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myOtaku.com: golden tail

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welcome to my site, bwahahahahahaha.
feel free to look around and sign my guest book, but please
clean up after yourself on the way out.
98% of the teenage population has tried or is on pot. If you are one of the 98% that has, copy and paste this into your profile. bwahahahahahaha

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

Friday, June 10, 2005

   bye Ryoga sama
well Ryoga sama moved out on account of his site workin' again. a special thanks to this guy for fixing it yay.
if your looking for Ryoga sama hes at
his site again. also, noticeably f.a.t. created a chat room for otaku members. to find out more check out his site. while your there also look into his comic its awesome


Monday, June 6, 2005

   RANMAFY bwahahahahaha
golden tail:ive decided to ranmafy my site a little more so you can expect quite a bit of updating bwahahahahaha
also Ryoga sama is having problems with his site so hes going to be staying here for a while.
Ryoga sama: thats right folks. for some reason my site what update posts correctly nor can i tweek my profile*boo hoo* why me?
golden tail: because your a directionally challenged loser.
Ryoga sama:whatever so dont be expecting any updates on my site for a while.
(here on out golden tail will be referred to as jose and Ryoga sama as javi)


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

hello peoples, tomorrows my birthday,
in case your interested.
its a pretty awsome coincidence that star wars also comes out that day.
cool huh.
