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Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Teen Ninja Squad!
Kankurou:"I miss killing things."
Gaara:"I miss my mom."
Naruto:"I think my friends and some Hokages just flew by. Sweet moves, Konohamaru."
Well, that was random. I might actually have some poorly drawn images to go with those phrases soon enough. Heh.
For any one who hasn't wasted an ample amount of their time at Homestarrunner.com, you haven't the slightest clue of what you're missing.^_~
Our family studies teacher spontaneously thrust the task of making pizza upon us today, so we spent the period before lunch chewing on half-baked crust and cold pizza sauce. I told them to wait 'til the crust turned brownerish! Dah.
There was a discussion in English class about the evils of all these homophobic American organizations. If they're letting girls into boyscouts, why the hell do they not allow gay boys?! Anyway, what is the point of this rule? The children are ten years old! Moh...*rolls eyes*
I have finally decided on a cosplay for the coming convention: I am going to be Kurenai! Sadly, I probably wont be able to get my hands on any red contact lenses, but I think I should be able to make a pretty good outfit.^__^ It'll be my second cosplay (my first was of Kenshin^^)!
Sammie-chan is going as Kankurou, and Kunai's gonna be Temari. So...we just need to dress the guys up as Anko, Ino and Sakura, and then we'll be all set.^^
Have you ever just wanted to wring William Hung's sorry little neck? =_=""
On a semi-related note, I still find it rather hilarious that the "Canadian Idol" will forever be on my black list because he budded me in line for cake at my cousin's wedding a couple of years ago._ _U
Just *watch* it be -30 again tomorrow, while the shell of my jacket sits in the bottom of my locker. Terbulance in the weather makes me want to take a magnifying glass to a miniature city somewhere...@_@
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Monday, March 8, 2004
International Women's Day
What is the point of this holiday if we can't stay home while the guys have to go out and do whatever it is they usually have to?? *pout*
Well, the recent week has sucked indefinately. Being a lazy bum results in having my parents nag me endlessly about homework, and making empty threats such as: "Get an A on your next test or no computer for a month." Heh. Sad, isn't it? I feel like Sakura here...
Little things that are irritating me:
-I lost my math textbook
-my mother trying to get me to show her my writing, after I've told her I don't want to
-people insulting my art again and again, in increasingly creative/mean ways
-people telling me to draw and sell hentai
-my science teacher relentlessly calling my house about every little thing I screw up on
-people asking me what sodomy is during geography class
-the most important member of our drama group deciding to refuse to attend our next skit
-I can't find my ruler with the happy hippos on it (I loved that thing dearly...)
-not having a tampon when your period comes a week early and the school's crappy dispensers are empty
-saw blades breaking in art class
-people yelling at me during Dungeons and Dragons
-my friends refusing to tell me things
Heh. Organized, structured, bitching. Yay. Damn, I'm bored and sleepy...*sigh*
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Sunday, March 7, 2004
Why did I sign up for strings if I cannot stand the class, cannot hold the violin properly, and can barely even play a G natural?! Dah.
Anyway, I watched Whale Rider and Matchstick Men yesterday, and I must say, I was impressed. Though the latter was rather (extremely) predictable, it was still quite good. I guess I would have been more amused by the whole OCD bit if I hadn't been twitching and wondering if the front door was locked, and if any one had remembered to close all the doors upstairs._ _U Yay.
It occurs to me that the girl in Whale Rider, Pai, looks and acts just like my younger sister. O.o We-rid.
My computer is so messed up...it wont let me use three of my gigabytes for whatever reason...damn, I have to finish updating the operating system. So I can reinstall it and risk deformatting my system. Joy.
Oh well, it's not like I'll ever get around to that, anyway.
Currently listening to:Funny Bunny, The Pillows
Had for breakfast:"Oat" pancakes. O.o
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Friday, March 5, 2004
*head a splode*
This is sick. There is no way a game should be this stressful.
Just sitting, listening to people scream at each other (though they mostly scream at me) about such vapid, meaningless things drives me crazy. Then, they get mad when you tell them that no, they cannot follow through with these vapid, meaningless things.
For any one involved in an RPG: you will never be able to comprehend the kind of crap your Dungeon Master (or like persona) has to put up with constantly. Next time you exchange words with them, thank them for not shoving the dice down the campaigners' throats and taking all of her/his books with her/him as s/he leaves. Aiya.
At least our drama assembly this morning went seamlessly--I don't think any one noticed I screwed up my lines. Not as bad as last time: I accidentally reversed the scenes' order, but my group's resourcefulness enabled us to just...do the damn thing.
