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Sunday, September 12, 2004
Hack naked.
Just a quick update today, as I only have a few minutes to type this.
I've been doing a lot of shopping over the past two days. I've managed to get myself utterly broke, but that's okay because I fail to forget what I get out of being broke: manga. Lots of it. And "Gai Jin" by James Clavell. And a PHB, but I mentioned that before.
I also got a Trogdor sweater and a David & Goliath shirt that says "this sucks!" on it, but my mom paid for those.^.^
In the way of manga, last night I picked up volume four of Naruto, along with both MegaTokyo books. I love both titles ever so much. (Truth be told, I was going to buy volume two of Naruto, but then I realized that four had Neji in it. Ahh, my wonderful Neji...*huggles Neji keychain*)
The best part is I got all three of these books for a total of thirty-two Canadian dollars. I officially love the Hairy T. It is the single most awesome place on Earth, and I take great pride in knowing that if it weren't for me, we never would have found it. (Why is it that when people know something is on the second floor, they look for big, flashy signs. Second floor stores rarely have big, flashy signs. They do, however, sometimes have FUCKIN' BIG MURALS OF SPIDERS right by their doors.'d think it would be hard to miss.)
For those of you who are unfamilliar with the Hairy T, imagine a small room with a wall dividing it into two main sections. Line the walls of one of the sections with manga, from floor to ceiling, and cover the floor with boxes of even more manga. Now, stick a large table/counter in the middle and fill it up with DVDs and cheap-as-dirt VHS tapes. Make sure the table leaves about two feet of walking space between itself and the walls. Now, imagine that there is a sign on the table saying that since they cannot fit all their DVDs in it, one should ask for titles one cannot find. Cover the other half of the store in Western Comics, Gravitation box-sets, DnD books, dice, Planet ES t-shirts, Action figures, miniatures, various degrees of Munchkin, and lots of other wonderful geeky things, and throw in a counter covered in dice. Some of them FUZZY. They had a FUZZY D-8. And a rather weighty d-20, that, apparently, was only to be sold to DMs. That's why a certain Sammie-chan ended up yelling, "Katie! Come buy us stuff!" xD It was very funny at the time.
I still don't understand, Samm, how you left that store without buying ANYTHING, not even the Gravi box-set. We could have had a marathon. T_T
We then moved on to various stores selling a great deal of .hack and YuYu Hakusho plushies for just under twenty dollars, and a very cool sci-fi/fantasy bookstore where a lady complimented me on my stylin' Space Invaders t-shirt.^.^ I didn't buy anything anywhere but at the Hairy T. I think I've become loyal or something (though I did spend over $60 at the Silver Snail earlier today...).
I had dumplings and sticky-rice in peanut sauce for lunch. Yum-tastic. My chopsticks didn't match, though, which kind of sucked, because they were different shapes, colours, weights, and sizes, which made using them rather awkward. (I have m4d ch0p571ck 5k1llz, btw, so don't get the wrong idea. It was just weird for the first minute or so.)
My, my: this is turning into a moderate-sized to lengthy-sized post.
I don't have much more to talk about now, except for the fact that shopping with my mom can get very frustrating, what with her pulling me past Borderline and all the other cool stores. Gr. At least I got to go into the Silver Snail.
Wish my sister hadn't been there; she whined the whole damn time. =_="

I wish I had Kenshin plushies. : ( |
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