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To finish the story
Reading, wRiting, & aRt-matic
Thursday, March 18, 2004
Old pictures...
Not photos. Pictures. This morning, my mom came across a drawing that some one (*laugh*) gave me ten years ago. It's of Mickey Mouse, in crayon, and across the bottom, in a rectangle that was free of background colour, is written, To Kaddy, Love Chris 1993. I haven't thought of where to put it yet.
On a completely different note, I made a banner:

Any opinions would be welcome.
Today, I purchased a book entitled 'The Interpreter'. It's about a Korean immagrant living in New York, working as a--you guessed it--interpreter for the court system.
I love the way it's written, which is probably why I bought it.
However, it made me think: in the book, Asian origin is emphasized as being something rare, that segragates people. It displays those of Asian origin as being within their own little society, alone in North America. This is a recent book.
I just found it odd reading something with this mentality so reinforced, after spending my entire life in a city that is about 40% Asian, where racism & racial stereotypes are utterly tabboo. For the past six years, I, as a Caucasian, have been part of a visible minority.
Due to this, I feel like I've come to disregard race on a casual level.
Though I've always been familiar with the fact that the rest of the world isn't as diverse as where I live, reading this book still feels weird in a way.
Something that pisses me off: organising books based on the ethnicity of the author. I mean, what the fuck is up with that? Sorry for being vulgar, but this just makes me wonder what kind of shit is going through the minds of people who are taking over the book market.
Not only have Chapters and !ndigo sold out to yoga mats and candles, but now they're deviding books based on something as irrelevant as the author's skin colour or eye-shape? Some things are just stupid in this world. The thing is: they shouldn't be.
On a side note, does any one know of a place where I can download early Chrno Crusade? I think my friend has most of it on CD, but I wont be seeing him for a while, as I'm still on break...
On another, even more lateral, note: Haze, I still don't believe you when you say that Sakura ever comes online. Ever.
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