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Under the stars shrouded in the falling sky where there is no escape
Member Since
Neighborhood artist, star deffinsive soccer player
Real Name
Pippin (insane laughter) really. My name is Pippin
Neighborhood/class artist, beating Kingdom Hearts 10 consucutive times, being alive, being able to take bullies comments/insults, beating Sword of Mana in 1 week (including homework and/or school)
Anime Fan Since
Since I saw Daft Punk-One More Time music video (yes it's anime but I didn't know it at the time) and/or when I saw Card Captor Sukura
Favorite Anime
InuYasha, Angel Sanctuary, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, .hack//sign, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, DB/Z/GT, YuYu Hakusho, Sailor Moon, Gundam/G/Seed, Astro Boy (sad I know), Card Captor Sakura
Drawing or writing my own manga/anime series
Drawing, writing, track, reading *sometimes. I'm partically(?) illiterate*
Drawing, drawing, drawing...yup that says it..oh and writing too...and torturing my pet bird...and making screwed up voices..I can do Stich and Arnold Swartchenager (?) reallyyyyyyyyyy well
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Many things
 Sailor Mercury. You're the brain of the group and keep them all focused. You control the power of water/ice.
The Ultim8 Sailor Moon quiz: Which sailor senshi (soldier) R U? brought to you by Quizilla
I took the quiz again because the first time I wasn't being truthful ^^;
So I submitted more piccys today *go me!* Hey Kyo-- I finally got around to them all!
Hope you all can vote for them! I think they look pretty good, but we all have our opinions. Two are up now but here are the ones I submitted today: 3 InuYasha piccys and 2 manga piccys. Hope they look ok! ^^;
you know you love me
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
I got some fan art in today!!!! YAYYY! *cake for you. cake for you....* Hopefully you vote for them *in a positive way*. Comment to!
This one goes out to Kyo...
The piccy's IN!!! go me go me *does a little dance* I'm gonna keep sending more in of my main characters for my manga so you can see what they look like! ^_________________________^ Iki's probably the second coolest *Marth is the first*
you know you love me
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
<--Small yet worth all the while
Well. I'm definetly not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Today I bashed my pinky toe into a door frame *smooth*. I thinks it's broken, but I'm not sure. I hope I don't have to go to school tomorrow. Oh, I'm writing this at 10:25 pm if you wanted to know. And this happened, around... 6 pm. I've been busy so I couldn't post. Yet, it happened before the post below. Just know it happened, alright?
you know you love me
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I'm a dark mood. My best friend and I were waiting for my Dad to clean all the dirt outta the pool and we really wanted to go in. So, my Dad picked me up, held me over the pool and I started screaming. He pulled me back and thrust me back out and dropped me in. The clothes I was going to wear to bed were soaked and I started crying. I'm a baby, I know. My Mom started yelling at my Dad and called him a jerk and all those types. My friend escorted me back inside and got me a towel. I decided not to talk to him for the next few days.
I'm so mad I've decided to become darker. The dark passion inside me is growing and won't stop until Kyo tells it to stop.
you know you love me
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Mother's Day!!!
Happy Mother's Day! It's a day where you be nice to your Mom, buy her presents and just don't argue with her. If your Mom doesn't know what Mother's Day is, just tell her it's an American holiday. Then go buy her something.
you know you love me
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Saturday, May 8, 2004
The rest of my family's been sick. I'm the next target. My stomach is getting a little queazy and I don't think I'll last tomorrow. My Mom threw up three times on Friday, my Dad had diherea *gross I know* all evening at my Gramma's house. The room smelt lovely. And now I think I may be getting it. My stomach is like a roller coaster going up and down. Up and down. I hope I don't have to go to school on Monday. But I really wanna see Colin. *sighs*
Kyo~ Hope you get the greeting!
Speaking of greetings, send me some get well greetings from the greetings section! I'll really appriciate it. My e-mail address is
I know I listed but it's being an ass and won't let me send or read messages so just send it to the new one I gave you, ok? I'm sending one to myself, just cause I can.
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Well. It's actually quite warm here in Massachusetts. That's in the USA guys. C'mon. GO TO GEOGRAPHY CLASS!!
Anywho, it's been around 80° *ALT 0176 for ° ^_^* all week here and I got a sunburn on my feet *yes. Sad, I know*, on my nose, elbow pits *where your arms bend. That's what I call em.* and my shoulders. I could hardly sleep last night cause my shoulders hurt so much. I hate sunburns. I don't tan; I burn.
Hope you have a nice weekend! *waves*
»Pippin *who is burnt like hell*
 My life is rated PG-13. What is your life rated?
Compliments of Demonsprite
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
Just somethings
Just a few quizzes of the same type I took for some Otaku friends.
GIRSALIAS!!!!!! This is for Kyo. Tell her what she got PLEASSEE
Me (Pippin)
Mike (Rajul566)
Well. I think Mike's is the funniest considering he's a boy. I typed in Girsalias for you Gir, but I got something inappropriate. Type it in yourself if you wanna see. I'm afraid I'll get in trouble if I post it.
Hope you like them all!
Just a few for me ^^;
Good bye cruel world! One more year and 3 days till my death!
Damn monkeys...
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Uh oh....
Today I got a detention (bad me) for gum chewing. I was having a "mint" that had gum inside it and I had no idea. So I was chewing and I chewed the gum and so the teacher gave me a detention after only, like one chew. I think my detention's gonna be on Monday since tomorrow *Friday* is an early release. I hope I don't have detention then.I haven't told my parents yet.
And I don't plan on it.
Besides, I'm scared they'll kick the crap outta me if I do tell them anyway.
Today we also watched Whale Rider, a movie about a girl named Pai (prounced "pie") who wants to learn more about herself and must cope with her Grandfather, Koro, who wished she was a boy so she/he could become the new chief of their people. She only causes trouble for the people of Maori and she calls the whales for help. This leads to the whales coming to shore and becoming beached on the sand. Pai is the only one the whales will listen too, after their first rider 1000 years ago, Paikea. She climbs atop the whale Paikea rode and gives him the strength and the other beached whales to move back out to the ocean. Neither Pai or the whale were afraid to die.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2004
I probably won't be posting for a little while cause I'm trying to multitask:
-School Play
-Impress Colin
It's not easy. But here's what I'm able to post today for some people *mainly Kyo*
»You may have gotten an e-mail from me at saying I had the pic. Well, turns out it didn't attach correctly and didn't show up. I scanned into the Submit Art here, but it wasn't good enough to be posted. I have to re-size the damn thing in order to submit to myOtaku Fan Art so it should be coming *though I have no idea when. Saturday maybe?????* Just have you or Girsalias check my site and look for *which might not be hard* a submitted piece labeled "To Kyo." That's the piccy I've been trying to send you but my computer's being an ass about it. When and if it gets in, hope you like it!
I'll try and make all my posts like this so it's not just random crap anymore. Though sometimes I will have show summarys, reviews and other junk. Hope this is fitting to my new site!! ^^;
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