Friday, September 10, 2004
O man i just watched Twin Warroirs with jet li in it, o man it was so cool he keeps getting beat by his best friend ( or bro , miss the start :C ) but at the end he chooses his fighting style to be tai chi and he completely kicks his ass.
Best film ive seen in a while and the best news is that theres a jet li movie on every week on friend so ill probley post about that one to :D
Well thats it just wanted to say how cool it was.
see ya
Mr. PoPo
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Chores today
Hello all you happy people, ive been doing house work today :C, its not been to bad i had a guest :D , some guy from the phone place to fix our phone , i think he though i was going to mug him or something, o well.
Ive been alone alday today which is ok, i like to be by myself.
Not doing much now just talkin to my friend mike and you all know Dakota :D umm what else, im listening to face up face down, wicked song, gonig shopping with Dakota and Aria tomorro, i have a feeling im going to be carrying everything, o well
see ya
Mr. PoPo
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
Been a busy boy
Hello again, how are you all on this fine summers night . . . . good.
see ya
Mr. PoPo
Well here's some quizzie i did awhile back, enjoy :D
P.S. moved them into my quiz area
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Hello im new
Hello my new friends :D, im new incase you didn't guess.
Lets see today i went for a interview to get a job at a car auctions place, everyone was so nice and the head of ICT had a pony tail :D, i miss mine :C.
Well ill find out in a few days if i get the job but its miles away from where i live, ill have to get up at 3 in the morning to get there by 9 :S.
well thats about it for a first post.
love ya all
Mr. PoPo
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