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myOtaku.com: GoTHIc MurDeRer

Sunday, April 29, 2007


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Okay, on limewire I download some movies (Inuyasha 1, and Ghost in the shell) and When they get to my media player, all that it has is the sound!!! NO MOVIE!!! WHat the hell! If anybody knows how to solve this evil problem (of doom) PLEASE tell me!!

-post part-
Last night was fun ^^ I went to sleep over edchans house, and we talked and watched bleach and blood + when we got bored. Then today we went to the mall and I bought lotsa stuff from my gift cards left over from my birthday! Some things I got are scrapped princess box set, the cat returns, a sweatshirt from hot topic, a necklace, a HIM belt, A book (in the forsts of the night) and the newest newtype magazine..And when we went into the arcade I got a jackpot on that storm stopper thingy (you know the thing with the lights and you press the button on one with a number....yeah.) Well anyways, I got like 2000 tickets. Which was awsomely awesomeness...and with that I got a ninja sword! (plastic..of course *shine sparkle sparkle*)

P.s..And so once again, Please if anybody knows how to fix it, let me know!!! TTTT____TTTT I'm begging you...

P.s.s...I changed my song to house of cards by madina lake ^^

House of cards, by madina lake, Enjoy!!


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