon, “you can try again, that all-to-relied-on stunt”
With her reptillian certainty the Great Darkmoon’s visage shone;
Daniel said, “It isn’t over,” and bade the game go on.
Daniel summoned up his energy, let another Fireball go;
“Hah! I’ve got +3 to Reflex!”
But she failed her Saving Throw.
The angry Force of Buoyancy declared the roll a fraud;
a hand shot up from Christie and the multitude was awed.
And Gartner rolled for damage, and Darkmoon roared in pain;
and Daniel knew she would not be hit by that spell agian!
There was murder there, in Darkmoons’ eyes, her fangs were clenched in hate,
she brought the Yuan-ti forth and beat her claw against his pate.
Daniel did the Incantation, an “IGNIS TORRERO!”
And Time and Space were shattered by the force of Darkmoons’ blow!
With other people’s D&D, the people live in blight,
the DM is a moron, and they lose every fight.
Somewhere people live in pain, as people fume and shout;
Like the ******* household’s basement, where Darkmoon has been Knocked Out!
And there you have why Gar is so very cool. Just one thing, however: last time I checked, Khadgar was LEVEL FOUR. Unless I have been mallisciously and repeadidly lied to about said character, there is NO WAY that he could defeat Xanaphia, as she is level ten.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Good night (for now).
EDIT: A funny conversation with Coolest.
Chunky the Donut Slayer says:I'm...very straight.~_^
Chunky the Donut Slayer says:Kidding.
Akhatariini -- Kit says:So you ARE gay.
Chunky the Donut Slayer says:Not about the gay thing.
Chunky the Donut Slayer says:About the hitting on you thing.
Akhatariini -- Kit says:Good.
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Once again: it's completely change a post from its original form time.
I have decided to stick with boring old Verdana: black, size 2. Why? Because when I use other fonts, they get screwed up. That is: they become Verdana.O_o
It's kind of dissapoiting that, now that I am on holidays (as brief as they may be), I am bored to tears (literally). You see, when I cannot access my computer for at least nine hours a day, on weekend etc... I sort of go bonkers.
Don't I just suck infinately?
Anyway, once again: PARANOIA AGENT=THE BEST THING EVER. That, and beef stew.^^ For all you deprived people who have not wasted hours upon hours of your waking lives at pity you.
Another stupid thing I have noticed: I can only draw with a mechanical pencil! Isn't that simply the most absurd thing you have ever heard? It's just that, when things get all smudgey, it makes me want to scream and break things. I hate smudgey crap getting all over my drawings!! DIE, HB PENCILS!!! Zero point five 2H led all the way!!!
Did I mention how bored I am at the moment? Quite honestly, I don't even have anything to rant about...*dies*
EDIT: Just saw episode three of Paranoia Agent. I don't know what to say about it other than, "Well, that was borderline disturbing." This is an awesome show! Every one should go watch it...right now!!
You can start downloading now...>_>
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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Spammity Spam Spam Spam
I have seen alot of spam on OB lately, and I must say: all these people neglecting to read the rules, or at least attempt to appear interesting, is getting rather suffocating.
I don't know why any one would think saying something like, "HIIIIII!!! I'm a NEWBIE!!!" would get them positive feedback. Or feedback at all, for that matter. o.o
Anyway, on to what's REALLY important.
1) I got a new font! Well, on MyO, anyway. I've had this one on OB since I actually started OBing more than once a week... I thought my MyOtaku could use a little something more than face="verdana", size="2", color="#000000". I don't even like Courier New, however. This is just to tide me over until I find a font I actually like. How's about this?
2)Paranoia Agent PWNS you, biatch. Saw the first ep, loved it. Simple as that. However, seeing as I am not one for short, quippy reviews, I will drone on for a while.
The opening theme was simply magnificent. Everything about it (and the whole series) is wonderfully out there. The fish, the storm clouds, the's all extrordinary. *single tear*
BTW, didn't you ever find it odd that "extrordinary" is like saying "extra ordinary". How is being extra ordinary, well, extrordinary?
Anyway, apparently I am one for short, quippy reviews. You. Paranoia Agent. Now. Watch. Go.
3)Gunslinger Girl's conclusion PWNS you, biatch. I loved everything about it, plain and simple. Skippedry, you are going to love it, if you haven't seen it already! It will defy your expectations to a new level.
