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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hi everybody! It's 9:28 and I don't see any reason to post right now, but I'm bored and I didn't get to go get candy. That sucks. Oh well, I hope everyone that DID go had fun!! YAY!!


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Hope ya like the pic!! ^_____^

Well, no questions today, but I'll give you at least one tomorrow. I'm gonna go now so I can call my friend Mark back.

Check ya L8R! ^_______^


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Monday, October 30, 2006

Hiya! I hope everyone had a good weekend!! I know I did! I got to go to Cool Springs to Hot Topic in the mall!! I got some buttons for my messenger bag, and a Bleach hoodie!! Yay! On the front the hoodie has a Hollow skull, and on the back it has Ichigo kneeling down with his sword drawn! It's sooooo cool!! Now, on to todays happenings.....

Well, today was pretty much like every other boring school day. Except that EVERYONE thinks my new haircut looks better!! I HATE IT!! IT WAS FORCED UPON ME!!! DAMN YOU RANDY!!! Oh well, at least someone agrees with me that the way it was before was better. Thanks Crystal! ^-^ Anyways, some people actually asked me if my hair was blue!! NO!! It's black!! I don't see how it looks blue, but oh well I guess.

RANDOM QUESTION TIME!!! Only one question today, sorry. But here ya go:

1.) Of all the people that go to my school, do you think my hair looks better the way it is now, or the way it was before?

Well, that's all for todays post, so I'll check ya L8RZ!! ^_______________^

Oh, I hope ya get to go to the Disturbed concert Freako!! Have fun! ^-^

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Colnol Sanders Vs. Tokyo Pt. 2

Yay!! Time for part two of:


Sorry I didn't post 'til later, but I didn't have time this morning! ^^'

When we last left L and Light, Light ws pondering on what Ryuuzaki meant when he said he had a feeling this would happen......

Light: What do you mean, Ryuuzaki?

L: Well, back in 1995, when I went to KFC for the first time, I met Colonol Sanders there.

Light: So you knew him previously?

L: You could say that. When I talked to him, he seemed happy, carefree. But later on, he talked of world domination, destruction, and violence.

Light: What caused that, do you think?

L: I don't know. He never said a thing to me about what happened to cause this drastic change in character.

Light: Maybe he just went off the deep end.

L: Possibly. *to self* (Much llike you...)

Light: What was that?

L: Nothing. Anyways, He told me his plan to one day rule the world.

Light: (Hmmm.... I wonder if I could use this to my advantage...) How did he plan on doing it?

L: Why, so you can try to use it to your advantage to try and kill me?

Light: Do you honestly still suspect me to be Kira, Ryuuzaki? (How the hell did he know that??)

L: Yes.

Light: Oh. But anyway, how did he plan on ruling the world?

L: He said he was going to use the chickens.

Light: Chickens? Is he mad? How could you use chickens to rule the world?

L: You said yourself that he could've went off the deep end.

Light: Of course.

L: I told him that it was a stupid idea to try and rule the world. I told him he should try to better mankind. Like the way Kira thinks he is.

Light: (Yeah, right. He'll never take over the world I will someday rule!)

L: What was that? Did you say 'Look at me L, I'm Kira and I think you should arrest me'?

Light: What? No, I didn't say that, and you damn well know that!

L: Can't blame me for trying.

Light: ......

L: Now, back to the story. When I said that to him, he must have thought I meant try and take over the world and force everyone to bend to his will, or perish.

Light: Why the hell would he think that? That's a stupid idea! (Oh, wait. That was MY idea! Eh..... Well, Sanders is an idiot anyways!)

L: Not far away from Kira's perspective.

Light: I do...... I mean, Kira doesn't think that way! I'm....... sure.....

L: (He's Kira)

Light: (He knows I'm Kira now. I have to kill him! Maybe there's a way....)

L: And, he also told me that he had been trying to perfect a concotion that allows him to control the mind of anyone who comes in contact with it.

Light: Can he do that?! (Yes!! I think I may have found an advantage!!)

L: I don't know. I never learned if he perfected it or not. I lost contact with him a couple of years ago.

Light: Anything else I should know?

L: No. Wait, actually yes.

Light: What is it?

L: A few years back, there was a child named Ichigo Kurosaki. He and his mother were on their way out of KFC, when out of nowhere a giant Hollow appeared.

