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Friday, October 1, 2004
I have nothing to post about...
...aside from...
...the fact that I would promptly make a "People To Kill" list if it weren't for all those innocent people you hear about getting in trouble for it.
I guess I'll just make one in my head and call the one up here my, "People I Strongly Believe The World Would Be Better Off Without" list.
PISBTWWBBOW for short.
-George Bush, because he's a republican ass and the only one of those guys I can tollerate is Buggie-san (Why do Republicans not believe in pollution, let alone Global Warming, and think that Iran and Iraq are the same place, and that the Bin Laden clan has anything to do with either of them?)
-Dale, because he's a jackass who I've never even met, but have heard enough about to be inclined to kill him if I ever meet him while armed in any way. (They should do a documentary on that guy; seriously.)
-My math teacher, because she's anal about everything and because she wears nasty-smelling perfume and because she yells at people for being polite and deducts 10% of grades because you were sick and couldn't hand the papers in while you were throwing your guts up into the toilet, two kilometers away. (Happened to a classmate of mine, apparently.)
I'm sure I'll think of/meet more as the days go by. I'll keep you guys posted about that, methinks.
I had tuna-salad party sandwiches for lunch today, and just finished off the last two nanaimo (sp??) bars. The bread the sandwiches were made on was unbelievably tasty, which resulted in my family eating all 35 or so of the left-over roast-beef, egg-salad, ham-salad (O_o""), and, of course, tuna "halftimes", as Loblaws likes to put it. =_=""
My cousin's husband's mother kept baking stuff and bringing it over to my aunt's at utter random, which was kind of neat, I guess, especially since I was supposed to be taking a geography quiz at the time.
The funeral was quicker than I expected, and was held in a Catholic church. I didn't know any of the prayers or songs, of course, but neither did the cousin I was sitting beside.
It was rather awkward, to say the least, and I felt rather angry that the entire ceremony seemed to be about Jesus. Who cares about that guy?
It was her funeral.
My family members keep dying, which is why my family on my dad's side keeps getting together. Heh. Kind of depressing, really.
My cousin's husband set a pinata on fire the other day. In the oven.
That guy's always shooting himself and Bob in the face with stuff, though, so we weren't surprised.
We weren't surprised that my uncle had gotten a cattle-prod, either.
During a conversation with Azure-jiji the other day (night before I left), I discovered that Godel really has done quite a bit.
Godel even has a Memorial Library.
"In the tree of truths, a Godel statement hangs like an golden apple."
Take that, Senny. That's way, way cooler than some alleged martyr-wannabe proffesion.
Any one can die in the name of God, but it takes 5k1llz to have that said about you. : O |
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