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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Bonzai, bitches!
Yesterday, I discovered what has been missing as a key part of my life for all these long years. It wasn't a certain article of clothing, or concept, or piece of technology, it wasn't a new flavour of chips, or a new kind of pop. It wasn't a band or a song or a movie or a bag or new make of CD-Rs (though I do need some new ones), it wasn't a working scanner, or a new internet browser. It wasn't a teddy-bear or new printer paper, it wasn't a bigger desk or a comfortable chair. It wasn't new art pencils or even a misplaced rift in the space-time continuum that would somehow allow me to travel to Konoha and capture Neji, then lock him in the highest tower (After all, I've already taken care of that.^^).
It was MegaTokyo
I cannot believe I have never really taken a large interest in web comics. But yesterday--ahh, that fateful day!--I read through all of VG Cats (which I've done before, anyway, aside from a few of the newer ones...), some 8-bit, and, of course, 165 pages of MT itself.
Piro-san = Teh Awesome (as does Leo's concept of how Federation came about xD)
Well, school starts again in a week as of this morning 8:45am, so I am counting down the last few precious minutes of having nothing to do.
This summer's pretty much been one big let-down thus far, as my friends and I have only been able to pull together two DnD meets, a couple of movies, and one weekend at the cottage.
We are, however, planning to hold a mock "Iron Chef" competition at some one's house before school starts, play at least one good game of DnD and, of course, there's Sammie-chan's party. So, yeah: cramming lasting memories of fun in the summertime (indoors) is, hopefully, going to take place throughout this last, quickly-fading week.
Returning to school is going to be a bit of a slap-in-the-face transition, considering the fact that I have barely seen any one from school and talked to even fewer since the end of June. Also, a big-ish number of the people in my core class are switching schools, which means there will either be a (for once) small class (<--very unlikely), or that we will once again impose our elitist views on the "n00bs". That's the fun of being in a special ed. class, I guess: you've known everybody since you were eight years old, and it really pisses teachers off, because we never shut up. Psh. I don't think we've ever had a teacher who hasn't described us as "the worst class they've ever had to deal with throughout the course of their entire teaching career".
I've been drawing a few DnD-game-based comics of late, but, sadly have no means of scanning them until school starts again. Curse you, Universe!!! *chucks several large-ish, hard objects at the sky* Damn's not working...!! >:^(
Thanks to the aid of Sammie-chan's wit, my favourite one (and the only one I'm really proud of xD) goes somewhat like this:
Wym: Hey, Goneral!
Goneral: What's up, Wym?
Wym: I sold your soul to the Devil!
Goneral: WHAT?!
Wym: It's okay! You're pretty demonic anyway...^^"
Goneral: What the hell is wrong with you you fuck head!!! Go suck my non-existant balls!!! I CAST CONTAGION!!!
Wym: ...
Goneral: ...
Wym: ?
Goneral: You have herpes now.
Wym: T_T
Here's a picture of Kakashi and Iruka kissing. (How can Kakashi do that with his mask on? : S )

By the way: what do you people think of my new intro/avatar? Narutimett Hero 2 looks ultra wicked. *wants to play it* |
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