Light: Hollow? What's a Hollow?

L: A Hollow is a creature that only a soul reaper can defeat.

Light: Soul reaper? What's that?

L: (Damn, stop with the questions already!) A soul reaper is a being thats purpose is to defend people against Hollows. They use spells and swords do vanquish their foe.

Light: Okay, so what does this have to do with Kurosaki?

L: Well, in the attack, Ichigo's mother tried to save his life. In turn, hers was taken.

Light: That's terrible! (Another advantage!! Yes!)

L: Now, an ex soul reaper named Rukia Kuchiki follows him around to help him fight Hollows.

Light: Ex soul reaper?

L: Yes. She gave up her powers in order for Ichigo to save his family from a Hollow attack.

Light: Did they survive?

L: Yes.

Light: (ANOTHER advantage!!)

L: Currently, Ichigo is in Tokyo trying to hold off the pending invasion.

Light: Alone?

L: Yes. Well, Rukia's with him.

Light: Shouldn't we help him?

L: What could we do?

Light: I think I have an idea....

Meanwhile, back in Tokyo....

Ichigo: What the?!

Rukia: What is that thing? *stares at Sanders' ship*

Ichigo: I dunno, but whatever it is, we must save Tokyo!!

Rukia: Right!

Ichigo: Let's go!

Rukia: Look out!! Behind you Ichigo!!

Ichigo whips around, sword drawn, only to see a chicken.

Ichigo: Is THIS what's invading Tokyo? Hahahaha!

Rukia: Be careful. You don't know what that thing's capable of.

Just then, the chicken transforms into a massive Hollow.

Ichigo: Hehehehehe-Holy crap!! What just happened?!

Rukia: Ichigo! Attack it!

Ichigo: Right!

Ichigo slices the chickens head in half.

Ichigo: *whew* That could've been bad!

Rukia: From now on, if anything looks suspicious, kill it. As long as it's a Hollow.

Ichigo: You look kinda suspicious to me.

Rukia: Stop joking around Ichigo! We have work to do!

Ichigo: Okay! Jeez.... Sorry!

Back at Ryuuzaki's hotel room.....

Matsuda: Ryuuzaki! There's someone here to see you!

L: Who is it?

Matsuda: Says his name's Uryu.

L: Uryu? What could he possibly be doing here?

Light: You know him?

L: Yes.

Matsuda: Should I send him up?

L: Yes. Tell Inspector Yagami to come to. I have some important news.

Matsuda: No problem! *smile and thumbs up*

Uryu, along with Inspector Yagami take the elevator up to L's room.

Uryu: Hello..... Old friend.

L: Hi... Old friend.

To be continued......

Yay!! Part 2!! Woohoo! Hope ya liked it! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to PM me or tell me in a comment!

Sorry guys! No questions today! I gotta hurry so I can go to my friend Crissy's(InweTheGreat) house for a party!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

But, here are my answers to my last questions:

1.) Has anyone played Scarface: The World Is Yours?
A: Yeah. Doi!! ^_________^ It's AWESOME!!

2.) Should I add another anime series to my story?
A: I'm not sure if I will or not. Suggestions, please?

3.) Has anyone ever heard of a band called The Autumn Offering?
A: Yep. Love that band!!

4.) Is anyone going to the Disturbed concert?
A: Unfortunately, no. I SOOOO wish I could though!


Check ya L8R!! ^__________________^

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Hey everyone!! Guess what tomorrow is? Friday!! Yay!! Tomorrow Colonol Sanders Vs. Tokyo Pt. 2 comes out!! WOOT!!

Now! On to more important things!! RANDOM QUESTIONS!! WOOHOO!!

1.) Has anyone played Scarface: The World Is Yours?

2.) Should I add another anime series to my story?

3.) Has anyone ever heard of a band called The Autumn Offering?

4.) Is anyone going to the Disturbed concert?

I was gonna put up five questions, but I couldn't think of a fifth one, so I only gave ya four.

Dave Chapelle: I plead the fif. *bang, bang* I plead the fif. *bang, bang* One, two, three, four, feeeef!

