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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Ah yes, such is the nature of French class.
Which I improved my mark in by 6% since last term. Yay.
We aren't actually getting our reports until a few weeks from now, despite their being printed and whatnot already.
In other news, my friend is a total jackass. Today went a little like this:
Friend: You know that Gap guy? He's such a total failure.
Gap: *is standing two meters away*
Friend: That Gap guy is such a failure.
Gap: *is standing two meters away*
And such is the nature of my friend's thoughtlessness and inability to observe people's locations.
Last night, at, like, ten-thirty, my mom came downstairs while I was talking to a couple of certain some ones about a certain specific some one's chem homework, and got mad at me. It was actually really, really funny.
The conversation basically consisted of me lying my face off again and again, barely able to contain my laughter, while she asked me really typical questions.
Overall, the whole ordeal seemed to reveal that they could be anywhere between twenty and fifty years of age and you'd never know!!!
My mom can be really funny, sometimes.
It snowed last night and, though the city was bright enough to clear the roads and sidewalks on time this morning. So it all amounted to nothing but cold feet. Pah.
Surrealism is the coolest thing, but not when you're in an art class populated almost exclusively by idiots who can't even pronounce the word, "Dali". How the hell does any one expect to study surrealism without knowing how to say "Dali"?! Their lives are such bullshit--you can just tell.
Anyway, Dali. We basically read some textbook information and watched a video telling us what we already knew about him. Or, rather, less.
They were all about making the little children laugh at the whole air-tight suit ordeal and the foot-in-milk-bucket thing, along with the whole bit about wearing a lobster on one's head.
Which is all good fun, but that isn't the point of surrealism. (However, you could argue that statement is untrue, since Dali was utterly neurotic, which is probably the only reason he was able to create so many astoundingly unusual images of rotting flesh. Wai!)
Just got something in the mail.
It's a sort of post-cardish advert with a picture of Samuel Shing driving a moving truck and it says, "Worry no more,............just give Samuel a call." on the back.
That comma knows nobody needs it. You can just tell by the look in its eyes. Same with all those periods.
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Monday, February 28, 2005
The Prince of Persia is a total fucktard. Seriously. "Wee! Let's go unleash countless numbers of demons upon the world, then set off all the castle's traps, so they wont be the only thing I have to contend with!" Aiya.
But, hai--I got PoP: the Sands of Time yesterday, and it owns. However, running across walls, only to realize they have a crack running through them, then falling--or, rather, springing--to your doom, does not own. Aiya, again.
Anyway, the breaking news of today is that I'm cooler than Senny. At least Azure says so, and he's never wrong. : )
In other news, I got a USB mouse, and the old--er, new...--wireless one is moping in a corner somewhere because it sucks. : D The keyboard is working now, too, since its worse half has been replaced.
Additionally, the computer is being moved to a reasonable space "relatively soon", so I should be back to my old schedule. From, like, before Christmas.
Actually, Vince, the one character I have no idea as to what he should look like is Yamamoto-san. I'm just at a total loss, when it comes to everything about him, aside from, like, his age and gender.
I'll need your input to do with that.
I've set my computer's clock to 24-hour mode, so I can improve my skills at telling the time in French. Right now, it is 16:34, which means it's 16h 34. (Because I can't remember how to spell 16 in French. >_> Damn it.)
Apparently, we are all in for 20cm of snow tonight, at least, so my mom just might not be able to get out of the driveway tomorrow, meaning I just might not be able to go to school. Unless my little sister's best friend comes and shovels like he did last time--and, Jesus, that kid can shovel! And play Soul Caliber 2!
Upon returning home from skiing, our driveway was quite literally enitrely bereft of snow. Amazering.
Oh yeah, and if any one has any input as to what colours they think the Kazekage (you-know-who-specifically)'s new clothes are...help me out, here, man.
I'm guessing the jacket is black and that the pants are brown, the vest thingy being khaki coloured, but I can't be certain.
I'm going as him for the con this year, so I have to start early. If Kishimoto doesn't turn out some colour soon, I'll have to rely on allegedly-educated guesses. *raises eyebrows*
Oh yeah, and never, ever, under any condition, watch the movie interpretation of "Animal Farm", unless you enjoy the meticulous destruction of great works of literature.
Something I find funny:
A girl in my class said she didn't like the book "Animal Farm" because all the animals are so stupid. That just makes me smirk like smirking is about to be banned by the Liberal government. (No, for the record, I am not a god damn Tory or a blind NPD-follower. I just find the whole sushi bit damn funny, though it was undone.)
>: )
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
How is it that people who are so smart can be so damn stupid? Oh well, it was damn funny.
