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myOtaku.com: GoldenWings

Saturday, May 8, 2004

The rest of my family's been sick. I'm the next target. My stomach is getting a little queazy and I don't think I'll last tomorrow. My Mom threw up three times on Friday, my Dad had diherea *gross I know* all evening at my Gramma's house. The room smelt lovely. And now I think I may be getting it. My stomach is like a roller coaster going up and down. Up and down. I hope I don't have to go to school on Monday. But I really wanna see Colin. *sighs*

Kyo~ Hope you get the greeting!

Speaking of greetings, send me some get well greetings from the greetings section! I'll really appriciate it. My e-mail address is bwilson@net1plus.com

I know I listed goldenwings@msealsmusic.com but it's being an ass and won't let me send or read messages so just send it to the new one I gave you, ok? I'm sending one to myself, just cause I can.


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