I'm so scared! Okay, I came home last night from edchan's house, and me and my mom talked for a while, and then, my dog started acting weird. It was sometime around 12 (keep in mind she's like the size of a giant rat). Anyways, she just started randomly whining, and so we thought she had something stuck in her throat, so we tried to give her water, blah blah blah...and eventually we decided to take her to the animal hospital.
So during the ride there, she stopped whimpering, but she started panting, and drooling. And when I say drooling, I mean like I was COVERED in drool. (okay guys this gets kinda gross so if you don't wanna read the end it's okay). Sooo, I had to try to make her puke because we thought she was poisoned or something at that point, (she was on my lap), and yeah, she did and stuff. So THEN, she started acting weird, and come to find out the poor thing was having a seizure! And she's only 7 monthes old! I mean I thought she was dead when it was over, but she made it. (thank god). So we brought her, and she stayed overnight, and we called this morning. She's okay now, but I guess last night they had to actually put her on oxygen.
Sorry guys, I was just really scared..I didn't get any sleep last night either...We got back home at like 4 in the morning...and I couldn't sleep....I was so scared for her..
[and I'm not tired]

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