It's funny: I have nothing to be stressed or worried about, but I feel like I've been run over by a train several times in one day.
Dah. Or maybe it's just the PMS talking.
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Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Chilly-cheese dogs and the joys of wasting paper.
As my long string of incoherant posts have reflected in a vague fashion, the faculty of the school I attend has undergone a massive shift. Okay, so it hasn't really been a shift: it's been a poof. By this, I mean that it has gone POOF! and changed. Almost suddenly.
Maybe a third of the teachers have retired, resigned or simply switched schools for no apparent reason, aside from one of their being sick. This has created a great deal of upset among us pupils, as the replacement teachers are less than what we would have expected from their predecessors on a bad day. However, I think it was the change in principal that really did my respect for my school in.
Recently, the office decided it would be an effective waste of their money to hire a singer to come and rap at us about black history month. Alright, so it was by no means rap: it was some sad individual's attempt to be Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, and a small, furry animal, all at the same time. The result? Well, let's leave it at he started singing to one of my friends about how he[my friend] was somebody. And "his beautiful girl". This assembly came without warning, and left the school more-or-less in a state of shock. My former music teacher would have been disgusted.
Two of the windows in our foyer were entirely covered by advertisements for a "multicultural show" that took place this evening. I did not attend--I refuse to support such a thoughtless waste of paper.
Now, on to the really scary stuff...
In family studies class, I presume the teacher thinks herself very child-savvy and that her lesson plans teach us the skills we will need for our lives as succesful adults, while letting us be children. At the same time.
So, she gets the bright idea that we are going to make cupcakes. Now, here's the catch: we're going to make them in the microwave. That's right. Microwave cupcakes.
Needless to say, one of my classmates set his group's on fire. Smoke billowed from that microwave oven like it was Armagedon. Only smaller. And with more flower, sugar and vegetable oil. In this case, three times too much vegetable oil. You could see your reflection in their baking. O.o
The errors made in measurement were evident in different ways throughout class: one group's were as heavy as bricks (I swear, I am not exagerating), ours were the same consistancy as the sponges we use to wash the dishes.
I wont even start on the chilly dogs. I still wish I had never brought that bun to my lips. Eugh...*heartburn* At least I had the taste to forgoe the chilly itself.
Oh, and they make us knit, too.
What have I learned from family studies class? That I would make a really lousy housewife, which is rather reassuring in more ways than one.^^
I am still on my quest to promote Narutaru, as should be evident from my new avatar. I mean, come on, people! Any show that can turn pokemon-like-creatures (in appearance, anyway), into crazed killers diserves props. And if it can be phylosophical and tear-jerking at the same time? *whistles*
It's kind of funny...I got 65% in more subject than one, and I think my mom knows, but she hasn't said a word to me about it. Hmmm...I don't want to see the rest of my report card.
Godel is not a good student. Godel is bored. Needs life badly.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2004
All mimsy were the borogroves...
...and the mome raths outgrabe.
It occurs to me: Most people probably don't realize that when I type "*maniacal laughter*", I actually laugh maniacally.^^
I watched episode 72 of Naruto yesterday (finally! *sweat*), and I must say...I had been hoping for a lot more from that flashback. It wasn't the Hokage's jerky mouth movements, but rather the lack of blood *everywhere*, and the people who just happened to not be hanging from the walls. *sigh* Oh well, I love the First's voice, so it's all good.
That Sakura part was...*weird*, though. "Same as a dog..." Heh.
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor early in the mornin'?
Put him in the longboat 'til he's sober,
Put him in the longboat 'til he's sober,
Put him in the longboat 'til he's sober,
Early in the mornin'...
Well, that was spontaneous.
Today, I learned something: some people just always look the same, no matter how tall (or not tall, in some people's cases) they get, and how much gel they stick in their hair. By this I mean that, when we looked at the baby pictures of some of the people in a certain homeroom (they're on the wall for some reason O.o), we could tell exactly who was who, without help from the name tags. I wonder if I'll remember looking through those pictures with my friends long from now. Or will I even remember my friends? It's funny how things that seem so consequential at one time can wither away into meaningless nothingness over the course of time.
To think: before this November, I didn't know any one from this community, bar the ones I bugged into joining. Thinking further back, I didn't know Kassedry-chan before last September. Nor was I aquainted with Sammie-chan before that. Imagine that! Life without Teh Smma. Now, to reach insanely far back, I hadn't met Darkmoon-Rising or Kunai (she's on OB) before I was eight years old.
And, to go even more insanely and rediculously far back, to a time that I remember mear snippets of: until I was five, I was actually afraid of "patringer11". Which is, in hindsite, just funny. Heh.
