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Saturday, January 17, 2004
Why, Sasuke-kun, of COURSE that wasn't a spoiler...uhh...um. You just THINK it was a spoiler because...um. That's right, because! Just because.
Anyway, I told you all! You didn't believe me but I told you all! Or somebody didn't believe me, anyway. I think it was AzureWolf. But, I told you!! Gaara's mom is the freakiest character! The canabalistic freak...*maniacal laughter* Gaara's so messed up in the head. Ah well, it's not really his fault. If only somebody would just give the poor kid a hug. What would ensue: Gaara: "...!!"
Temari: "*don't kill me*"
Gaara: "...!!!"
Temari: "*dammit, he's gonna kill me!*"
Come on, you know it would happen. *shifty eyes* Hmmm...maybe I'll draw that.^^ Heehee...!
You know what I never understood? How all these elite ninjas and everybody could not notice the Sound-nins making huge cropcircles everywhere! Ah well, I guess everybody was at the tournoment. Heheheh...Sakura kicks ass at a Chuunin level when it comes to "Kai." Fwoosh! I can't wait til the next episode!! Sakura and Shikamaru strike back! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!
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Friday, January 16, 2004
*ducks anvil thrown by Sasuke-kun* Geez, so what if I'm not a Sasuke fan? *ducks piano thrown by Sakura-chan* Moh...I admit he has some pretty cool clothes, but he just irritates me. Now Neji and Shikamaru on the other hand...^^!!
Wheee...Neji and Shika are so cool. Damn it! What happened to Kiba?! And Akamaru?! They fell into a gorge! *cries* If Naruto ends up being the only survivor of this stupid "Yay-let's-go-find-Sasuke-even-though-we-hate-him!" mission, I don't think I'll ever be able to stop ranting about how unfair it was. *sniffly* NEJI!!!! DON'T DIE!!! AAAAAAAH!!
It occurs to me that I do not have a life in any shape, way or form. Wheee...people ask: Do you have any plans this weekend? I respond: Do I ever have plans, ever?
Maybe I should try to find something that I actually like doing...aside from Naruto-watching and ranting-about and drawing. Pshoo...*dodges a volley of arrows* All right, that's it, who the hell is shooting projectiles?! *strings mighty composite, brilliant energy masterwork longbow and fires in the general direction of where the arrows came from* Hmph.
Well now...what to do...must find something to ammuse myself with. I've read all the Naruto manga already, and I've seen the new special...*racks brain* Hmmm...this could take a while...
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Thursday, January 15, 2004
*maniacal laughter*
Muahahaha! I *so* know that Sasuke-kun and Sakura-chan are gonna kill me for this but what the hell:

Okay, this is not an insult to SasukeUchiha the user, but to the character himself. I really don't like him that much...to be frank he pisses me off. *ducks objects thrown at her by Sakura and Sasuke* I used to be a huge Sasuke fan but...as you can see, that is no more.
I just manipulated one of my beautiful screencaps and this was the result. I've been planning to make this since this morning and I was thinking about nothing else all day...^^
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Spread the ness!
Spread the ness! Wow. It occurs to me that the ness has spread very rapidly. I have seen unnessesary suffixes all over MyOtaku! Wheee!! Spread the suffixes! They were all started back in the day by my good friend Sammiechan, who now has a MyOtaku acount because I pestered her about it. Her user name is "Sammiechan." Her ID pic is a dancing Strongbad...O.o
Anyway, I guess I'm happy because I had tuna for lunch today. Yay! I love tuna.^^
Thankyou muchonessoplasmoscityishness to Sasuke-kun and Sakura-chan for checking out my site and saying positive things about it! Yay!^^
I guess I'll do Gaara's bio next, because I told somebody that I would...hmmm...my friend said she would scan some of my drawings for me and send them to me. So...some of my art may or may not be up here soon enough. Well, my GOOD art. It's some stuff I did in school.
Well, 'sall. Must go check if Naruto special is out...cherio!
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Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Which Neglected Mario Character Are You?
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All is well...
Note to Sakura: I am coming for your plushies. Beware. AHAHAHAHAHA!!
