myOtaku.com: GothicNarutoFan
Sunday, April 29, 2007
My time: 11:01 a.m.
Otaku time: 12:01 a.m.
*Pic of the Day*

I miss my old hair, and I want it back.
I loved that episode of Naruto!
I went to Hot Topic yesterday and I got a Sasuke shirt and a Cure magazine. I love it so much, but I'm still learning Japanese.
I also bought some pants at Pac Sun, and I don't like going in there. I only went in there to buy some jeans because I needed some new ones and my mom won't let me buy anymore black, goth ones that I love and I need more of them.
1. When was the last time you went shopping?
*Japanese Words of the Day*
1. arawasu - show, express
2. arawareru - appear, emerge
3. arigatai - grateful, thankful
4. arigato - thank you
5. aru - be, exist, be located, possess, take place
6. aruku - walk
7. are - that, that one
8. areru - become rough, fall into decay
9. awaseru - combine, adjust, compare
10. awateru - be flustered or hurried
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