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To finish the story
Reading, wRiting, & aRt-matic
Thursday, March 25, 2004
A presentation that one of my classmates made in English today was very accurate, and very enfuriating, as well. It wasn't that he was saying anything to get us angry towards him, but that all of his points just reminded us of how poorly students are treated in this system.u_u
He started off by saying something to the effect of, "Remember when the teacher would hand you a pencil, an eraser, and a sheet of paper, then tell you to get to work. Or else you'd have to take your textbook home to finish it?"
It is true that the majority of schools stopped providing students with pencils, paper and erasers (even in lower elementary school) four or five years ago. I remember how, back in grade two, they had bins full of pencils and erasers on every desk. Those were the days...those were the days...(even though I hated grades two and three, but still)
What irks me even more is how the school spends the money it does have on FRISBIES, while the Family Studies room has textbooks that are 27 years old. That's right: too many to count on both your fingers and your toes.
Our Health textbooks are about 25 years old, as well. The other line of Family Studies text-books are 19 years old. The English textbooks that the classes that are not special-ed used are from '91.
I cannot remember if it was the history textbooks that were from 1990. Fourteen years. Count 'em.
What is our world coming to?
In music-related news, I downloaded that song that Sasuke-kun recomended. The first time I heard it, I could not tell whether it was in French or Japanese, but I now am fairly certain that it is, in fact, sung in the latter._ _U
And I have the same feelings towards this song as he dictated: the first few lines were enough to make me seriously consider closing the player. Then, all these popups came out of nowhere, and I ended up having to hear the rest. 'Sgood. You. It. Download. Now. Go.
There is no better way of emphasizing a point than saying it in an out-of-order sentence. :)
In simply weird news:
My friend said he couldn't come to Dungeons and Dragons this week because he would be "too busy humping Kakashi." I mean, wtf?
My computer desk is littered with juiceboxes, empty glasses that once contained milk/orange juice, cups that used to have tea in them...and lots of CDs that came out of cereal boxes at some point in history. It's kind of sad that, in the grocery store, you can get "Timone & Pumba's Jungle Games" for two dollars and fifty cents, while it's $25.00 at the computer store, next door. Once again: u_u
Gymnastics in Gym Class=Teh EVIL.
Why? Well, aside from the fact that it is gymnastics, I ended up in a group with my megalomaniac friend, two very reasonable people, and some one who just wants to spend the entire gym period talking to the biggest asshole in the entire education facility.
I really am getting tired of hearing, "You all suck! What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you do a cartwheel?! You were supposed to find good music for our presentation! Not that crap! I want music in ENGLISH! You suck! What the hell are you doing, get off the mat, shut up...blah blah blah..."_ _U
Two guys in my class have gotten into the habit of asking me random anime trivia. For instance: "Name three anime characters with metallic hair!" It's actually kind of fun. Today the question was, "Name as many anime characters who's English names start with a P as possible. Ones who have not had their names translated beyond 'san' etc... being changed to 'Mister' etc... don't count. Neither do Digi/Pokemon." Can you do it? o.o
My first suggestion was, "Mister Po-Po!", but then they told me about the suffixes thing. :(
Dumbest dubb edit of the moment: Renaming Mizuki, 'Julian', and making he and Toya 'best friends'. I mean...quoi? It's so obvious that they're boyfriends. His name was Mizuki, right? I can't remember at the moment.
Why do I keep talking about CCS?? And why wont Malcolm remember to bring it to school? T_T
And, before I forget:
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen: goodnight.
*bow* |
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