SORRY!!! I haven't been on in so long! Just letting everyone no I'm still alive!!! Soo much has happened! I got my hair highlighted, we got a new house (but haven't moved yet) and just school has been soo busy!! I'll try to be on at least once a week from now on alright!?!?!
So well, I guess today...I went out to eat with my mom and my sister..and went grocery shopping and stuff..Ooh and tomorrow I'm going to a party over edchan's house! So that will be really fun! ^^ I'll REALLY try to get on tomorrow, and I'm REALLy sorry If I don't, because the party's at 10:30..and I normally wake up @ ten because I'm on, anyways, See ya for now!
This could be anywhere in the world, by alexisonfire, enjoy!