Then there were the days of kindergarten, when I actually thought I would be friends with those kids forever. Thinking back, they actually ignored me alot, except for one of them. We used to tie our coats together, because our four-year-old minds thought that that would mean we would have to go home together._ _U
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Monday, March 1, 2004
Do you ever find yourself just not liking some one and not being able to do anything about it? Even though you've been trying to stay on their side (and failing) for the past three years? *mutter*
I have decided that trying to talk comic books (including manga, manwha etc...) with people who know nothing about illustration is futile. I don't mean about the stories or characters, I mean about the fact that YES!, "..." is a valid piece of dialogue and has no reason to be denied its own speech bubble.
This really pissed me off. I'm sitting there, cleaning up a drawing that every one else has said was quite magnificent (
Darkmoon is scanning it for me, so it should be up here soon enough), and a few people I am on quite good terms with decide to start commenting. Okay: let's structure this, shall we? I'll call these people "friend", "DnD buddy", and "school-chum".
Me: *cleaning up the drawing, preparing it for scanning*
School-chum: Oh! That's a stool! I thought some one was kicking him in the ass.
Me: ...
DnD Buddy: You should draw hentai.
Friend: Why the hell do you draw other people's characters? That's so stupid! It's like writing about other people's characters!
School-chum: What does that mean?
Me: Quoi?
School-chum: The bubble.
Me: It says 'dot dot dot'. It means he's exasperated.
School-chum: That's weird.
Me: If you read more comic books you'd get used to it.
School-chum: Well, I don't...I read picture books!^^
DnD Buddy: You can make lots of money off of drawing hentai, you know.
Friend: That's not a valid part of speech! If you think that's considered something you can say, then you're stupid! You don't understand dialogue! You write like that, too! It's so stupid! What's your problem?!
Me: *tunes out, finishes cleaning, gets up, takes sketchbook and goes to design hair for one of my campaigners*
Oh well. I don't need them.
On a happier note: I PASSED MATH!!! I guess few of you would know it, but I am probably the worst mathematician on the face of the planet. So I am both pissed off and happy. Go figure.
Chocolate pop-tarts are Teh Bomb.^_^ I preffer the purple ones with the icing you dollop on top, though. Yum...candy really is a wonderful thing when you get right down to it. It's what has saved many a soul from depression and boredom, moi incluse.
Another thing:
Happy Birthday, Skippedry-chan!!
"Godel out."
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Saturday, February 28, 2004
And the mome raths outgrabe.
I am doing very poorly in school lately, as far as I am concerned. Though my in-class and English marks remain about where they usually are, my propensity to not do my homework was bound to catch up with me some time. *sigh* Being a lazy bum is tough sometimes._ _U
On a completely different note, I had a strange experience coming home from school with my friends on Friday. Seeing as there is a conveniantly (and almost direct, bar one bus-subway change) rout home from my school, we road the bus and (you guessed it) subway. As a rule of thumb, we always get in the back car, with all the other people from school, purely because it's usually emptiest.
However, seeing as none of my friends are subway savvy (damn, this is irritating sometimes) they march right on in to the third-from-the-last car, which is relatively full. Now, the subway is never full at this time of day, and the line is never busy for granted, but there wasn't as extreme an abundance of seats as usual. So, seeing as we were too lazy to move down the car, and standing on a smooth subway is fun anyway, we stood in a group, laughing and talking while all the other people on the car sat there like this: -.-
Then, all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, some guy sitting a few feet away from us turns around, and says to me, "Jesus loves you." I could tell he wasn't making a stupid joke. Me: O_____o
Being, as some of you may or may not know, an apathetic atheist (there are many kinds of us, you see...), I did not want to offend him, but I still found this rather...well, it made me uncomfortable. The guy didn't say anything else to us, but we cotinuously felt the need to look back over our shoulders as we walked back to my house from the end of the subway route.
Sasuke-kun and Sakura-chan: I may have some fan-fiction for you soon enough.^^
Ja ne, minna-san...
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004
The story behind your name - Uhh...my parents thought "Pure Battle Maiden" was cool.^^ Hense: Katherine Louise
Are you a lesbian - No, actually.
Where do you live - In a dormant volcanoe. Why?
1 word that sums you up - GEEK
Wallet - I don't have one. I have pocketses, precious.: 3
Hairbrush - Black and heavy--I swear, I could floor you with the thing if I was inclined to.^_^
Toothbrush - It's...translucent green. One of those dinky little things you need for braces. It pisses me off.
Jewelry worn daily - I am the only person I know who wears dream-catchers around her neck. And there's this little fox pendant...
