Hmmm... Yesterday was okay I suppose. I still didn't get to ask her out though... Oh, right, almost no one knows what I'm talking about. ^^' Well, there was this girl in my third period class last quarter named Melissa that I've liked for quite some time now. She just recently started talking to me though. Anywho, I've been wanting to ask her out for sometime, but it seems like every time I wanna ask her, I just can't seem to ask. It's almost as if something's holding me back or something... Well, Elkins took us outside 'cuz Wednesday was our last day in that class, which also meant my last day to see her. Well, I was just about to ask her out when Elkins asked me to help him with the softball field. >< It pissed me off sooooo bad, but had another chance to ask her. I usually see her out at the buses as we're about to leave, so I waited for her and I didn't see her walk by. Well, that sucked even worse, and I didn't see her yesterday either, which made this week suck even harder.... -_-' I guess it's kinda my fault for waiting so long to ask her, but I'm one of those people that has to find out if the girl likes me or not before I ask her out. However, I had several chances after I learned that she did like me, but for some reason I couldn't do it... And I loved you guys' answers to my question yesterday!! I gotta start asking questions like that more often!! XD
Well, my life might suck but at least I'm not alone. Life for Christian Cage and A.J. Styles just got crappy. Next week on TNA, they have a two-on-two tag match against two people I never thought would team up: Sting and Abyss. Sting and Abyss have had somewhat of a difficult past few months since Sting revealed Abyss' secret he kept inside for so long. Well, now Kurt Angle and Cage have to form teams of five memebers each, and they have to choose their own partners. Well, so far the only guy dumb enough to help Christian Cage is A.J. Styles. But on Kurt Angle's team he has Samoa Joe so far, and I have a feeling Rhino will be added to that team, which means that Angle has a team of 2-3 so far, and Cage has only two, including himself. I have a strong feeling that Cage's team will have their asses handed to them at the next upcoming TNA Pay-Per-View, which I can't remember the name of.. ^^'
And the first question today is from Jonny Rainbow, "OH and by the way,what did coburn do,wat did he interupt you from doin?'" Not Coburn, Elkins. I already cleared that up with ya, so no worries. ^^
Today's first discussion is from none other than lodsesshomaru!! Lol, anywho, he said "I like those call letters they use. It's always K-something. Like KMOX or KTTR. Imagine a rap station using KRAP... oh the hilarity of it all..." Yeah, I always liked hearing them announce the name of the radio station too, like 106.3 THE WEAZ!! THE WEAZ!! THE WEAZ!! Lol. They usually used lower and higher toned voices for it, so I thought it was kinda funny yet cool at the same time. ^^ Next one's from Legacyof, "I know what you mean dude, GH2 is a drug, but its to damn good to give stop.
"Free Bird!"" Exactly my point!! I gotta get the first one though, 'cuz I've played every song on GH2 sooo many times I can practically play with my eyes closed. Lol. And Free Bird is one of my favorite songs on there, but I gotta say that my favorite has to be either 'Collide" by Anarchy Club, or 'Arterial Black' by Drist. This next one os from Hoaryu, "No idea what PE2 is, so yeah >_>" All it is is weight training pretty much. All we do, from what I've been told, is either lift weights, walk the track, or play football. Or, if we wanna, just sit on the bleachers and talk. ^^ This one's from moonshine7, "the only cool thing about it is that i get my own radio station.... that is kinda cool i guess.... but being called "the weaz" certainly isn't! i prefer coffee bean magee.." But you are Coffe Bean Magee!! Didn't you read the poster? It's 106.3 THE WEAZ with Coffee Bean Magee and Gelgamar in the mornings!! :P And the last one os from Edge, "Well I think I'd just walk away, because I'm sure they'd be too busy breakdancing to even know I walked away." You wouldn't breakdance with 'em? C'mon, ya know ya wanna!! :P
There will only be one Random Question from now on unless otherwise specified.
1.) If you had a taco for every time you cursed a squirrel, how many tacos would you have?
Me- I dunno. Squirrels don't tend to bother me much. Unless you count all the times bands of ninja squirrels jumped me and stole my wallet.... In which case, I'd be a rich man. If tacos were money that is. :P