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A relative paradise
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Emulating Arthur
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To finish the story
Reading, wRiting, & aRt-matic
Thursday, September 2, 2004
Do you feel sorry for the little creamer?
That is because your are crazy.
Well, since the light in my room burnt out and shattered, creating cause for me to have to vacuum up the shards, two days ago, it has not been replaced. The reason for this is that the base of the bulb has gotten wedged up, into the socket. This, of course, proves to be a great annoyance when it comes to three things:
1)seeing at night
2)seeing during the day (I have a set of blinds and curtains which are always kept close, due to light pollution and laziness on my part
Godel while going to bed last night and the night before: *trips over vacuum, falling into stack of books, which is instantly made un-stacked* Ow. *steps on glass shards she missed vacuuming* Ow.
Godel this morning: *trips over vacuum, falls out bedroom door*
Godel's cat this morning: *sits on Godel when she falls over*
Godel from her position on the floor: Curse you, lightbulb!!! *stands up, on more glass shards* Ow. *takes a step forward* Ow.
Honestly: it should not be allowed for one measly lightbulb to ruin everything like that! *trips over CD briefcase* Damn it...
I'd also like to extend a fair amount of thanks to Sakura-chan for giving me the URL of a certain Public MM Torrents. Not only have you provided me with a location to get my The Pillows etc... fix, but a reason to burn things onto CDs, therein removing them from my HD, making more room for other things. Like...The Pillow's FULL DISCOGRAPHY. *drools*
As a side note, after talking (via AIM of course) with both Ana--Sarah-chan (see? I keep forgetting.^^") and Azure-jiji, I am driven to ask how many people actually know my real name--they sure as hell didn't. xD
Oh, and, Preston-kun, what is this about your figuring out Azure-jiji's name?^.^
Well, BoxTorrents is once again down, but not necessarily out, knowing them. I was halfway through downloading the entire series of Planet ES, too. Boo.
At least I've got another torrent going at a decent rate. "Decent." An hour and a half left to download ten minutes isn't what I'd generally reffer to as decent, but I've been kind of starved for quick downloads of late, since Bittorent's speed crashed on me. Whatever happend to 165kb/s??? T_T
On a completely different note, I got a PHB! *does a dance* I've been reading through all the class descriptions, which I've done before, but it's different when it's your PHB, isn't it? *hugs PHB* Well, that's forty-five dollars that didn't go to waste. Same for the DMG.
So, yeah: I actually left the house yesterday evening to go out for dinner and buy a PHB. I had some spicey noodles that, I suppose, are meant to be oriental-ish, but conform to no specific country's taste. There're alot of dishes like that floating around now-a-days, it would seem. Ah well: it tasted good, and I got a rather annoying fortune with it (in a fortune cookie, of course xP).
"You should be able to achieve anything [you loser]."
Maybe it was meant as some twisted form of encouragement, but all it did was irk me, especially after I couldn't figure out what the hell it meant when I read it in French first, as I always do. (Force of habbit, I guess, as I can't remember why or when I started.)
Ooo, would you look at that: my Bittorent's going at a whole 20kb/s! *kicks computer* Same to you, bitch.
The nerve! After acting up on me yesterday, too!
Godel: What do you mean the system is low in resources?!? I have three gigs of space left! Fine, I'll restart you, you collosal whiner.
Computer: *flicker* Skreeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakshfdjg.(<--"DISC BOOT ERROR. INSERT SYSTEM DISC AND PRESS ENTER.
Godel: *does so*
Computer: Skreeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakshfdjg.
Godel: *tries again*
Computer: Skreeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakshfdjg.
Godel: *pulls plug, turns off lights, closes and locks door behind her, goes upstairs to her room, locks that door behind her, and sits in the dark, under desk, amongst the dust bunnies, hugging her knees for half an hour*
I then had to go through a bunch of seemingly random, arbitrary steps before it finally got its shit together again.
Instrument of the Devil, my ass. My computer is no mere instrument: its its own fucking demi-god of malice. That's right, buddy, I'm talking to you. And I'm the one with the baseball bat here. *maniacal, Shonen Bat grin*
So what does that make me? : /
Oh my, would you listen to that: my stomach is telling me I haven't eaten anything all day, and it's already 2:11pm. I wonder if there's any tuna left...
But, before you go, here's a picture of The Pillows:

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat a tub of ice-cream a well-ballanced meal consisting of all four food groups. |
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