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Friday, October 15, 2004
Plink Plank Plunk: Godel on strange Shanghainese people and bastardizing the violin
I forgot my mid-term reports, detailing the ways in which I am failing just about everything, in my locker, and ultimate suffering is bound to follow shortly. X_x
But that's just dumb stuff, so let us move on...
Today, four or five proffesors(?) from Shanghai came to our school. I don't know if they were expecting to be stared at, but as they walked the halls, no one noticed them that much--I think everybody figured they were supply-teachers or something.
They were all quite overdressed for coming to the school, which I found rather amusing.
They spent all the time they were there poking their heads around the doors of our classrooms, insulting us and our teachers in Chinese; I assume they assumed that the Westernized Asians in Canada have some sort of nationalist pride in China and don't tell us white kids anything. Or that they have anything nice to say about nosy people from Shanghai that poke their heads around classroom doors all day when they're not actually in said proffesors' presence.
I have no idea what they were trying to accomplish by coming to our school, but they didn't see anything realistic; I mean, if they wanted an idea of what Canadian kids are like, they should have stood around or near the foyer during lunch. It was pissing rain, therefore the space was full of about 100 students, practicing various student-like activities.
That is: running around screaming for no apparent reason, beating each other up for no apparent reason, doing ubelievably obscene things to the windows, feeling each-other up in the corner, singing dumb Christmas carols and other such generic activities that come with youth.
Eh. Maybe they were trying to impress them or something? Whatever.
Nevertheless, those Shanghainese people made me think about a couple of things.
Or one thing: people have no attachment to their anscestors' homeland. Not really. Not if they were born here or came here when they were younger than three or four.
You can tell how recently some one has immigrated just by looking at them. It's something to do with their default expression and hair-style, I think.
You can also tell by sticking them on a scooter-board and saying "Go."
The kids who came to the country less than three years ago stare at you like you're insane when you say "YAY!" when the teacher chooses to plague the class with them, and gawk when you know how to get them to move quickly...
'Tis an art.
As is using one's violin in the manner any one else would a banjo.
How many people here use the word "frig" or "frick" on a regular basis, in any of its forms?
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