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myOtaku.com: Godel

Friday, May 28, 2004

Just to see how it ends...!!!

If I do not get my hands on this (and the one before it T_T) soon, I think my head is going to explode. I have volumes one through four, and am utterly dead for money.
I have a total of eight dollars to my name: this means that it's no-new-manga day for Godel until I can save up enough to buy more. T_T

Oh well, it's unlike I'm unhappy with what I spent my last hundred dollars on. : D And now, every one thinks I'm insane. Huzzah! *confetti*

After having watched Gar and Moni-chan play it, I have come to the conclusion that Animal Crossing is the single most undeniably weird game on the face of this planet.


I note, with some amusement, that you can always tell who the cool (by my standards XP) people in the class are simply by looking at them. They're either genuinely asleep, reading comic books, reading Adbusters collections, drawing pictures of stick people dying/killing/killing sheep in creative ways, or illustrating the desks.
Truth be told, I bring this up because I find it quite funny that, during math class, if you look at the students, about five of them are reading either Gravitation or Naruto.

Something else that amuses me is how my male friends have started following me around, demanding that I lend them my Shounen Ai manga. Woosh. Their excuse? "You made me read the first part! I want to see how it ends! Now gimmeeeeee...!!"

*muffled laughter*

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