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A relative paradise
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Emulating Arthur
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...I saw Totoro
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Samurai Champloo
To finish the story
Reading, wRiting, & aRt-matic
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
As you may or may not noticed (based on your observation abilities, and whether or not this is your first time here) I have made a drastic change to the appearance of this little Puddle in Cyberspace. The only thing, as far as appearnace goes, that has lingered, is the eternal message, "Bring Cecilia Home." I'm not getting rid of that until Dong-Yue is safe back where she belongs.
Instead of the quotes, which I did adore, I decided to switch to a little blurb from my favourite book, 'The Unstrung Harp; or Mister Earbrass Writes a Novel.' Why is this my favourite book?, you may ask. Well, because it is the one story I have read that really is entirely accurate.
Edward Gorey pwns.
In anime news, a friend of mine has agreed to lend me the first 30-or-so episodes of CCS.
ArV, I said I wasn't going to purchase this series. Why did you suggest that I do that? o.o Perhaps you meant that I should rent it...I wonder if one could rent uncut CCS. But I'm getting them from my friend, so it's all good.
I have, after a month and a half, gotten used to the constant tick-tocking of my Ranma 1/2 clock. Now, I don't know how I could sleep without it. :)
Typing class is the Devil. I say this with complete and utter honesty.
Not only do they make us type out paragraph after paragraph about Norweigian boat-builders, but then proceed to sit us down, in front of the TV.
We are equipped with a keyboard that is not connected to anything (they keep them in a pile in the corner--I kid you not), and watch a video. Supposedly, this video is The Most Effective Way to Learn to Type. I highly doubt this, however.
It was a hot-pink screen, with a crappy CG of a keyboard, and the tips of some disembodied hands tapping the nonexistant keys. For half of an hour, we sat, listening to, "Quiet Aunt Zelda. QAZ. Quiet Aunt Zelda. Walt Sits eXams. WSX. Walt Sits eXams..." You can imagine the wondrously fun ideas they came up for the rest of the fingers.=_=
It took a great amount of self-control to prevent myself from screaming, storming out of the room, and running away for ever. It was that bad.><""
I have once again been reminded of the joys of Caramel Crunch Torte. Not only is it aliterated, to an extent, but it's delicious, too. :) *salivates*
Ahh...the whipped cream, ahh the caramel, ahh the cookies...^^ Some things are just So Good, it's unbelievable.
I finished that book, The Interpreter, and thought it was amazing. The only thing unsatisfactory about it was the second-last chapter. *mble grmble* I guess I was just mad about the main character's behaivior towards her best friend... Amazing book. You. Now. It. Read. Go.
Arv: what's your URL, again? I went to the first one you sent me, and it was that ugly, bright blue thing. I think I know how to fix your bg. But I need the URL first...
Ja matta, minna-san! |
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