Anyways, I'm gonna play Scarface now, so check ya later!! ^________________^

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hey all! Sorry I didn't get to anyone's site yesterday! I went to Cool Springs. My brother wanted a haircut. And now he wants ME to get one!! Can you believe that?! That SUCKS!! Well, at least I don't have to get it cut short! I only have to get it cut a little. Still sucks though.

Okay!! Thanks for 15 comments on my story!! Yay!! I think that's the most comments I've EVER had on a post! Yay comments!! Anyways, I'm glad everyone liked my story! I'll post the next part this Friday! Hope ya can wait that long!!

1.) How many chickens does it take to rule the world?

2.) Name another character in either Bleach, Death Note, or both that you think should appear in the next part of Colonol Sanders Vs. Tokyo Pt. 2. Well, that wasn't really a question, but who cares? Now THAT was a question! LOL

3.) Has anyone ever played the game Yakuza? If you haven't, I recommend it. Unlees you don't like violence and profanity. Great game though.

4.) Why are my questions always random?

5.) Has anyone ever read Escaflowne? If you haven't, READ IT!! It's coolio!! ^__^

Well, hope ya have fun answering my questions! I'm sure I'll have fun reading them! Oh, and if you like, leave me questions when you comment, and I'll be happy to answer them!!

Check ya L8R!! ^__________________^

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Colonol Sanders Vs. Tokyo Pt. 1

Hi!!!!! Guess what? It's FRIDAY!!! Now I FINALLY get to unveil my story!!! I promise you it won't be anywhere NEAR as good as Lordsesshomaru's stories, but hopefully you'll like it anyways!! As I promised before, I'll still give you guys random questions, but that'll come after the story! Hope ya like it!!

Colonol Sanders: Yes!!! Soon we will rule the world!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Dr. Phil: Bwahahahahahahaha*cough, cough* haha.......a........ha......

For some reason, a dead silence fell over the ship. But then, a loud noise breaks the silence.... PFFFFFFFFTTTTT!!!!!

Sanders: Who the hell was that??
Dr. Phil, was that you??

Phil: N-no......... *looks around room awkwardly*

Sanders: DAMMIT!!!! Why did you do that?! Couldn't you at LEAST have gone into another room? Ah, god that's AWFUL!!!!

Phil: I-I...... didn't........ I-it just....... Look, it slipped out okay? Happy now?!

Sanders: Not...... Not really, no.

Phil: ..............

Sanders: How much longer?

Phil: Until what?


Phil: Right. I....I knew...... that.....

Sanders: How long?!

Phil: Right! Ummm..... Two and a half hours.

Sanders: Damn! Why can't we get there sooner? The chickens are getting restless!

Phil: I-I c-can activ-vate the Improbability Drive if you........ want. DON'T HURT ME!!! *cringes in fear*

Sanders: Th-*raises hand do smack Dr. Phil* ......... That's actually a good idea! What happens?

Phil: It's kinda like a warp drive. However, I can't say what we will be when we get there.

Sanders: What do you...... Oh never mind!!! Hit it!!!

Dr. Phil activates the Improbability Drive. No one really knows what happens when you activate it. All they know is that you may be something else when you arrive at your destination. Just then, the ship starts changing shapes rapidly, then disappears! Only to reappear just outside of Tokyo. In the shape of a potato.

Crowd: OMG!!! IT'S A GIANT

Back in the ship.....

Sanders: $@!%& @*^% #$!!%@?

Phil: What?

Sanders: Pleh! I said what just happened?

Phil: Oh, right. Tha-that was the Improbability Drive. Sir. Colonol.

Sanders: Enough already!

Phil: Right! But do you see now? I told you we'd become a random item!

Sanders: No you....... Oh nevermind! RELEASE THE CHICKENS!!!

Phil: Yippie!! I get to press the red button!!

Dr. Phil runs to a console in the back of the command center of the ship. He then proceeds to press a red botton labeled: 'CHICKEN RELEASE'. A door opens in the bottom of the ship, and a flock(?) of chickens pours out into the heart of Tokyo.


Meanwhile, somewhere in Tokyo.....

Rukia: Ichigo!! I just got a HUGE order from the Soul Society!

Ichigo: What's going on?

Rukia: I don't know, but whatever it is, it can't be good.

Ichigo: Right!

Rukia slides on her glove, and proceeds to shove Ichigo's soul out of his body.

