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myOtaku.com: Godel

Thursday, April 29, 2004

What the fuck is a
I made another temporary button, for Mr. Gar this time. Just thought I'd let him know it exists--until he makes himself a better one *cough* that is...>_>

School today was the antethesis of productivity. The problem with having a school council is it always ends up populated by the people boring enough to have time to do homework and get good grades... : / And Christie. o.o"

They organized some lame-ass thing called "*school name ommitted* Idol" because they thought it was a "popular" and "cool" concept._ _U
So, we got to spend the hour it took in homeroom, unless we, for some reason best known to ourselves, wanted to attend said fest of "fun." At least I have homeroom in the gym, so there was room to breath.
And damn it was hot today. >:^O

Ah well, I got an Oh Henry bar, so I'm happy.


It is sort of sad that only one in three people at my school seem to know how to do a push-up. I mean, it's not unlike they've been forced to do them in gym class for the past few years...O_o"
There are four types of push-up in the world:

-"girl" push-ups (what are these, anyway?!)
-"sexy" push-ups (for the sexually-attracted to the gymnaisium floor)
-"un-push-ups" anything that really isn't a push-up, but is thought to be by those preforming it
-"proper" push-ups

Gym class sucks ass. Rhymes suck, also--at least in this instance. >:^O


One of my classmates has "dedicated his life" to proving that Shakespeare was gay. *groan* Honestly, Billy... So what if Sonnet #17 exists?!
Some people need to review their priorities in life. u_u


Don't you just hate it when teachers re-arange the desks without warning?! >:^O

EDIT: I have decided to create a line of

anime-portraits of every one on my friends list.


I'm thinking I'll work bottom-to-top. If any one has any qualms about my inflicting my artistic vision upon their image...I don't care. >:^D

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