Hi! Haven't been on all week have I? Well, this week I went to my grandmothers, which was a last minute thing but whatevs. We didn't do too much, but last night I went to see transformers with my Dad, and OMIGOD IT IS ONE OF THE BEST FRICKEN MOVIES I HAVE EVER FREAKING SEEN! GOOOO SEEE ITTT!!! NOW!
Ehem *cough* Yeah I loved it. So yeah, just go see it. Trust me.
Today, I went to the vet with my puppies, and hung out and went on gaia. I've been obsessed with gaia lately. I think it's just because a lot of people have been talking about their accounts and stuff. Soo, I'll put mine on here. I actually have two, one of which is fairly new, so yeah herez:
New one:
Old One:

So add me if you're on there! See ya!