Rukia: KON!! You must take over Ichigo's body until we get back!

Kon: Again? I don't like being in that nasty body!

Ichigo: Kon!! There's no time!! Get in there!!

Ruckia pops Kon out of his teddy bear body and shoves him down Ichigo's throat.

Kon: Ugh! Ew! Ew! Ew! Gross!! Wait, this means I get to see Orihime again!! Yippie!!

Ichigo: Dammit Kon!

Rukia: There's no time! We have to hurry!

Ichigo: Right!

Rukia and Ichigo race off to find out what's troubling Tokyo. Don't ask why they're in Tokyo. Business.

Meanwhile, in the Kanto region of Japan......

Light: What's going on?


Misa: Oh, hold me Light! *grins*

Light: Not now Misa! I have to find oout what's going on!!

Misa: Hmph!

L: Not good.

Light: What's happening L..... I mean Ryuuzaki?

L: It seems as if Colonol Sanders is Invading Tokyo as we speak. I feared this day would come.

Light: What do you mean?

L: Well......

To be continued!!!! Doncha just HATE when that happens?! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Welp, That's the first part of my story! Hope ya liked it, and hope ya continue to like the rest of the story once I post the other parts!!

I decided to post one and ONLY one question today:

1.) What did you think of my story?

And now, here are my answers to yesterdays questions:

1.) If you were going to take over the world, how would you do it?
A: I'd send subliminal messages through the all the tv's in the world. The message? Simply this: GRAVE13 RULES TH WORLD NOW!!! BEND TO HIS WILL!!

2.) If Dr. Phil tried to...how shall I say this... "help" you, what would you do?
A: I'd pull out a gun and bust a cap in his face.

3.) Why would ANYONE in their right mind wanna buy Kevin Federline's CD?
Cuz' they're retarded and if not, then they'll use it as a dart board. Don't ask.

4.) I'm gonna see a movie this weekend. What do you think I should see? Choices:
A.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Beginning
B.) Grudge 2
C.) The Marine
I'm gonna go see........ I dunno. Haven't decided. Thanks for all the suggestions though!

5.) If you could be in ANY anime, what would you be in?

6.) What character in that anime would you be?
A: Chad. He's awesome!!

Well, hope ya enjoyed my story and question!! I'll post the next part next Friday. That is IF anyone cares to read it. Thanks for all the comments yesterday!! And some of the answers to my questions were hilarious!! Thanks for making me laugh!! Okay, enough rambling!! I'll be on prolly all day tomorrow if anyone wants to talk!! L8RZ!!

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hi!! Guess what?? Only one more day 'till my story is unleashed upon this unsuspecting world!! YAY!!

Well, I've decided that every time I post, not only will I post a story, but I'll still post questions, and answer them as well!! YAY MORE QUESTIONS!!

Anyways, on to more important things. As you all may know, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts 2, and it TOTALLY KICKS ASS!!! I know you may already know this, but I'm bored, it's 11:15 at night, and it's not Friday so I can't post my story yet!! Oh well. Hopefully my story will be good. It's only the first part of a........ Well, it's not the only part of the story, let's just say that. It will have at least 3-4 parts. Depending on whether or not people ACTUALLY like it. Which, hopefully you will.

Now, RANDOM QUESTION TIME!!! Here we go:

1.) If you were going to take over the world, how would you do it?

2.) If Dr. Phil tried to...how shall I say this... "help" you, what would you do?

3.) Why would ANYONE in their right mind wanna buy Kevin Federline's CD?

4.) I'm gonna see a movie this weekend. What do you think I should see? Choices:
A.) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Beginning
B.) Grudge 2
C.) The Marine

5.) If you could be in ANY anime, what would you be in?

6.) What character in that anime would you be?

Okay. Enough questions! Now here are my answers to yesterdays questions:

1.)If you had an army, what kind of army would it be? Zombies, radioactive racoons, giant fire-breathing chickens? What?

2.) What's your favorite video game?

3.) Who's worse: Dr. Phil or Colonol Sanders?

4.) Why does Christina Aguilera look like a hooker from the 50's?

5.) What do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?


1.) Zombies of course!

2.) Kingdom Hearts 2 and MGS 3: Subsistance.

3.) Dr. Phil by far!!

