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myOtaku.com: Godel

Friday, April 23, 2004

...So says a friend of mine who is, as you must have guessed, is an adolescent male.
"However, people such as Gerald are an exception--his mind is about 76% porno. As for Earnest--my God, don't even go there." (The last person mentioned once made a snow-sculpture in order to pretend to have oral sex with it. O_o)


On a completely different note, I went out for dinner with my family yesterday. (Every so often, my mother becomes obsessed with a certain restaraunt, and will not leave us in peace until we eat a meal there..._ _U) Anyway, I had the strangest, yet most brilliant, foodstuff ever conceived by humanity.
I'll give you a moment to guess...





Okay! That ought to have been long enough.

-think spicey stir-fry
-really, really spicey
-deepfried chicken
-in a fajita

Me: Wtf?


Simon and Garfunkle pwn royally. Really really. : D (We had to disect and ruthlessly pick apart some of their lyrics during MATH CLASS!!! EEEE!! That, alone, made my day.^_^)
There is nothing as wonderful as missing math class for English poetry analysis. NOTHING. (Except maybe volume two of Gravitation, which I am getting tomorrow!!!)

Sammie-chan, I cannot believe you missed DnD!! You're so lucky! >:^O

(I never want to end up watching TLC--Trading Spaces--when I could be RPing EVER again. >:^O)


Seeing as today is Earth Day (or something like that), the entire city was required to stop and pick up litter for half an hour. O_o I wonder how much economic activity that...destroyed.
Anyway, my class got to frolic in the fields picking up trash. (Jimmy tried to pick up bird shit because he thought it was paper..._ _U)

Mer found a used condom lying in the soccer field. Laura found a thong in the same vacinity.
I don't want to know. O_o


"Come on, bitch, I'm gonna whup your ass!"
"Oh yeah?!"
The above conversation is the one Billy and "Gerald" had before having a "see-saw battle". : / I don't know how this works (as far as winning and losing goes), but I think the main idea is to squat on the seat (we have kiddy playground right near the school, for some reason, so they don't go up very high), and the first one to fall off loses.
I owned A.Y. at it last year, incidentally.


"Love, Actually" <--- the movie that should have had my English teacher for the voice over in the commercial (*laughs ass off*)

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