4)I can't write a damned thing lately. Simply put, I have a huge-assed writer's block. Even my post quality is decreasing.T_T
And, in miscelanious news, I got a new touque!^_^ It's green, brown and red and is patterend in a refreshingly intracate manner. I love it so, although it doesn't cover my ear lobes and gives me the worst hat-hair imaginable. If I cared about my hair, I wouldn't wear it.^^
At least it doesn't try to fly off into the sunset when the wind is gustier than usual, and I'm at the topmost part of the chairlift._ _U
The roadkill headband is pretty damn cool, too, although it never fit properly...
Once again: T_T
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Sunday, March 14, 2004
"I love sarcasm. Are all canadians as articulate as you?"
No, Farto, I'm afraid not.
Things I learned yesterday:
-just because you don't know some one, it doesn't mean they wont invite you into cannabalistic group chats
-people pie is yummy
-Shinmaru is in love with a sheep
If I hadn't been in stranger chats before, I might have found these four points alot funnier.
For the record, my fears have been realized:
My skiing group consists entirely of 9 and 10 year olds. Never again am I attending anything with an age range of 8 to 18.
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Saturday, March 13, 2004
 Yike! Your a bit eccentric. There not REALLY out to get you, honest! *lazers get shot at walls* Honest, they're just...erm..friends! honest!
Whats Your Inner Attitude? (For girls) Anime Pics (many different outcomes!) brought to you by Quizilla
Oh, how I love this picture! I just had to post this...*maniacal laughter*
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In case you haven't noticed, I am a firmly-rooted Narutaru fan. By this, I mean that I will stand by it forever. FOREVER, I say. >.> <.< Heheh...shifty eyes.
I have read several reviews (simply out of interest) lately, and most of them have stated that "Narutaru is a horrible pile of shit." or something along those lines.
What amazed me throughout all of them was how clearly the authors of the reviews depicted that they did not have a clue as to what was going on. It sounds stuck-up and foolish, but I reach out to any one who has decided not to watch this series: don't listen to the reviews that give no reason to dislike Narutaru, while they continue to bash it--you actually have to think about this show.
^_^ That's right, I'm constantly trying to boost the fanbase of this uber-awesome show (whether it's getting annoying or not).
I have a strange urge to re-watch Scrapped Princess. I'll have to get around to that as soon as I finish Gunslinger Girl and other series.
And after I start Paranoia Agent--crap, my friend's been yelling at me for not watching it for about a month now._ _U
Oh, what a wonderful mushroom cloud in the sky... It amazes me that I have not yet watched something with that phrase in the opening theme. o_o
Dah. Any one who writes as a hobby will know the annoyance of simply not being able to start properly. I've tried to drag myself through the introduction to my story in several ways, but they all end up sucking infinately._ _ Damn it...I have the plot, the characters, the setting...
Know what I need? A week to sit at home, with no one else around, and a variety of good songs to listen and write to. But, of course, that's unnaceptable: I have to do things over March break. *mutter*
I say: Holidays are meant for lethargy!
*mble grmble*
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Friday, March 12, 2004
Kung-fu Dining.
Okay, time to fix a crappy post...*ahem*
Only two things happened today:
Got report card; I suck at everything important, of course.
Took part in the most fun dinner ever.
Ahh...battling over the best piece of meat using only chopsticks as your weapon...good times...good times...
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Thursday, March 11, 2004
Am I going insane with Naruto-ism, or is my tongue just losing its flexibility? Apparently, when addressing my friend, Narayanan, I called him "Jiraiyanan". I didn't think I had called him this. I most certainly hadn't inteded to. But they said I did. Maybe it's just part of Samm and Billy's plot to make me go insaner.
"You! I know you! You're a millionaire! Why are you in line for welfare?!"
"I squandered my fortune on lottery tickets and Mexican food."
Let that there be a lessin for ye. Any one can end up impoverish'd, laddy. (don't ask: all this phylosophical/pollitical discussion in English class is making me wiggity whack)
My current favourite song: Ride On Shooting Star, The Pillows.
The Pillows PWN you, biotch!
Some actor from 11th Hour came in to yammer at us today. I don't think he realized that no one was listening to him as he ranted about how he once stole a little old lady's purse, and why it haunts his dreams to this day. Actually, every one was talking about completely unrelated topics.
I asked Gordon if he knew what he'd been talking about. His answer? "Ah, Christ, I dunno. Something about AZN Brothers and how your hand starts talking to you when you take LSD."
Gordon's never wrong.
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