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Friday, October 8, 2004
Some days, the beautiful picture makes me turn around...
Well, How To Learn Engrish received some positive reviews on its first day of being an OB Anthology post. Or maybe its second; taking timezones and not being at the computer into acount, any amount of time could have gone by between now and last night.
Which brings me to how utterly cool Geomorphology is.
I've always loved this topic, and happen to know every point about it that has been brought up in the textbook off the top of my head, thus far.
I think this is due mostly (if not entirely) to the fact that I spent such a large amount of my childhood in and around a certain museum that is unrivaled when it comes to degrees of sheer awesomeness.
So yeah, I learned all these fun little high-school level tectonic plate facts back when I was seven years old.
: )
A couple of my friends came over today, which meant that watching Castle In The Sky was basically mandated.
Neither of them had really seen the whole movie before, while paying attention, so the commentary was rather amusing.
And my loathing for Disney and its shoddy subbing has been reborn in a greater, more vengeful form.
Oh, those rotten guys...
(Yeah, that's a line from a dubbed samurai movie my dad rented once. You can't win this little argument, Skippedry-chan, no matter how hard you try. u.u)
Seeing as English class now entails doing a book report on a short story, I am rather pleased in that regard.
I think I shall use the first story (not including the one in the intro) from Smoke and Mirrors. I know that a certain Sara shall know which one I am talking about, and maybe even remember the title. (I have the book, but am too lazy to run upstairs to check the name of said tale of Chivalry.)
IRL, I know some pretty unique people.
One of my friends was going on about how she enjoys "people watching". This means that she climbs up, into the higher branches of the willow tree next to the sidewalk on the main road and takes photos of passers-by.
She's also taking Japanese classes (though, upon seeing her homework, I concluded I know much more than she does), and knows just about everything about movies.
And she's one of those rare people who can wear a mini-skirt and make it look unique and stylish.
So, in a nutshell, Tia's a cool chica, as a certain missing person would say.
(Where is Sarah-chan?? T_T)
I surprised one of my other friends during strings class today by speaking to her in some pretty basic Japanese. She knew I was interested in it (she is, too--is taking a credit course), but I doubt she ever really believed I had any degree of understanding in it. I'm nowhere near good at it, but I was able to tell her she was a far better violinist than I.
For I must suffer through lousy violin-playing skills. *tear*
I've said it before: music is not my forte.
As a person, I try to keep from assuming that every one fits into whatever stereotype they try and fit into before I get to know them. It's stupid to not try and think in such a way, but there are lots of stupid people in the world.
Even posers can be friendly, polite enough people when you treat them with a little respect.
One of them, crotch of the pants at the knees and all, appologized to me not once but twice for taking up so much space at our lockers for more than a minute or so.
That had a certain significance to it I guess, because it was contrary to what most people like to think about guys with the crotch of their pants at the knees.
They still look like kichigaina baka, however. And act like it 99% of the time, too.
I guess some people are just okay underneath, and some aren't.
Thanks to whoever noticed and commented on my new theme.
I found that Kenshin doll's picture, and it had to be put to almost-immediate use.
It's just that cool.
: 3
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