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Samurai Champloo
To finish the story
Reading, wRiting, & aRt-matic
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
As I mentioned in the "subject" of my previous post, I can not throw a rock properly for the life of me. Every single one of my throws was utterly, aggressively, obnoxiously heavy. Except one.
It was my only kind-of-okay throw, ending in a hit. However, the opposing team quickly undid all that fluke was worth, resulting in my team losing, twelve to two. This, of course, led to my friend who actually knew what the hell he was doing to start ranting, muttering, and being generally bitter (well, more-so than usual, at least, considering how he is) for the next while.
And what did I get out of it? Curling lessons, some tape for the bottom of my shoe, ice cream, an irksomely potent cold, and the complete killing of my right knee (it's kind of swolen)/upper leg (hurts when I walk). All free of charge.
That's right: I managed to hurt myself curling. What is the world coming to?
Some hundred-or-so meters from my school, there is a large, arbitrary rectangle of perfectly flat, relatively clean pavement. It serves no conceivable purpose, other than to make falling particularly painful. Well, it didn't until today, at least.
Since the tennis courts were locked, my friends decided they would "play tennis" on this arbitrary piece of un-nature, instead. And have each other stand in the middle, to be the "net". Which was actually even stupider in practice than you'd think, seeing as they would actually run back and forth, in order to try and coax the ball into not making it to the other side.
By this, I mean my friend ran up to it and booted it, with his pelvis, back at the guy who'd just served. Then he started parading around in a makeshift "Pope hat" (the many uses for racquet covers are dumbfounding), kicking "gays" (friend who wouldn't shut up about porn, as per usual) and women (me), because that's pretty much all Popes ever do.
Then an ice cream truck, bent on the exploitation of over-allowanced little middle-class children, pulled up and half the school swarmed towards it. I doubt most of them even wanted ice cream. They probably just felt obliged to pretend they did, since not wanting ice cream would make them, like, total posers.
And I haven't started this critical essay on stem-cell research that's worth a significant amount of marks in both science and English. And I'm supposed to have it somewhere near finished by Friday.
Teachers are so damn unrealistic, sometimes, it's not even funny.
Samurai Champloo spoilers:
So Jin died.
It wasn't the fact that he died that did it for me, but how and why and how he could have avoided dying.
It all begins with common sense. Take this scenario, for example:
You and your friend are both level ten. While just kind of standing around, minding your own business, some one who you know to be level eleven or twelve approaches you and says, "Heya, fella, so sorry, but I'm gonna have to kill you right about now." Your friend, being the ever-intrepid, ever-dumbass-ish one, attacks him.
This goes on for a few seconds, until he is on one side of the guy whose presence is totally arbitrary, and you are on the other.
What do you do?
a) Flank him.
b) Flank him.
c) Flank him.
d) Tell your friend to run away, so you can fight him alone and DIE.
I mean, what the fuck? The answer is completely and utterly obvious and, no, the "they waz gona 2 kill FUUUU!!!111!!11one" argument is not valid, seeing as having no hostage leaves you without a god damn bargaining chip.
Jin isn't a total fucking moron! This is proven to us time and time again, throughout the whole series. So why does he die in a way that is totally fucking moronic?! Why??
That's right: you can't tell me why. BECAUSE THERE'S NO JUSTIFICATION. At all.
And if you know you're probably going to be killed, once it is a one-on-one situation, you know what you do? You run away.
Otherwise, you're just freaking stupid.
Come on, pulling a Forest Gump wouldn't have cost him all that much, when you think about it: better alive and away than dead and...just dead. You can't help anybody when you're dead.
Additionally, that guy who killed him is a total fucking asshole, who should just go die, not because he killed my favourite Jin, but because he killed a guy wearing glasses.
Not cool, man, not cool. I mean, you can plot to murder children in their sleep, but openly attacking some one who can barely see without the assistance of a pair of lenses? That's just plain low.
I hope Momo-san totally kicks his ass.[/totally pissed off]
Anyway, it's my friend's birthday, and I ought to call her. : )
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