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In My Mind
Member Since
That Awesome Guy
Real Name
I don't think I've achieved anything.
Anime Fan Since
I first watched DragonBall Z.
Favorite Anime
DragonBall Z, Death Note, Chibi Vampire, Hellsing, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Chobits, Azumanga Daioh, Gungrave, s-CRY-ed, Yotsuba&, Ruroni Kenshin, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Escaflowne, Bleach, Trinity Blood, and Trigun
Who knows?
Writing stories, listening to music, and playing very violent video games.
Writing stories, drawing, singing, and playing guitar.
Hello and welcome. The name's Grave, and this is my site of awesomeness!! If you comment my post, I'll attempt to get to your site as soon as possible, but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to, as I sometimes have periods of laziness. BUT! If that is the case, I'll get to your site when I stop being lazy, but who knows when that'll be. Anywho, go ahead and enjoy the music on here, and if you don't like it, then just stop or pause it. And since I suppose I didn't make this clear enough once before, please don't send me any damn chain letters! I don't care if the letter's been going since 2003, and I'm pretty damn sure I'm not gonna die in seven days if I don't resend it. I don't care what it's for, whether it's a good cause (psh, yeah right) or if I don't resend it I'll have bad luck or relationship problems for three years, I don't believe it!! Now, if that wasn't clear enough, then I'll think of some way to make it quite clear. Check ya later, and try to have a not-as-boring-as-mine day! ^^

Friday, July 18, 2008
A Long Absence...

Hello Myo peoples! Seems that not many people post anymore... Although, I guess everyone else actually has a life, whereas I do not, therefore I will try to start posting again. That is, if anyone gets on anymore to even read posts. Anyhow, I may have come up with a story idea that I will be writing soon, and shortly thereafter will be posting for all to read. So far, it sounds good in my head, but I guess we'll have to wait and see how it turns out once it's out in the world. So how is everyone? I haven't spoken to many of you, as I haven't been on in quite some time, and so it would seem you all haven't either. ^^' Anywho, I haven't much time left to write, so I'll keep this post short, so now I bid you adieu. ^^
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Featured Quiz Result:
what is your soul searching for? (gothic pics and detailed results!)
 Your soul is searching for darkness. That isn't neccesarily a negative thing, though. You love more than anything to roam darkened streets where you can be all alone, and to sit on your front porch to listen to the falling rain and thunder. You are a very mysterious person and you don't let people in much to truly know you, you are the only person who truly knows you. But maybe it's better that way? Or maybe you need to open up. You have some things you'd like to change, but either you're afraid to, or you really don't want to.some jobs you might be interested in - detective, psychic, and police officer.Quote - "Your quest is for darkness only. This sea is not your sea. The myths of men are not your myths. Mens treasures are not yours." - Anne Rice - Interview with the vampire. Take this quiz!
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