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myOtaku.com: Godel

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Once again: it's completely change a post from its original form time.

I have decided to stick with boring old Verdana: black, size 2. Why? Because when I use other fonts, they get screwed up. That is: they become Verdana.O_o

It's kind of dissapoiting that, now that I am on holidays (as brief as they may be), I am bored to tears (literally). You see, when I cannot access my computer for at least nine hours a day, on weekend etc... I sort of go bonkers.
Don't I just suck infinately?

Anyway, once again: PARANOIA AGENT=THE BEST THING EVER. That, and beef stew.^^ For all you deprived people who have not wasted hours upon hours of your waking lives at Homestarrunner.com...I pity you.

Another stupid thing I have noticed: I can only draw with a mechanical pencil! Isn't that simply the most absurd thing you have ever heard? It's just that, when things get all smudgey, it makes me want to scream and break things. I hate smudgey crap getting all over my drawings!! DIE, HB PENCILS!!! Zero point five 2H led all the way!!!


Did I mention how bored I am at the moment? Quite honestly, I don't even have anything to rant about...*dies*

EDIT: Just saw episode three of Paranoia Agent. I don't know what to say about it other than, "Well, that was borderline disturbing." This is an awesome show! Every one should go watch it...right now!!

You can start downloading now...>_>

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