Just like the whole, "Selling tobacco to developing countries isn't bad! In India, they chew it during games and then eat it for dessert!"
The sad part is, both of those things were arguments used in school debates, for grades.
And, to digress...
God damn it! The final boss in Going Commando is too damn hard!
I guess I just need to upgrade more of my weapons, but it's taking a damn long time to do as much.
Additionally, the Skill Points keep getting harder to attain! Actually, that's just because I've already done all the easy ones, some of them completely unwittingly.
I guess that just goes to show how unbelievably skilled I am. >: 3
I've come up, Vince, with a few ideas for WN, though I still haven't settled on some of the character designs. Boo.
Maybe I'll put up some rough sketches of those, since my scanner works now. *does a dance*
Not much else to report, aside from the fact that I've eaten nothing today but pastries.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Drivin' the Bitter Bus...
In contrast with the above, today has actually left me quite bereft of bitterness. As a matter of fact, I'm downright unbitter.
Why? I'll tell you.
Totally ignoring my failing math, science, geography, and music grades, the highschool I've been going on about for a while sent me a letter. The letter contains the words, "We are pleased to inform you...ARTSprogram..."
Enough said. Je suis une Godel heureuse.
Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say this:
Bonne fête à toi!
Bonne fête à toi!
Bonne fête chere Aleia...
Bonne fête à toi!
So every one had better head over to her site and wish her a happy 20th. It only happens once, after all.
Also, I have a couple of pictures that I wont be submitting to theOtaku, on the grounds that they are not anime by any stretch, but I would like to get some feedback on.
These are three pictures that, in all their blue glory, probably earned me my spot in that arts programm. Behold:
This one.
This one.
And this one.
I'm still working on scanning this one painting I did, though my scanner has screwed up every time I've tried, as of yet. Then gone on to work for everything else.
The bastard.
New fanart up. Go see. Now.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Krat-os: part of this complete breakfast.
Well, Sarah, ma chere, you can stop worrying your little head into oblivion, since I put up that picture of you and your costume. Or in your costume. Whatever sounds better to you. I didn't submit it yesterday because I was having difficulty finding the right way to crop it and stuff.
I drew it around Halloween, so it's a little sketchy, but I have a friend who adores it, so I hope you do too. : )
The snow is a pain in the ass, but it's really pretty. I almost feel like taking a picture of it, with my fancy-pants black and white film. I think I will, actually, and scan it once I get the roll developed. (No digital camera for Godel.)
Also, I think I ought to have my own element. It can be called Godelium, or Go, for short, and it will be highly reactive. I need to learn more about electron shells, however, before making a fool out of myself on my own blog.
...like certain people do on a regular basis. *cough*
Anyway, I have taken on the task of redesigning the den, so it can be a guest bedroom for when my cousin comes to stay with us. This has no bearing on anything, but hey.
Time to go illustrate that post subject [and study for a science test].
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Monday, February 21, 2005
What's mostly white, often heavy, and just deep enough to be a pain in the ass to shovel, while just shallow enough to leave attending school possible?
If you guessed last night's snowfall, you were correct.
Actually, that pain in the ass to shovel part was a bit misleading, as no one in my family ever shovels the driveway. We just sort of drive through these two...rivets that form between the crystalized water particles and wait for it all to melt away into nothing worth having trouble driving about. So, I was very surprised--and I know my mother will be delighted--to discover, upon reaching my house, that my little sister's best friend's dad--in other words, our neighbour--had cleared a large portion of said driveway.
While walking home, however, I was not so lucky with the sidewalk, which is ploughed at...intervals, following no pattern, whatsoever. And the strange part is you can see the tracks, as though the guy ploughed, then went onto the street, then decided to plough some more, upon a whim.
I don't really need to describe how wet my shoes, socks, and, consequentially, feet are, because, well, you know what traversing home, over a distance of almost a kilometer, in two feet of snow (at intervals, of course) is like. And if you don't, you just suck.
I have submitted a bit of my more recent art to theOtaku's database, though my illustration of Myrtle hasn't received the warmest of welcome. I bet they're just angry because her eyes are less than obscenely huge. *mble grmble*
Truth be told, in the image I drew of Sakura, I wasn't sure what to do with her nose , Azure. I mean, I didn't know if I ought to make her look Asian, or White, or what. I finally gave her this generic sort of...lump, that can pass as a nose, providing you squint enough.
And, as for that one of Michael What's-his-face: well, that one's okay, too, I guess, though the controller doesn't match the console... There, incidentally, is a Pikmin standing on the shelf, amidst the games, if you peer close enough. : )
Oh yes, and returning to the crazy life of school...
