myOtaku.com: GoTHIc MurDeRer
Monday, March 24, 2008
Blah blah blah.
Not much going on really..blah.
I got in a car accident yesterday!
(not fun..and on easter too)
But luckily nobody was hurt.
And umm..what else has happened..umm.
Ohh uh I went to Dantechans bday on Friday!
That was uber fun! Lol. And umm...
Hm. My life is so unexiting.
And honestly, I don't understand this whole dumb pm thing, so if you want to talk to me leave your myspace url in the comments if you want to (if you have one)
lol..lets see...what else..hhmm there's
gotta be something..hmm..
I got a cool shirt!
It's blue...and cool.
And umm..djkadjfd?
lol I need a boyfriend..Sad.
(but not online that's wierd.)
Okay, see you guys later! bibi! (lol like the

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