Saturday, January 8, 2005
love hina
Hey guys and girls , ive started watching a new show called love hina , its so cool and funny to , its abit like tenchi muyo but instead of the girls liking him they all think hes a pervert ^_^ , well haven't got much to say cuz once again ive done nothing T_T
I changed my background and some pix and stuff and i added some new music , please tell me if you can hear it cuz i cant , o crap i just noticed that my PC's on mute ^_^ o well please tell me anyway
love ya
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Hi just saying hi and posting some pix ^_^
Hi just though that i would post to say hi and stuff ^_^ , ok wheats been going on in my life . . . . . and thats about it ^_^
I've been buying lots of stuff lately cuz i love to shop ^_^ , i got 8 DVDs 2 of them being anime ( dragonball : strongist guy in the world and spirited away ) , i got 1 gamethe YGO pc one and plasma screen for my pc and a wireless keyboard and mouse ^_^ so im typing this on my bed cuz im lazy ^_^
O wait i forgot , i got the new dragonball z game for the PS2 , OMG it kicks ass , ive been playing it for a week from when i get up to when i go to bed ^_^
Well anyway ill leave you with some funny pix i found on the web , there will be more to come ^_^
Dont mess with cell:
Looks like freiza's in the wrong cartoon:
Coming to cinima's near you , greeneye:
O_O shocking , that dress so doesnt match the hair ^_^:
Hope you like them ^_^
love ya
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
just though this was funny ^_^
love ya
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
And now im back ^_^
Hi everyone , so sorry ive been gone so long , wish i could say ive been doing something but to tell the truth im just plain lazy ^_^ , i hope everyone had a really good christmas , mine was alright , you know me , cant really complain.
I heard that HMV have started to pre-order the nintendo DS and says its out in march O_O o god i hope there right , i cant wait to get my hands on one ^_^
I really dont know why but for some reason while ive been gone ive had over 50 hits O_O , im i populer when im depressed and when im away , i hope you guys arent trying to tell me something ^_^
Since i was gone for so long i didnt get a chance to post all my christmasy anime pix so ill put them up now ^_^
love ya
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Brithday ^_^
Hi its my brithday today ^_^ , i went into my old school to see some of my friends and i had a really good time seeing them all again even if karla:
though she would give me brithday beats , but look how small she is ^_^ it was fun cuz then my other friend phill ( no pic of him ) come up the school and we wondered for abit and then we were on the way to his house when we found a stray dog T_T so we went and knocked on peoples doors but no one knew him so phill took him home , then i went into kingswood ( place near me ) and saw my friend kristy ( also no pic ) and she gave me a brithday card , i came home to find my longist and dearist friend shelley:
had got me some presents and they were really cool ^_^ , she also asked if i wanted into town with her tomorro which i of course said yes to , i hope she got my txt O_o , well now im just sitting and relaxing and talking to my friends , well the ones that are online , so all and all its not been a bad day , o and something else really good happened which i cant tell you cuz its weird O_O
love ya
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Hi everyone , its my brithday tomorro and so far everyone ive asked forgot it , the only people who remembered were my mum & dad and its abit hard to forget pushing a baby out of your . . . , well anyway , abit down cuz nobody remembered i gave them all the chance i said " do you know whats coming up soon?" the closeist i got was a " . . . x-mas ? " o well its just another year dont really matter , ill post again tomorro and see if im abit more cheeryer
love ya
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Hi everyone , feeling better
Hi im feeling better now , my mum did put up the tree cuz she though that i was to busy with my room so its not like she did it to hurt my feelings but you know it still hurt , ive finished striping all my walls in my room so now my dad needs to fill them and then i get the great job of sanding them -_-
Im looking forward to christmas again , its hard for me to stay mad or grump . . . er then normal.
