myOtaku.com: GothicNarutoFan
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
My time: 6:00 a.m.
Otaku time: 7:00 p.m.
*Pics of the Day*
 Deidara Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Leilah Hosted By theOtaku.com.
I drew a pic of Deidara yesterday and finished it, along with one of my OCs.
I'm also going to my other grandparent's, again to the Basement I guess. I may not go. I may just draw.
And the dream. The first, I can't remember, but the long one goes this way. It had to do with school and they were giving awards out. I had no idea where my friends were, but I eventually found them in some wierd bus that was connected to the school. Like I said, wierd. It had wierd seats. Kind of like a theater. It is also like an RV. All of my friends were in them, and I went to sit by them. Next thing I know, the bus is leaving and we go up some mountain where it is snowing in the summer. So, we start going up the steep mountain and we almost fall off, so we go back down and back to some campsite next to the school. My family is down there and so are all of our animals. Then it starts pouring down rain and next thing I know, a tornado is coming. So we had to get all the animals, vehicles, and people all in the school. Then I woke.
Roiben: She did understand.
KungPowChicken: I woke early today.
Serpentess: Yeah, I loved the sleep.
angel kat: I love what I wear! I don't know why she hates it so much, both of my parents. So many people wear them, and I wish I could wear my stuff like they do. It just makes me very mad. I hate when people call me a Satanist or Satanic. I just want to punch them in the face. There are even people at school that say it.
silver arrow 714: That is weird. I have a lot of dreams of tornadoes. I hope she wakes up and changes her mind. I've even told her it's 2007.
Knight Edge: Edge, the post is from Saturday about the high heeled shoe. XD I'll send it through a pm if you want me to.
Twilight Willow: Yikes! That's not good.
Kyofanatic13: I can get on them, but I don't know if I can run and everything. XD I don't want to go back to school.
Kunoichi Warrior: I do too! He probably did do it out of curiosity.
lordsesshomaru: I know. I'll be rolling around in my bed trying to sleep, and I can't sleep. I even have a soft pillow, mattress, and plushies. XD
*Japanese Words of the Day*
1. aka - red
2. akai - red
3. akachan - baby
4. akari - light
5. agaru - go up; rise; eat, drink
6. akarui - bright
7. aki - autumn
8. aki - being empty
9. akiraka - clear, plain, evident
10. akirameru - give up doing something, resign oneself to
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