This guy. At our school. Singing. For the second time.
If you want to get an idea of what that means, close your eyes, and use your telepathic skills to read and envision0 the following:
-take the Backstreet Boys (not to be confused with the Blacksweet Boys <-actually exist)
-fuse them into one being
-they're somehow black
-they sound like one of the crew from "Queer Eye" when they talk, and when they sing...they're the Backstreet Boys again
-they do the moonwalk
-they hit on your art teacher
It was supposed to be in celebration of Black History Month, though all he did was sing the same songs as last year and sing "Respect" over and over again. (Yeah, just the word, by itself. It was quite lame.)
So lame, in fact, that you felt bad for him. I couldn't help laughing--it was just too damn funny. Good thing none of the teachers could help laughing, either, or I might have gotten in trouble.
Poor little man.
Going back to my artwork...apparently, my avatar is an image of Sakura now, as I intended for it to be. However...I cannot see anything but Hello Kitty. O_o
Either Azure-jiji has gained some crazy, mindreading powers/drugs, or this browser sucks.
I think it's the latter.
So, I shall go download Mozilla...now.
(Oh yeah, and, for the record, my little cabbage has a sexy voice.)
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
Well, that was great fun. I'm positive I made countless foolhardy errors, but hey--it's Japanese! Wai!^^
Additionally, I have my keyboard settings successfully returned to normal, so I can actually type with the speed that is to be expected of some one so awesome as myself again. You all must be so terribly relieved. I mean, to think--! Another Godel post completely bereft of lamewad emoticons?! Jamais!
I really don't have much to report about to--yesterday...*glances at time*, since I sort of woke up at eleven-thirty, went downstairs, and turned on the PS2. I played Ratchet and Clank 2 for a while, then got up to have lunch and realized it was 6:30 in the evening.
No wonder I had time to complete...four planets. Psh.
So the preppy art school rejected me--but that is okay, as I was having second thoughts about going there, anyway. The school doesn't seem to great in terms of academics, and I was dreading having morons in my class, so I think the school with eleven-pupil classes is best for me.
Not that any one was following my exploits in applying for stuff, but eh.
Not much else to report, aside from the fact that the teachers who conducted a certain fieldtrip are a bunch of retards, who are incapable of taking a simple, time-effective subway route, requiring but four transfers at most!
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Yeah, well, fuck you, too.
My school has taken six dollars from me. To be more precise, my school has stolen six dollars from me and followed through by providing me with obnoxious and utterly dull threats.
It was only six dollars, but I owe my friend six dollars, and wouldn't if they hadn't stolen six dollars from me.
How did they steal six dollars from me? By making me pay for a trip that they, supposedly, have been planning for over four months, now. However, if they have, indeed, been planning this trip for over four months, why is it that they, only recently, have been able to tell us that we are going to spend one hour at our destination and the rest at either McDonald's or at school, watching some watered-down, pansy-ass movie?
And then they fly into fits of rage when every one asks for their money back.
It's not that much money, and it isn't like they would be making any proper use of it. And they don't have to take it personally, though it is entirely their fault.
And then they have the nerve to approach us during class, while we are working, and tell us we're not going to be "allowed to go to 'Grad'" if we don't go on the trip.
"Grad"? Please--from middle school? I'm supposed to care? It's not like it's anything special, to begin with, and that isn't even the point.
The point is that trying to blackmail small children into giving you six dollars and receive nothing in return for it is pretty sad.
Oh yeah, and I didn't get to finish my class work, either, and my teacher is going to be pissed off at me, again.
Oh well, I'll tell her it's her co-workers fault for stealing my six dollars.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Charlie is following us...!
Because Maladict is just that awesome.
Well, the scanner works, and I have a whole bunch of qwark-tastic images to upload, however this computer lacks the appropriate software to resize or awesome-ify images.
I hate setbacks.
On the drawing note, last night, I drew this highly kawaii picture of Sakura. Only...I made the eyes kind of small and mouth kind of big and nose kind of there and oh-my-god not anime style, you say? Blasphemy!
I decided a while back that I wanted to explore more art styles, as anime is fun and awesome, but being able to more realistically depict stuff is...impressive. Or at least more-so. (That is: art teachers tend to scoff at other stuff, alot of the time. Bastards.)
I actually enjoy the more typically Western comic style, as long as the characters aren't rediculously muscled or wearing spandex (which is becoming easier to avoid, these days, for the more heroic genre of person). It's more realistic and you can achieve alot more distinction between faces through it.
Because there's this sort of...guideline for anime face shapes and what not--it can genuinely be difficult to tell characters apart.
