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A relative paradise
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Emulating Arthur
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To finish the story
Reading, wRiting, & aRt-matic
Monday, February 21, 2005
What's mostly white, often heavy, and just deep enough to be a pain in the ass to shovel, while just shallow enough to leave attending school possible?
If you guessed last night's snowfall, you were correct.
Actually, that pain in the ass to shovel part was a bit misleading, as no one in my family ever shovels the driveway. We just sort of drive through these two...rivets that form between the crystalized water particles and wait for it all to melt away into nothing worth having trouble driving about. So, I was very surprised--and I know my mother will be delighted--to discover, upon reaching my house, that my little sister's best friend's dad--in other words, our neighbour--had cleared a large portion of said driveway.
While walking home, however, I was not so lucky with the sidewalk, which is ploughed at...intervals, following no pattern, whatsoever. And the strange part is you can see the tracks, as though the guy ploughed, then went onto the street, then decided to plough some more, upon a whim.
I don't really need to describe how wet my shoes, socks, and, consequentially, feet are, because, well, you know what traversing home, over a distance of almost a kilometer, in two feet of snow (at intervals, of course) is like. And if you don't, you just suck.
I have submitted a bit of my more recent art to theOtaku's database, though my illustration of Myrtle hasn't received the warmest of welcome. I bet they're just angry because her eyes are less than obscenely huge. *mble grmble*
Truth be told, in the image I drew of Sakura, I wasn't sure what to do with her nose , Azure. I mean, I didn't know if I ought to make her look Asian, or White, or what. I finally gave her this generic sort of...lump, that can pass as a nose, providing you squint enough.
And, as for that one of Michael What's-his-face: well, that one's okay, too, I guess, though the controller doesn't match the console... There, incidentally, is a Pikmin standing on the shelf, amidst the games, if you peer close enough. : )
Oh yes, and returning to the crazy life of school...

This guy. At our school. Singing. For the second time.
If you want to get an idea of what that means, close your eyes, and use your telepathic skills to read and envision0 the following:
-take the Backstreet Boys (not to be confused with the Blacksweet Boys <-actually exist)
-fuse them into one being
-they're somehow black
-they sound like one of the crew from "Queer Eye" when they talk, and when they sing...they're the Backstreet Boys again
-they do the moonwalk
-they hit on your art teacher
It was supposed to be in celebration of Black History Month, though all he did was sing the same songs as last year and sing "Respect" over and over again. (Yeah, just the word, by itself. It was quite lame.)
So lame, in fact, that you felt bad for him. I couldn't help laughing--it was just too damn funny. Good thing none of the teachers could help laughing, either, or I might have gotten in trouble.
Poor little man.
Going back to my artwork...apparently, my avatar is an image of Sakura now, as I intended for it to be. However...I cannot see anything but Hello Kitty. O_o
Either Azure-jiji has gained some crazy, mindreading powers/drugs, or this browser sucks.
I think it's the latter.
So, I shall go download
(Oh yeah, and, for the record, my little cabbage has a sexy voice.)
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