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myOtaku.com: Godel

Monday, March 1, 2004

Do you ever find yourself just not liking some one and not being able to do anything about it? Even though you've been trying to stay on their side (and failing) for the past three years? *mutter*

I have decided that trying to talk comic books (including manga, manwha etc...) with people who know nothing about illustration is futile. I don't mean about the stories or characters, I mean about the fact that YES!, "..." is a valid piece of dialogue and has no reason to be denied its own speech bubble.
This really pissed me off. I'm sitting there, cleaning up a drawing that every one else has said was quite magnificent (
Darkmoon is scanning it for me, so it should be up here soon enough), and a few people I am on quite good terms with decide to start commenting. Okay: let's structure this, shall we? I'll call these people "friend", "DnD buddy", and "school-chum".

Me: *cleaning up the drawing, preparing it for scanning*
School-chum: Oh! That's a stool! I thought some one was kicking him in the ass.
Me: ...
DnD Buddy: You should draw hentai.
Friend: Why the hell do you draw other people's characters? That's so stupid! It's like writing about other people's characters!
School-chum: What does that mean?
Me: Quoi?
School-chum: The bubble.
Me: It says 'dot dot dot'. It means he's exasperated.
School-chum: That's weird.
Me: If you read more comic books you'd get used to it.
School-chum: Well, I don't...I read picture books!^^
DnD Buddy: You can make lots of money off of drawing hentai, you know.
Friend: That's not a valid part of speech! If you think that's considered something you can say, then you're stupid! You don't understand dialogue! You write like that, too! It's so stupid! What's your problem?!
Me: *tunes out, finishes cleaning, gets up, takes sketchbook and goes to design hair for one of my campaigners*

Oh well. I don't need them.

On a happier note: I PASSED MATH!!! I guess few of you would know it, but I am probably the worst mathematician on the face of the planet. So I am both pissed off and happy. Go figure.

Chocolate pop-tarts are Teh Bomb.^_^ I preffer the purple ones with the icing you dollop on top, though. Yum...candy really is a wonderful thing when you get right down to it. It's what has saved many a soul from depression and boredom, moi incluse.

Another thing:

Happy Birthday, Skippedry-chan!!

"Godel out."

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