Pillow cover - Blue and green.
Blanket - Blue and green.
Coffee cup - It's from the Tower of London. It has pictures of all the famous people who died there.
Sunglasses - N/A (though I've been wanting a pair like Shino's for YEARS)
Underwear - ...
Shoes - Those shoes that kill my feet because I'm flat-footed. Id est: I wear hiking boot-type-things all the time, even though I don't hike.^_^
Handbag - Hah. Handbags are for losers.
Favorite shirt - The Boredom/Nowhere one.
Cologne/Perfume - I'm not that pitiful.
CD in stereo right now - I download all my music.
Tattoos - Ouchies.
Piercings - Ouchies, once again.
What you are wearing now - Black t-shirt with a cynical slogan and faux-velvet green pants. They're not as gay as they sound.
Hair - Slanty. Like Hinata's, but different.
Makeup - It makes me claustriphobic.
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
In my mouth - The mortal I just killed--humans are tasty if good for naught else.^_^
In my head - Well, it's very, very lumpy.^_~
Wishing - That Gunslinger Girl 10 would DL faster. FASTER!!
Persons you wish you could see right now- Aside from Kakashi? No one, really. o.o
[ x ] Is next to you - Alot of burned and blank CDs, some pirated software, some manga, a printer, some printer paper, some shity handwriting, homework that was due months ago...a picture frame with nothing in it, a fuzzy speaker, some Pucca tattoos, the portable phone, a malfunctioning scanner, my kittie, an ottoman, a miniature pool table, the mouse, two mouse-pads, a permanent marker, Windows ME (the legal one!! :O), the wrapper from a Baby Bell cheese, some tetra-pack straw wrappers, some empty CD cases, my old planner covers, some T. C. perafernalia, another stick-on tattoo and Cue for Treason.
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - LOTR (PJ's, that is. *sweat*) Mononoke-hime, Porco Rosso, Sesshounen...
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - D&D at my house. Yay.
[ x ] The last thing you ate - Dunno. Pizza?
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - My computer spontaneously combusting. O_O
[ x ] Do you like candles - They, quite frankly, are for pussies.
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - *maniacal laughter*
[ x ] Do you believe in love - Yers.
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - Depends on whether they taste good or not...
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - This is a stupid notion.
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - That would require being spiritual to even the slightest extent, wouldn't it?
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness - Forgiveness is for the weak. *muah*
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - I don't care. I'll be dead.
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy - My computer, though I love it so...
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - A Yuan-ti Anathema. That's right, folks, you heard read me. ^_^
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - How about just not sleeping?
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium - Belgium is wear waffles come from.
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - Only losers can't. *nyah* (that is: yes)
[ x ] What's your favorite coin - The Tooney. Because it's that frigging cool.
[ x ] What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - Vancouver, Tokyo...uhh...KONOHA!!
[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig out foods - Wasabi chips, wasabi peas, shrimp chips, Jalapeno chips, wasabi out of the tube, chocolate chip cookies in wasabi, sushi, sushi in wasabe, fries, fries in wasabi.
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand - That there's no point in fighting over the alleged desires of some one/thing who does not exist. ^_^
What's something you wish you could understand better - Javascript. And Japanese.
Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - My best friend from kindergarten. Then again, I bet she's "popular" now.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Pictures came and broke your heart.
Alright, will some one tell me just why I am listening to The Buggles?! Heh. Well, this has got to be one of the greatest songs ever. Seriously. Even the "Oh! Oh!" part. *maniacal laughter* Come on, you all know what I'm talking about:
I met your children. What did you tell them? Video killed the radio star...
I (finally!!o_o"") saw episode 71 of Naruto--and what a good episode it was. I was very pleased with the adaptation--but Orochimaru's laughing face was kind of...it didn't look right. O.o Well, I guess it isn't supposed to, is it? Heh. I never liked Sandaime much--Yon and Godaime are so much cooler--but he has some neat techniques. I can't wait to hear the voice they give Tsunade--I think Senieth Lulu Giatt's would be perfect.
Sakura-chan? You've seen Scrapped Princess (or should I say 'The Epic of Shannon and Lulu, and How They Are The Coolest'^^) haven't you? Patringer11 actually suggested this...it's the whole manic, raving, half-crazed state of knowing you're just so much cooler than every one else. *maniacal laughter*
Not that I'd know anything about that...^_^
In my mind and in my car...
You know, it's funny. Even though I have a big issue to be worrying my ass off about, and am deathly afraid of the contents of my next report card (I can never convince myself to do my homework_ _U), I'm feeling quite happy at the moment. It must be all you optimistic people rubbing off on me...
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