I've been on a mass downloading spree. So far I've downloaded 6 Dethklok songs: Metalocalypse, Hatredy, Duncan Hills Coffee, Awaken Mustakrakish, Mermaid-er, and Mechanic God Creation, as well as Free Bird and Sweet Home Alabama by Lynard Skynard, and finally, Trogdor by Strong Bad from Homestarrunner.com's Strong Bad Emails. That's already 9 songs!! And that's not including the songs I have yet to download, such as Go Forth And Die, Deth Metal Lulliby, and several other Dethklok songs, and also some Blind Guardian songs. Legacyof had a Blind Guardian song on his site for a while, and that made me wanna buy an album, but I spent my money on a new hoodie, so I'll just download a couple until I get the money to actually buy a Blind Guardian cd. Well, that's about it for my fun-filled day of..... fun. So let's see if there are any questions for me today.
I have only two questions today, both from Knights Edge. His first question says "During the battle with Aroth in the buring castle in chapter three, what was Aroths main weapon of choice?" Ummmm....... It's been a while since I've had a chance to read your story, so I kinda can't remember at the moment, but I guess I'll spitball it: a sword? Hope I got it right..... Anyways, his next and final question for today says, "Did Edge take part in the raid of Troy in chapter five?" This brings me back to my earlier staement: I need to re-read your story, since it's been a while. And, I think I might've missed chapter five..... Oh yeah, I meant to ask you Edge, did you email me your story yet? I haven't had a chance to check my email, so I gotta do that when I get the chance. ^^' Wait, I found one more question, and it's from RikuisHOT, and she asks "I actually didnt know there was another house of wax movie...when was it made/released?" It was released in the mid-late 50s, and as I've said before, it starred Vincent Price. ^_^
Holy crap I posted a lot of crap yesterday in my discussion area.... ^^' Anyways, the first discussion is from lordsesshomaru, and he says, "I keep hearing about Death Note. Everywhere I go... except for my site since I've never seen or read it. That makes sense then... *rubs chin*" Well, it's probably because Death Note has become popular as of late. ^^ Well, I think it's been popular since last year, but that's not the point. Lol. And I agree, that would make sense... *rubs chin also* The next discussion is from Knights Edge, and he says "Well...I can't say I'll read that manga, but I do have one that you might enjoy and it's called "Rebirth" it is my favorite manga of all time, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it as well." Hmmm..... *scratches head* I think I've heard of Rebirth before, I just haven't had a chance to read it yet. What's it about? Next one's from him as well, "I know, I used questions to see if you have been paying attention to my story, but hey at least they're questions right?" It doesn't matter what the question involves, as long as it's a question. And, of course, me, like an idiot, couldn't answer them correctly, as I haven't read the story in a while. I'll read it all over again from the beginning once I check my email. This one is from ai.Luf.U, "I need to find a froggin' scrollbox!!!! [searches everywhere]" If you want a scrollbox, I'd suggest checking out one of these two sites: http://www.freewebs.com/yokobandit/codestohelpyourotaku.htm, or http://www.freewebs.com/theshishou/HTML%20help%2C%20codes%2C%20and%20tips.html. And if you don't wanna do that, ask myself or someone else that has one. I'm sure anyone'll be glad to help ya! ^^ And the last is from funpunkrockkid, "Unless I am mistaken, I am the person being referred to as "another hooked on DeathNote"." Well, you are indeed one of those I was referring to, but I've gotten at least 2 or 3 other people hooked on it since you started reading it. ^_^
There will only be one Random Question from now on unless otherwise specified.
1.) Are there any bands anyone would like me to check out?
Me - Nope. Well, maybe I should buy a Blind Guardian cd.