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myOtaku.com: goth-anime

Monday, November 28, 2005


ok,wats with ppl and the harry potter movie?so many people keep asking me how it wuzthere asking me wat i thought of it..im like"it wuz good.not great,but good."and they keep saying"your stupid it wuz awsome!"hello!you asked me 4 MY oppino!i can say watever i want 2 say.but any way

2day wuz an alright day.it wuzn't great but it wuz ok.dont kno y but i think im falling 4 my bestfriend.i wuz kinda mad at him and then i wuz like really mad at him but now im not.its really weird.i have really weird taste in guys and i dont kno if that is a good thing or not.im kinda guessing that it isn't a good thing but im not sure.i saw this really hot guy 2day and i think he likes me^O^i mean on a scale of 1 to 10 he is a 20.lol but im trying to lay off of the guys just 4 a little while.as i said my botfriend just broke up with me so im really just tring to stop with the whole thing right now.well time for me 2 go.ttyl


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