im realy bored so this is all i have to talk about:
Last nights shows:
one piece: dam u batman for taking up one pieces spot!
naruto: Very very anoying! there were comercials at the most supesfull parts! but other than that it was pretty good
FMA: does winry folo ed and al around secretly? lol
well im bored so heres s pic:
marquee> since non of yall like the theme im channing it! thats right because not many ppl have been visting me latly!WDF>_< I mean wat dont u like about my site?! TELL ME!!
4Kids has removed One Piece from their Saturday morning schedule. So far, there's no word on if or when either series will return!
THOSE BASTARDS BETTER MAKE THE NEW epsodes COME BACK OR THELL REGRET IT!! ATTETION ALL THAT LOVE ONE PIECE: LETS GO KILL THOSE BASTURDS AT 4KIDSTV! WHOS IN? I know sanjiluv3r is in because SHE LOVES SANJI OF OFF ONE PIECE! i dare they! im going to stab the hell out of the guy who got the idea of cancleing ONE PIECE! >_< grahhh!
Sry i just now updated ive been helping a few friends out. well i dont have anything to say so
Shoutouts: fire god
fire god: im glad u figured out how to FINALLY put pics on your site!
Somegirl: *Poke poke poke* Im not dead hehhe
well im bored so here:
Rember when i said i ran out of naruto pics well i searched google for good pics and found notin put crapy pics. so i searched photobucket and found a bunch of realy good pics! heres some
now for SEXY JUTSU!
The party kinda sucked! there was no music but rap wich i hate! um.. lets see the funny part of the oarty was when Autumn almost got whacked in the face with a ping pong paddle! We had a halo2 tournmant wich my friend dominated! he blew up every good Vehicle like the ghost the wraiths and the banshees! Every1 was hiting mile 15 times because he just turned 15. I hit in his weak spot wich is his shoulder blade! I nailed him so freaking hard! im bored so here picture of the day!
ut o i ran out of naurto pics! well hum wat to do... ureeka! ill do a sasuke pic!
its almost time for my friends party! whooo hooo! ive been cooped up in my house all day! waiting for 7:00! but just 12 more minutes! whooo hoooo! Sry u cant go somegirl Ill tell every1 there that u wanted to come so bad!
phahhahhah NOT heheh hahah! im going to dance like this at the party!
i know it aint much but i got to go watch anime bye! (there will be more naruto pics later today!
... WAIT! i GTG to a friends party at 7:30 sweet! (my mom thinks his parents are going to b ther hahahhahahahah man is she wrong!)
well i was thinking of my dog when i saw this pic so! HURRY FOR DOGGIES! *woofs like a dog*