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To finish the story
Reading, wRiting, & aRt-matic
Friday, August 20, 2004
Bring a pack of matches and we'll...
Well, if you know the words, you can fill in the rest for yourself. If you don't know the words, you can quite possibly have more fun inventing new ones than any one would ever have singing the real ones. Maybe. I mean there is a certain degree of hilarity that accompanies singing songs that encourage us to burn the Whitehouse, isn't there? *looks back and forth, somewhat cautiously*
Great. Now they're gonna think I'm a terrorist.
Ah well.
School looms on the horizon and I tremble with a complete lack of enthusiasm. While "Uncle" Shin (haha...), Sara-san, and others go on to Un--er--College (What do you guys call your colleges? O.o"), I move on to the abyss of *scary music*
You guys, with your advanced repsective ages (XP), are totally cramping my angst.
Ah well, I can still angst. I will prove it: I hate everything, stupid world, stupid shoes, I hate you, I hate life, I hate everything, no one loves me. There.
Now that we have that rediculous group of words out of the way, let us move on to what I actually intended to make a post about.
*thinks really hard*
Okay, well that failed. It would seem that my memory has begun to follow the same path as my computer's ["brain"] did. *shivver* Let's just hope we don't go to much farther into that metaphorical neck of the woods, neh?
I knew you'd all agree whole-heartedly.
There is a lot of angst in the air these days. It's like advertising and (according to certain unnamed parties) terrorists: everywhere. On bookshelves, on the internet, on TV. People throw away their teenage (and now even childhood) years in the name of angst, wasting away their days trying to invent reasons to pretend they need psychologists, and finding motivation for an endless stream of tears.
So why does no one see this as a problem? I mean, think about it: instead of going on about all the advertisements and violence and sex and drugs on TV and in movies and in music, why not hop, skip, and jump straight to the real problem? Angst in the media.
These poor, impressionable kids see their favourite stars going on about how they hate living, and how they have no self-esteem, and how life sucks, and what do they think? "I'm a teenager, therefore, I must have angst."
There's a total lack of media-awareness for you. Not recognizing the following facts can have terrible results on the teenaged psyche:
1. Dark does not equal deep.
2. Depression does not equal deep.
3. Being a whiney imbacile who talks about suicide all the time does not equal deep.
4. Your parents do everything for you.
5. You don't have to pay taxes.
6. You really ought to shut up.
Now, every one, go back and read the list again: if you can't tick off your understanding and accepting every fact within it, you have fallen victim to a psychological disorder that I haven't come up with a name for yet.
I have some advice for you:
Nobody. Freaking. Cares.
(Note: this does not apply to people who actually have problems--i.e. divorce, harrassment, dial-up, etc...)
Here's a picture of the Pillows:

And you thought Hyde was good looking! I don't see him (or Gackt, for that matter) wearing such awesome clothes.
There is totally a lesson to be learned here.
It's good to be back. |
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