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myOtaku.com: GoTHIc MurDeRer

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Yo! I'm posting a day early XP

Haha! I'm not gonna talk about my vacation, but I was tagged. And am not totally gonna follow the rulez cause...yeah. I've been tagged a lot. So cha, Here it is:

1) I hate the woods, lakes, and any other form of wilderness..yet I live in the middle of the woods.
2) I have the most adorable pameranian (sp?) in the world, and am not a prep (her nickname is the fuzz)
3) I'm bored
4) I start school tomorrow
5) Joe from the Jonas brothers is smexy!
6) I don't like anyone. (shocking since I'm 14)
7) I'm taking German this year...(and regretting it....I don't wanna T_T)
8) AND FINALLY...yesterday I went to the olive garden! YAY OLIVE GARDENNNN!!!!!

and I taggg...(haha I can't think of all 8...ooh I have an idea..)
1) edchan1116.2 (ha I tag u back!)
2) Peter Wentz III HAHAHA!
3) Joe Jonas!
4) Johnny Depp..(Only if he's dressed as jack sparrow...)
5) Shinobistalker11
6) Koo!
7) John Travolta (GREESE LIGHTNIN! ...I hate that movie..)
8) THE ESKIMO HOOKER FROM OUR SCHOOL! (I got that from wild hogs...some lady had this really big furry boots in our school like the lady in wild hogs....just watch the movie..you'll know what I'm talking about.)

Eleventy-six) Maroon 5?

Okay guys! I'll update about the first day of school, and some of my summer tomorrow! See yaZ!

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