Anyhoo, after much fiddling with the background colour--I keep forgetting to refresh after I edit before changing it again_ _U--I have settled on this greenishnessiscityoscity. If you don't like it, screw you. Stupid people not liking green...*mutter*
It occurs to me that I suck at listening. I'd love to major in psychology some day, but that would require, what was it?, seven years of school? *sweat* I think I'd be far too lazy for that. I can't listen to anything...I don't even know what to do during PE...stupid PE. *kills PE*
Drama class used to be fun...until last Monday when we were thrown into a downward spiral of having to do an..."anti-bullying" presentation. Wheee...._ _
Then we get to hear the guidance councelor talk and talk and talk and talk. Last time she did a presentation, I was stuck in the first row and she kept shining her flashlight in my face. *_* Oi...I hate guidance councelors. They piss me off so much...and I hate mediation. *kills mediation* Those damn shrink-wannabes...you can see right through them. All they're thinking is, "I want coffee..." *mutters some more* Why am I even in mediation every other day?! Gah. Stupid school...
Stupid people in school! I never thought I'd actually hear some one say "You think you're better than everybody else. You think you're so smart." I didn't listen to the rest of their blathering, and I realized only at the end that they were talking to me. So, of course, I just say, "Eh? You say something?" And then they start up again. Dammit, how utterly lame and unoriginal can people get?! I think they're just mad because I know how punctuation works and they have never been able to grasp the concept of "But he was more, of a hero." not being a proper sentence.
I have started a site dedicated to Naruto's Boxers, if you care to see it. And no, it is NOT hentai in any shape, way or form. *half the world says "Awwww..."* Anyway, 'tis all. Naruto's Boxers
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Tuesday, January 13, 2004
*waits for icecream to stop being stiff*
Don't you hate how icecream just freezes up like a rock? There was no hope of spooning any, so I came to make this post while I wait...*yawn*
*stares at Sakura key-chain* Heehee, I love this thing, with its oversized head and giant kunai on the end. Woot! It's so detailed, too...^^ *stares at Sanosuke placemat* ^___^ I need a Shikamaru t-shirt that says "Kumo wa ii ne..." on the back in Japanese...wouldn't it be fun to make a living off of designing t-shirts? I do that all the time for amusement anyway...
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Monday, January 12, 2004
Naruto is in the air...
One of my friends showed up (late) at school today wearing a Chuunin flak jacket! Wheee! Well, it sort of *looked* like one, but was the wrong colour, had no shoulder pads or any scroll compartments. And it was plaid on the inside. But hey...it still looked like one--or enough like one to get by. I think it was actually an old fisihing vest, but hey...haha...now, why he was late, he never actually told me. But hey...
My other friend was late because she was killing her doctor--or so we derived from her fast-paced babling.
Dah. Stupid history assignments! I have to draw some gay little editorial cartoons and a propagandizing poster for...tomorrow, was it...? I haven't started yet._ _U And I don't plan on starting until midnight.^^
My cat keeps trying to chew my internet cable wire...we're sitting on opposite ends of the room and every time he approaches it, get up and he runs back to his hiding place. Geez...he already has two chairs he can rip up whenever he wants...! Well, I guess he just loves chewing wires. He once lept at the one hanging off the counter from the coffee-maker. Which was turned on. The hot coffee almost spilt all over him...><" Baka neko...
French class is so stupid...nobody even listens...I wonder how I get all those high-80s marks when I can't even conjigate the simplist of verbs..._ _U I have never figured out Le Future Proche...or Le (whatever means past) Proche. Oh well, they don't matter. Who cares about French, anyhoo?
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
Sammie-chan was right--this is accurate, right down to the Holy Water. AHAHAHA!! For any one who has ever been a DM...well, this assures us all that there are others feeling our pain. Ahaha...Woot.
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Saturday, January 10, 2004
Woot. You gotta loved pirated DVDs. Ahahaha! I actually found Sesshounen and Porco Rosso today...the latter was only eight dollars and the first was slightly more expensive at twelve. I also got a Naruto DVD...eps 53-56. Whee...! Not to mention the wonderful Sanosuke and Jappongatana placemats. XD Now I have THREE Rurouni Kenshin-themed placemats! Yay! Well, I bought the Jappongatana one for some one else, so I have two, but hey.^^
Man, it was cold walking through the parking lot. But we actually managed to find the van, believe it or not. For those of you who have never been to a mall of such size on a weekend...that really is an accomplishment. XD I also saw this awesome necklace with the Sharingan eye inside of it...the guy at the desk with the cool hair said that since I bought two DVDs I could have a special price. But it was still too expensive. *cries* Couldn't find any Neji plushies...ah well, there's still the convention in May. Or I could use my superior needlework skills and MAKE MY OWN. MUAHAHAHAHA. (don't laugh--I really could if I wanted to) I mean, hey...I made Kenshin costume with one needle and a pair of nail scissors. I got a sewing kit for Christmas, so making a Neji doll should be easy. *thinks* And, yes, it was a good costume, thank you.
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