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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Ninjas Rule!
I am on a quest. This quest involves sending a particular song to as many people as possible. It's such a good song: Shin and Sammie-chan have already heard it, and Sara has it sitting quietly, patiently on her hard drive (she might even have listened to it by now--who knows?). But this isn't good enough. No! I will not stop 'til every one has heard this song at least once through! So, those on my AIM/MSN list, beware: the Kill Bill volume 1 sound track is coming to get you while you are sleeping online!! *maniacal laughter*
Incidentally, I haven't been outside for three days.

Indeed, my friends, this is what happens when Godel decides she is going to start coming up with designs for t-shirts that will never exist. That one, of course, would be for the Sadistic DM's of the World, myself included. After all, if you're going to take it out on your campaigners, you might as well make it known.

This, of course, would be the feature t-shirt of, were it ever to actually come into existance. Last time I checked, the name wasn't taken, so maybe we will get around to making that web-comic, one day... *flower petals*

Another Buoyancy Force t-shirt, obviously, featuring our slogan. Because Buoyancy is greater than gravity, and you know it. >:^O
It occurs to me that I have made no preperations for the upcoming school year at all. I have no new clothes, binders, or even pencils, and haven't given them any thought until now. And school starts next Tuesday.
This is probably because I couldn't care much less (aside from about the pencils) about the the whole shopping thing when it comes to starting highschool, and, instead, have been pressing to find some one to go down to the Hairy T or 1000 Comics or somewhere with, in order to find two things: Sammie-chan's birthday present and volumes one and two of MegaTokyo.
So, even though I made that deal that I would do at least 50% of my homework this term, I am most likely going to end up back at school with three things, aside from my clothes and lunch: a backpack, a pencil, and one sheet of paper.
My printer isn't working right now, either, because I'm too lazy to bother fiddling with it and its software for hours on end, which will mean alot of running to the school library to print things five minutes before class starts.
Yep, this year sure is looking down. Why can't we just skip the whole school thing and go straight through to Christmas?
Well, at least there's Halloween to look forward to, with it's Link-ness. I really ought to start working on those patterns, shouldn't I, Samm?^_^""
And what is up with this Sonic Blaster guy? O_o"" |
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