Which is part of why I love the Naruto manga so much--even if they were all completely bald and expressionless, you could tell who was whom, since there is differentiation when it comes to face shape and features. It's really quite neat.
My art teacher gave me my mark for some bi-cultural thing I did, and all her comments were centered around tampons.
That is: she made one comment, and it was, "I love the use of tampons as a symbol of feminine identity." Through this, she seemed to ignore the beheaded fashion models and whatever else.
Oh well. I got 86%. So eh.
I think it is really time for me to do something about that Christmas avatar, even if my software is such shit.
Must...get...Photoshop...soon...or I will die.
Or at least revert. *raises eyebrows*
I'm not sure which would be worse emotionally for my immediate family.
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Friday, February 11, 2005
Son of a quark!
...or so says Ratchet, the weilder of countless and diverse firearms, each unit deadlier and less forgiving than the last. And damn, I love those pink grind boots.
Indeed, Godel has returned, springing from the depths of misery in not having a working computer back into the well-lit world of cyber-space. Sort of. All I am going to say is that wireless mice and keyboards sont Le Diable.
Every thirty seconds, I get this irksome message on the screen telling me that either one has been disconnected.
And the scanner shows signs of working in the near or distant future--at least it did. Until I clicked scan and nothing happened.
You'll have to pardon the still-Christmas-themed avi for now, as I do not yet have Photoshop installed on this machine. My friend is bringing the CD with her today, though, since we're going shopping, so that problem is but temporary. I hope.
Anyway, as you may have realized from the introduction to this post, Godel is now the proud owner of a PS2. A frigging tiny PS2, at that. It's approximately the size of the new floppy-cover edition of "The Good Earth" and weighs a bit more.
My cousin let me borrow a plethora of his games, most of which are limitlessly cool. So, I have played half of Sly Cooper and the Thevius Racoonus, begun to get the hang of Virtua Fighter4, and got bored of FFX after six hours of play-time. I have not touched Sonic Mega Collection and do not intend to.
In terms of what I bought myself and own, LOTR: the Third Age is a damn good RPG, Katamari Damachi is, well...wtf, man? but still FRICKING AWESOME and Ratchet and Clank 2: Going Commando...? Best. Thing. Ever.
My favourite weapon, of course, is the Vaporizer, though the Mini-Nuke and Seaker will always have a place in my heart. Speaking of which, I have almost managed to upgrade the Seaker, so I am looking very much forward to do with my potential in the way of pwnage.
And before I break into tears, I would like to address how much I have MISSED everybody...!!!!!!11one It has been a long, hard haul through exams, interviews, portfolios, and everything else, but hey. I have a pissy computer now, so I can at least update my blog.
And talk to you guys. Wai! Thankyou for all the exclamations of concern as to my whereabouts and, Vince, I will have you know that, though I made some damn stupid mistakes, I got 91% on my French exam.
Speaking of exams, I suck--I came through with a 58% in math and a 76% in science. I got a 95% on my English exam, though I kick myself for not getting 97%, as I lost points on some obvious things.
I got the highest essay mark in my class, though, and my teacher never gives 90s, so I guess I can be happy with that.
Took a tour of the school I am going to next year and did some thinking. Well, actually I had been doing some thinking before hand and had already come halfway to the conclusion that I would rather remain a full-fledged Giftie than spend fifteen hours a week in art classes of thirty to forty people.
I bring up class sizes because the school I am going to next year's are, quite literally, comfortably hovering around...eleven? Say it isn't so! How can this be? I have no idea, but it is and it is awesome.
Another interesting thing I noticed was that the grade eleven math class was covering the same thing I am supposed to be learning in math class this year.
Looking up, I guess.
I caught up on Naruto manga, though I am having difficulties installing Bittorent on this shitbox computer, so I can but wait until my birthday and hope my mother decides that is a good time to give me my laptop she promised. *mble grmble*
If I get my scanner working, you fellows and ladies shall see some of my non-crappy artwork. Yay.
Like that picture I did of Shin. (Sorry, I am having trouble with my keyboard, which refuses to let me type ducky brackets, so no plugs. *mutter*)
Anyway, Val, my favourite SMILE! X_X track is probably that one whose name is in kanji so I cannot tell you the title. I think the track number is ten, but I am not sure, so sorry.
I would check, but I have to go soon.
Aleia, I read your PM. Where oh where can a Godel be? Many a place, I guarentee you.
And Paisley, I read your little poem. Very depressing, I promise. : )
Oh, yeah, and Bio...my computer, knowing it, probably says, "STFU biatch!!!11one lolz ur a faggort!!!113" Don't you hate it?!
I have to go brush my teeth now.
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