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myOtaku.com: Goinkyness

Thursday, January 19, 2006

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Yo peeps!

Yupp, so nothing else to say so on to the questions! ^o^

Q: inuyasha311 - whats your fave animal??
A: I like bats, frogs and spiders. ^^

Q: error - whats your fav kind of blue?
A: Cerulean blue. And yes I memorize my damn pencil crayon names. Lol XD

Q: YamiSnuffles - Have you ever had cake come out of your nose?
A: No, I can�t say I have, though I have had alphagettiis spew out my nose. ^^ May I ask how the whole cake came out your nose? Lol XD j/k.

Q: somegirl - who am i!?
A: That�s a question that can only be answered by the phonebook. ^o^ lol

Q:RinoaSquall4ever - what is your favorite type of game?
A: The ones where I don�t have to run around and make an even bigger fool of myself. Lol.

Later. ^-^
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