Yeah, well I decided to go with a punk theme this time..duh. Well anyways, as you ALL should know *cough cough SARA cough cough* That this weekend, is Dark's birthday [or so told by the third graphic novel]. yeah. I'm excited! Woot! In other news, Tomorrow, I have full chorus, get to say something on teh announcements, get to go to a dance, and then sleep over Debbie's [dantechanrox1111] house! Pretty hectic, neh? Oh yes, and I won second place in a peace poster contest we did...yeps. I would have LOVED to lost to a worthy oppenent, but alas, I didn't. Picture this: Here's my poster, colored nicely, and has AWESOME people drawn on it, and THEN comes along a horribly drawn cake with 2 doves on it. Yeah, I lost to that. -.-' *sigh* ah well, I'll just suck it up.
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