Friday, December 3, 2004
Hi people ive been all alone
Hello , been all by myself today , i got really bored so i started packing my room up again cuz im redecarating ( dont ask , bad spelling ) so ive been packing up all day , not done much cuz ive been busy singing to " They Might Be Giants " ^_^ they rock but all there songs seem to be different O_o
Im going shopping with aria tomorro , i was going to ask dakota to come but shes not very well and i dont think there getting along at the mo T_T
well i was also thinking of putting a christmas pic at the end of all my posts till the end of christmas , so number ones today ^_^
love ya
P.S. I know your watching ben O_O
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
She's Back
Just to let you all know that shes come back home or atleast thats what she txt me which is good cuz now i can stop worrying and go to sleep finaly.
The only problem is that she txt me saying that she was coming back but yet im still very depressed , not becauses she coming back but because of something else which im sure for her and maybe dakota can guess but what can i say its the path i chose to walk ( twice ).
You know i was thinking about when aria read my thing with the tarot cards and all i can remember is that im ment to come into money ( still waiting for that ) im going to marry someone who wants me just for my money and ive got to aim for unhappyness and depressen -_- and so far its been pretty damn spot on because for one thing as soon as i become happy and im not being a drama queen , everytime im happy ill do something to ruin it or just screw it up , or as aria says in one of her great poems , im incapible of love , so thats what im going to leave you with today , but heres a little question :
what makes you really happy in life not like a game or tv or something i mean what makes you really happy ?
dont worry your not ment to tell me , i just want you to think about it.
love ya
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Mix up
Hi everyone ive just found out about 30 or so mins ago that a very dear friend of mine has run away from home and im just really mixed up at the moment because i feel like i should be doing something but i know that i cant and shouldn't , im really worryed and so's dakota , im sakeing so much that i cant eat propely at the mo , i dont think ill be getting to anyones sites today
love ya
P.S. please show how much you care incase she sees this but you'd be better off posting to dakota's site because shes more likely to look at hers.
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
300 hits
Ok it mite not be like much to most of you but woohoo 300 hits ^_^ well its 306 now but you know.
I've been over aria's house all days and dakota came over to , ive missed them both so much lately and its call aria keeps calling me her slave now ^_^
i hope you like my new avi and i hope to start posting x-mas pix soon ^_^
love ya
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Christmas Dragonball Z Song
OMG this song is so cool i was playing the real song and sing those words to it some dont fit right but others are perfect , someone has to find me this song ^_^
(Melody: All I want for Christmas is you - Mariah Carey)
Sung by: The DBZ Cast
Goku just wants food for Christmas,
Frieza wants the Dragonballs
Tien would like a nice fourth eyeball
18 a new battery
Buu ate all the Christmas candy
So Chi-Chi’ll make him pay
Snow’s all you can see
It’s Christmas in Dragonball Z
Bulma wants a Prince for Christmas
Yamcha only wants her back… and Cell
Universal destruction
Underneath the Christmas tree
Krillin wants a better dub voice
Ginyu’d like his body back
Vegeta only gets happy
By blowing up whole Christmas Day
Baba’d love a crystal ball
Roshi a girls underpants
Snow’s all you can see
It’s Christmas in Dragonball Z
Nappa wants a moustache trim
Ciao-Su made a wish for snow, and ooooh,
Bulma just keeps on waiting
Underneath that mistletoe
They all made a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
The Ginyu Force stays awake
To hear those magic reindeer click
Just Vegeta’s stubborn ‘bout it
"I don’t believe this Santa shit"
Snow’s all you can see
Oh, it’s Christmas in Dragonball Z
And their Ki’s are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of all their
Laughter fills the air
Yes, even Kai’s are singing
You hear sleigh bells ringing
Garlic wants mouth spray
You hear Bulma screech
"Won’t you please bring my Prince to me quickly!"
Goku just wants food for Christmas,
Frieza wants the Dragonballs
Tien would like a nice fourth eyeball
18 a new battery
Buu ate all the Christmas candy
So Chi-Chi’ll make him pay
Snow’s all you can see
It’s Christmas in Dragonball Z
It’s Christmas in Dragonball Z (repeat)
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Monday, November 22, 2004
My lump
Well theres good news and bad news , good news is the lump doesnt seem to be anything bad and is probley just a scare type thing thats under my skin so ill have to go to hospital to get a second doctor just to make sure he thinks the same thing , but they mite cut abit out so ill have a ring instead of a lump ^_^
and the bad news , i dont have any butter O_O
^_^ no thats bad news but not what i was talking about , i didnt get the job i was trying for and i havent got called back from any of the other places ive tryed , i just know now that no one wants me T_T
love ya
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
how to get my button
thats the code for my button ^_^
love ya
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Chrismas is coming
Hey everyone , trying to put a chrismasy theme to my site , still cant get a christmas song to play on my site T_T
hey i though i would also tell you about the dreams ive been having lately
Last night :
I was somewhere , dont know where but my brother kept trying to kill me and ended up stabing me in the back of the neck through the spine with a needal with a posion in it , but he didnt push the posion in he just walked away , so i asked my mum to take me to the doctors and to make a long story short she told me to piss off and she didnt like me , then i ask my dad and got the same sort of thing so i was sat in my dream with a needal sticking out my neck till i woke up.
The night before :
I was out with aria and then got in a limo with aria and dakota was there to with someone , aria told me that she was really happy being with me ,
i then said " what about dean ( her bf ) "
she replyed " i dont care , i love you "
wait heres the good part
i then said " are you on your period "
She said " why do you always do that , we get close and then you push me anyway again "
this dream really made me think and im still thinking about it now because that is what i alwas do , i become happy but then push the person away
The night before the night before :
Pretty simple , i dreamed that my friend jack and my friend jamie were gay lovers and told me and then made out infront of me and then i woke up , really weird
well thats it , cant wait to see what i get tonight ^_^ , pleaase comment and tell me what you think of my dreams and my new style for the site , hope to get a song up soon
love ya
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
Pages (9): [ First ][ Previous ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ Next ] [ Last ]Yesturday
I though i would wait till today to post cuz i dont like to post twice in one day ^_^
I went to pizza for a friends b-day and the pizza was lush , we went in the arcade after , went on the shotgun game again ^_^ , then put the money in to play air hockey with aria and realised there where no pucks O_o , so we played with are hands ^_^ , it hurt
Also , ive made my first button , i made it and i would REALLY like to hear what you think about it since its my first one , please feel free to use it on your site , if you need the code then ask but im sure most people on there can do it anyway ^_^ , well thats it
love ya
P.S. thanx for postin yesturday , got to know you all abit better ^_^
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