4.) I agree with lordsesshomaru, solidsnake91, and moonshine7...She IS a hooker from the 50's!!

5.) A ROYALE with cheese!! Cuz' they... got the... metric system..... Yeah.

Welp, That's all for my post today! Hope you had fun reading all my ramblings and answering my questions! And don't forget: Tomorrow is the unveiling of my story! Yay!!

L8RZ!! ^-^

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Only two more days! Then you all get to read my story!! But 'till then, more random questions for you!!

1.)If you had an army, what kind of army would it be? Zombies, radioactive racoons, giant fire-breathing chickens? What?

2.) What's your favorite video game?

3.) Who's worse: Dr. Phil or Colonol Sanders?

4.) Why does Christina Aguilera look like a hooker from the 50's?

5.) What do they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France?

There ya go. Have fun with the questions. Two more days. And now, Here are my answers from yesterdays questions:

1.) If you could live ANYWHERE, where would you live?
2.) What kind of weapon would you use to defeat Colonol Sanders?
3.) Would you attack him on your own, or with help?
4.) Does Dr. Phil ever REALLY help anyone??!!
5.) Does anyone like answering these questions? Cuz' I like reading the answers I get from you! ^-^

1.) Castle.
2.) Radioactive zombies. Or my Blade of Death.
3.) Ummmm, I have zombies, remember?
4.) I don't think so.
5.) I like posting the questions, and glad people like answering them! ^-^

Welp, enough taken-up time. For now. I will take up more of your time tomorrow with more useless(or so you think) questions and answers. L8RZ!! ^-^

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hello! Guess what? Only three more days 'till my story!! YAY!! I'm working on it, and it SHOULD be finished by Friday!!

Now, on to some more random crap 'till Friday! Here are some more questions!

1.) If you could live ANYWHERE, where would you live?
2.) What kind of weapon would you use to defeat Colonol Sanders?
3.) Would you attack him on your own, or with help?
4.) Does Dr. Phil ever REALLY help anyone??!!
5.) Does anyone like answering these questions? Cuz' I like reading the answers I get from you! ^-^

Well, thanks for all you guy's suggestions!! I'll try to throw it all together in my story Friday! Welp, I think I've taken up enough of your time that could've been spent ndoing something constructive, like ambushing Colonol Sanders army of giant fire-breathing chickens. Or playing video games. Or, well, you get the idea. L8RZ!! ^-^

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Hi everyone!! Sorry I couldn't visit all of your sites this weekend, but I'll get to them today!!

As for the story? I've decided.......To post them!! Yay! BUT, I'm......not....prepared.....for this...... I should've thought of a story before I went off ranting about posting one. IDIOT! Okay, well, since my mind has gone blank, I'll wait 'till I think of a story, then once I think of a funny one I'll post it! However, I think I'll take a vote on this too. Here are your choices:

1.)Death Note
3.)Colonol Sanders
5.)Dr. Phil (don't ask)

Well, there are your choices! Have fun choosing! Oh, and one more thing, if you choose Colonol Sanders or Dr. Phil, Choose an anime as well. That way I can at least add a funny storyline to it! And if there's an anime you would like me to post a story about that's not on the list, PM me with the suggestion or leave it in the comment box, kay?!

Well, sorry again for not getting to anyone's site this weekend, but I'll check them out today, kay?! TTYL ^-^

Oh, and here are my answers from Friday:

1.)Have my skull crushed by Triple H doing a Pedigree on me while Shawn Michaels does the DX chop in the background. J/K. I'd take a chainsaw to the face. Don't ask. I like chainsaws.
2.)I would.....run away and scream like a little girl? HELL NO!! I'd use my Sword of Darkness to vanquish my foe then cook him in eternal Hellfire!! Well, okay, that was a little exaggerated. I'd really just cut his head off and fry him in....... Well, you get the idea.
3.)Rock, Metal, Classic Rock, anything that's good. I hate jazz, country, R&B, hip hop, rap, and anything that's NOT rock or metal.
4.)Death Note. They're actually coming out with a Death Note movie, but I think it's only in Jap-town. Oh well. It'll come here soon enough.
5.)Dr. Phil, Edge(wrestler, not you Knights Edge. COMPLETELY different guy.), King Booker, and many other people. Well, okay, not TAHT many, but, a few.

L8RZ!! ^-^

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