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myOtaku.com: Godel

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Today, as I was arguing, yet again, with an old/former "friend" of mine, I was finally able to place the scent that always hangs in the air around her: cigarette smoke.
I was quite alarmed to realize, at that precise point in time, that I didn't care. Go figure.


Today, I read a book entitled "Eats, Shoots, & Leaves" by an English lady, known simply as Lynne Truss. Any one care to guess what it was about?^^

That's right:


Finally! A book about something so intensely interesting and relevant! T_T (<---tears of joy)

However, the above paragraph was not the true reason I bring the existance of this work of majesty to light. The reason is that I was almost offended by the last chapter and its way of antagonizing the internet and all who use it as a means of communication.
Now, I am extrordinarily fond of my compupter, my e-chums, and all that perifernalia. I am also a manic grammar/punctuation enthusiast, so I was very pleased to find this book. (It actually has an entire section on how emoticons are destroying the English language. o.o"")

However, I disliked the way it railed about young people and how we're going to kill off all sense of righteousness in the world of language. And this is not the only source of such attitudes (though they are not necessarily language-related).
A while back, I read an editorial in the newspaper about how one man doubts that anything students submit to school any more is their own work. I despise this attitude. To almost quote him correctly, "It's like they just download everything and call it their own."
I may be a lay-about who never does her homework, but if I ever did (actually, I do English assignments--so, HA!, Mr Broom-Up-His-Bum) I would do them myself. Unless, of course, they were mundain, unoriginial calculations. Then, I'd copy them. But I wouldn't download them. That'd take too long.

Old people--honestly. *rolls eyes*

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