hey watup sry for not updating ive been busy well i dont have much to say buto well. WILL U ANSWER MY POLL!!! o do u like the new theme? i love avatar the last airbender! i rocks what elment would u rather have air water earth or fire? me i would use air! so i could fly!!
i dont care if u dont want to see him but i miss him soo much that i have to show all of my friends my doggie:
Somegirl: i cant beilvie u think kakashi is creepy and you dont think gaara is! (shes thinks hes hot)
i dont care if u dont want to see him but i miss him soo much that i have to show all of my friends my doggie:
Somegirl: i cant beilvie u think kakashi is creepy and you dont think gaara is! (shes thinks hes hot)
My mom ...(i bet u think im going to talk crap about her behind her back dont u) well i forgot to tell u she is pregnet and had the baby yesterday at 5somthing! it came out sunny side up (dont ask wht that means look it up u lazy basturds!) and my mom had to push and push until they finaly saw the head its a girl! Her name is Abby Simmons until my mom gets married. time for the bad things about having the baby:
1)my dog rocky had to go on a farm far away and live with my uncle because my mom is a germFREEK! and she thinks it will be bad for the baby!
2) im going to have to change lots and lots of diapers!
3) im going to have to udor crying every minute! and im going to get no sleep!!
Good things;
1) im going to be a big bro now!
2) my mom will quit being so lazy!
3) i wont be the youngest member of my house!
i havent updated in ages i know ive been buzy POWER TO THE GAMERS! that should give u a clue of wat ive been doing ive been playing fable the lost chapters and nascar 06 and starwars battle front 1 and builkding a treefort! .. oh i amlost forgot ive been play my DS like crazy cause it can play both gba and ds games! yesterday we went to toysrus where every thing in the whole store was 10-30% of everything so i decided to get thess wirlles adapter for my pokemon emarled its usally 20 bucks a pice but since it was 30% off i got them both for only 25$ deal score even though i should have got the game boy micro for 30% off but i dont want it! I dont want to have to strain my eyes to look into a tiny screen! Plus im gettin another naruto head band plus a naruto costume! SCREW U SASUKE!!! whew now im done
Happy new years every1 who cares about me! Starts singing that weird new years song
new year is to me:
1)a time party!!!
2) to get drunk as hell and to be hungover as hell the next day
3) an exuse to act insane!
4) a time to have a firework war with your neighbor!
ive got great news! ... i just saved a bunch of money on my car inurances by switching to gioco
hohoho im back now bow down bow down before the power of santat or be crushed by his jolly boots of DOOM! i saw a squirl! i love invader zim! really just gir! gir is so freaking funny! well im back did yall miss me i saw wat the world would be without me and so i decided not to kill myslef and this otaku thing is keeping me from killing myslef and i got realy bored well merry christmas!
who wants to have my site? im tired of myo if u want my acount then ask me for it!
reasons im giving away myo its no fun anymore its boring ZZZZZ and im just so fucking tired of signing gb after gb and then they dont sign mine so good bye forever!
fuck every thing! fuck u myotaku fuck u world fuck u every1 fuck fuck fuck wats the point lots of ppl signed guest books and never came back so FUCK THOSE WHO are on my friends list and never fucking vist me and those ppl are:
Fire god
som girl
ChIi KaGoMe83
Devil boy
sanjiluv3r and thats only half of the ppl!
horray ive beasten fable 100 times now! and i got wat i wanted for X-mas for so long! i got star wars batlle front @ and it totaly kicks ass! the dark side kicks major super ass! Well im at my dads for the weekend and im so looking forward to him going to work tommorw because my dad lives with my uncle and hes got to go to work tommorw to so ill be here all bymyself! and i just realized this terible terible thing we dont get out until 12/21 for christmas break noooo! those bastards! just because we had a longer summer than every1 else doesnt mean u can take those days awAY FROM x-MAS BREAK! GRR! DAM U SCHOOL! Heres a question for u:
Do or Did u hate School? if yes then did u want to burn down the school? plz say yes! I love to cover my hands in AXE,colone, and achol and then set my hand on fire its fun! i act like the human torch eheheh!