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Samurai Champloo
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Monday, October 18, 2004
It is entirely possible to fit eight communist leaders, along with the entire US millitary, into one locker with little or no effort... all.
You know that feeling you get when you come in with a rediculously slow time, third to last out of seventy people, fifty of which started after you, not really caring because
1) you had to pee the whole frigging time
and 2) you are inclined to believe your legs are halfway to being frostbitten.
Running in a rediculously thin set of gym clothes when it isn't fully light yet and you can see your breath is never a good idea.
I have episode two of Bleach sitting on my harddrive, but I am disinclined to watch it because the first episode blew.
What a sucky show--they could have at least made a sorry attempt to cover up the fact that they ripped off certain widely-recognized designs from the Best Manga Ever. And the fact that it's basically YuYu Hakusho set fifteen years later, and in less of a slum.
Episode 18 of Samurai Champloo isn't being released until January. Boo.
Yesterday, I saw a man by the same name as a friend I've known since I was eight years old getting his intestines ripped out, uncoiled, and eaten Shaun of the Dead.
Some good stuff there. I think I shall ensure that I own it a few months from now.
My retainer broke. There's another $750.00 down the drain. I feel bad now. ><" (And no--I wasn't sitting on it.)
My mom gave me twenty bucks yesterday, for no reason.
I got the material for my link costume.
Gonna start that tonight. Can't wait 'til every one's respective costumes are finished...shall be great fun, indeed.
Know what? I do believe a certain group of individuals in Quebec are making a movement to form a Union of workers in the "Erotic Labor" field. (I am assuming it's Quebec, for obvious reasons.)
What. The. Hell?
Wouldn't that mean they'd all have to have permits and whatnot? O_o"
I figure, if you're a (man-)ho to begin with, you wouldn't be the kind of person to have much of an interest in unions.
: /
Know what would be the best chess-set ever?
A Naruto chess-set. : 3
I wonder who all the pieces would be...
Tsunade would be one of the queens, obviously, and Orochimaru would be the other one. (The Queen is more important than the king, because she's the one who's actually capable of kicking ass.)
Sasuke would be a pawn on Orochimaru's team. Psh.
I wonder who the rooks would be.
Shizune and Kabuto, perhaps?
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