So im going christmas shopping tomorro and i cant wait ive got about £66 to spend and i only need to get something for my anut jean , my mum & dad and my friends like dakota and mike , i would get something for aria but lets face it see dont want to see me again T_T , o well its hard to come to terms that ive just lost a friend.
Well i am looking forward to shopping tomorro apart from one thing , i was walking for 4 hours on thursday and ive done both my legs in T_T so it hurts to walk but ill be ok ^_^
have a merry little christmas everyone
love ya
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Have yourself a crappy little christmas - part 2
Well hi , this christmas just seems to get wrose and worse , dont really care about my brithday anymore and this so far is the wrost christmas ever , instead of getting stuff im loseing stuff ( you'll find out later )
Well the first thing is that on wednesday me and my mum were ment to be putting up the christmas tree like we have every year since ive been born , so i came downstairs to help put it up cuz it always makes me feel better and puts me in a good mood . . . well not this year cuz i came down to find my mum had done the tree without me . . . and i got to say things just feel like christmas now.
So guess what else , yep its to do with aria again ( btw thanx for all the things you said in the last post however ive never met ben face to face there for i cant jugde him ) well anyway its to do with aria again , she sent me a txt last night telling me to fuck off cuz she dont need a friend like me and to stop being to jealous because i dont know how thats making her feel , but to start im not jealous and i never lie about anything and ok you mite feel bad but how do you think all your friends feel , over the last 2 - 3 weeks shes really changed and i dont mean growing up i mean persanality and it just seems like she doesnt care anymore. Now when i make a friend , i concider them friends for life which is way it hurts so bad when someone says i dont need a friend like you , that really hurts me , i dont even know what to type anymore , i just give up on everything , i give up on christmas , my brithday , family , friends , everything has just been getting wrose and wrose . . . you know now the kinda time when you could really go for a nuclear war so you can start over. I guess im just lucky that im redoing my room and the wallpaper ment to be ripped off and stuff is ment to be broke or else i would have some explaining to do.
Well thats how my christmas is going , hope everyones is better then mine and please if you comment dont say anythign bad about aria and ben cuz remember you shouldnt jugde people you've never met.
Dont worry tho dakota ill still come shopping on saturday
love ya
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Pages (9): [ First ][ Previous ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ Next ] [ Last ]I should be in a good mood , but im not - PLEASE READ THE WHOLE THING
Hi im in abit of a bad mood at the mo for afew reasons , i shall list them for all of those of you who want to know :
1. I woke up to aria's bf phoneing on her phone me telling me that he loved me and cant live without me ( while laughing )
2. A chat i was having with aria and ben last night , i know i shouldnt but heres some of the things they said to me :
"shes very good... but you wouldnt know abiut
that would you"
"you should see bens name "i cant believe i
can out fuck a girl"
and i asked what they were up to and they said
"you dont want to know , unless ya a perv"
so that put me in a bad mood last night
3. my brithdays next week and i found out afew days ago that on my brithday my family are going to a party for our instead which makes me feel pretty damn crap
4. christmas is coming up and i still got lots to get and i dont even know if i should get anything for aria cuz shes been my friends for years but she just seems to want to make my life hell at the mo
5. this one hasnt happened yet but you wait and see , if aria ever does come to my site i can bet you one of my nuts that she will have ago at me for saying anything bad about ben but so far ive seen nothing good about him and shes knows that cuz she was here when he was being a asshole and though that it was funny.
Well there you go , i dont think that this mood will change anytime soon or even the next few weeks so just to let everyone know my christmas has got of to a crappy start because im being harrasted by aria's new bf and i dont even know why ???
However this is just me and i dont want you all to hate aria cuz that wont make me happy infact i want you to do the oppisit , go to her site and make friends with her because i dont think the ones she got now will last much longer the way shes going.
and on a positive note im going shopping while dakota on saturday ^_^ , well anyone thanx everyone whos been reading my posts and i welcome any comments you mite have for me , i just want to thank you all for being there and taking the time to read this.
love ya
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