Heres the only one piece halloween pics i could find:
O and heres 1 naurto
inuyasha halloween (thanks sesshomarumistres hope u dont mind
Have a safe and happy halloween!
Rember kids WATCH OUT FOR THE BOOGY MAN! muhahahhahahha lol!
To every1 who vists me and says trick or treat i will give them candy!Wish me luck todays the school dance! For only good kids wat kinda junk is that if u get 1 single waring u dont go!
Ok ive been searching half the day on for one piece images.-_- but half the time it said plz log in! so im all like WDF! And then i thought about it! and then it hit me. It hit just at the same time my dad was throwing the ball for my dog. The ball hit me at the same time the thought did! weird well anyways I just realized (by the way im at my uncles)that my uncle has windowxp so i could make a hotmail acount and then make a photobucket acount! So i found this image on google and downloaded it on my photobucket acount. ^_^
here are all my grades! O this will be the last update in while so sry.
LA:66 noooooo :(
PE:95 (my favorite subject):)
Reading: 87 whoppee I have the same teach for 1st and 3rd period
SS:83 yea ( i like my ss teacher shes realy nice) :)
Lunch=I wish we got graded on this lol i would pass easliey! :)
Science: 50 noo Im tired of my sience teach givin the answer to a PREP named shay! HE GETS TO DRINK SLUSHIES IN CLASS! NOBODY ELSE GETS 2!
Math: 60 same crapy teach
Music: 84 The teach is cool in this class
Thats all my grades and thats y i wont be updating in awhile.